• 17世纪时,文艺复兴的思想已经传遍整个欧洲大地,那些具有逻辑情怀的人士中间艺术科学蓬勃发展。

    Renaissance ideas had spread throughout Europe well into the 17th century, with the arts and sciences flourishing extraordinarily among those with a more logical disposition.


  • 当地人中间提供资料地理科学具有潜在的重要性

    The information provided by locals and intermediaries was of potential importance to geographical science.


  • 很多公众问题上,提议采取一条位于对科学进步信仰朴素过去怀旧之间中间路线

    On many big public questions, he proposes a middle course between faith in scientific progress and nostalgia for a simpler past.


  • 不过达尔文不仅仅一个古雅维多利亚时代历史人物远远不是,半身雕像应该安放在伟人祠,站在其他科学巨人中间

    But Darwin is so much more than just a quaint, Victorian historical figure whose bust in the pantheon deserves a place among those of other scientific greats.


  • 准确拿到西姆斯希望得到的东西,取样者必须同时具备攀岩技巧相关的科学知识这些研究者中间不多合适人选之一。

    Yet he also understood that he was one of only a few people with both the climbing skills and scientific knowledge to get exactly what he wanted.


  • 美国阅读科学科目一次排在中间数学低于国际平均水平

    The United States was, once again, in the middle of the pack in reading and science and a bit below the international average in math.


  • 社会科学中间立场近来称为“社会生物学”,它认为我们至少学习了一些生物需要和进化为基础特有文化行为

    The social science middle-ground, lately known as sociobiology, claims that we learn at least some specific cultural behaviors on the basis of biological need and evolution.


  • 对于EDC争论陷入争议全球变暖的争论一样,环保主义者站公司站在一方,科学中间

    The debate over EDCs is mired in controversy, akin to the debate over global warming, with environmentalists on one side, big business on the other, and scientists caught in the middle.


  • 科学家们如果鸟类已经繁殖的话,他们早已发现遗传学上的“中间类型”——即来自这两个物种基因的麻雀。

    If the birds had been breeding, the scientists say that they would have found genetic "intermediates" - birds with genes from both species.


  • 韩国科学提出一条中间道路”,希望能解决这个问题。

    South Korean scientists are proposing a "middle of the road" solution.


  • 文学家科学中间霍金推论不仅耸人听闻甚至有些适得其反。

    Among many astronomers and scientists, however, Hawking's conclusion seems sensational and counterproductive.


  • 来自纽约芝加哥大学康奈尔大学科学这种情况定义为“中间配偶”。

    The scientists, from the Universities of Chicago and Cornell, in New York, have labelled the problem "partner betweenness"。


  • 今天虽然已故的伽利略继续许多通俗读物中但在科学史家中间一个新的更加复杂的伽利略形象出现了

    Today, although the old Galileo lives on in many popular writings, among historians of science a new and more sophisticated picture has emerged.


  • 两位美国科学最新研究表明雷暴冰雹这样天气往往发生一周中间时段,太可能发生在周末至少夏天如此

    But new research by two American scientists has found that bad weather - or at least thunderstorms and hail - does seem to happen midweek far more often than it does at weekends, at least in summer.


  • 两位美国科学最新研究表明雷暴冰雹这样天气往往发生一周中间时段,太可能发生在周末至少夏天如此

    Butt new research by two American scientists has found that bad weather - or at least thunderstorms and hail - does seem to happen midweek far more often than it does at weekends, at least in summer.


  • 科学家研究表明,阳光明媚晴天里坐在办公室靠窗口位置的坐在靠灯光照明中间位置的员工工作起来更有活力。

    Sitting next to the office window on a sunny day can help double an individual's alertness compared to those stuck in the middle of a room under artificial lights, according to scientists.


  • 长期以来那些从事文学翻译中国学者中间存在着一种争论翻译科学还是艺术

    It has been a long-debated issue whether translation is a science or an art, especially among Chinese scholars who are engaged in the study of the translating of literary works.


  • 科学方法实现知识转化能力中间桥梁

    Scientific method is a bridge for the transformation from knowledge into ability.


  • 位于波士顿主要卫星城剑桥中间科学公园内则有科学博物馆

    Science Park, situated midway between Boston and its major satellite city, Cambridge, offers the Museum of Science.


  • 银幕上搜索旋涡有趣的,但是科学注意中间尺寸的漩涡,为的是深入地了解湍流

    Looking for small eddies in films may be fun, but scientists look to intermediate-sized eddies for a deeper understanding of turbulence.


  • 美术教室中间左边科学教室右边老师办公室3第二层老师办公室、卫生间书法教室、舞蹈教室。

    The art room in, left side is the scientific classroom, right side is teacher the office. 3 second has teacher the office, the bathroom, the calligraphy classroom, to dance the classroom.


  • 这些文章中间彼此引用论文为一类,各类文献研究热点继续被缩小那些中国科学做出主要贡献的论文。

    Papers citing each other were grouped together and these groups of papers - or 'Research Fronts' - were further narrowed down to those dominated by contributions from Chinese scientists.


  • 人工神经网络崭新信息处理科学可以说是从常规的信息处理到实现电子人脑的一种中间过渡。

    Artificial Neural Network(ANN) is a new science of information processing. It acts as a transition from conventional information processing to human brain.


  • 然后指导中间桌子上拿走本书——一群“科学坐在桌边寻找钱学森背叛泄密证据

    I was then instructed to remove a book from the center table, where a group of "scientists" were looking for evidence of Qian's betrayals.


  • 但是必须理解,你一旦毕业,你人人都博士学问的科学中间工作

    However, you should understand that once you graduate, you will work among a group of scientists who each hold a Ph.


  • 但是必须理解,你一旦毕业,你人人都博士学问的科学中间工作

    However, you should understand that once you graduate, you will work among a group of scientists who each hold a Ph.


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