• 反,她知道在开始、中间和结尾发生了什么。

    Instead, she learns what happens at the beginning, middle, and end.


  • 计划开头中间结尾部分

    Plan a beginning, middle and end.


  • 使用S3进行所有结果数据(包括中间最终数据)分布式存储

    It USES S3 as the distributed data store for all results (both intermediate and final).


  • 其他调整包括新的中间一个高性能排气系统催化剂

    Other adjustments include a new intercooler and a high performance exhaust system with racing catalysts.


  • 中间右侧罐子黑白条纹属于金环蛇属不同眼镜蛇亲戚

    The banded black and white snakes in the middle and right jars are species of krait or Bungarus, a relative of the cobra.


  • 故事只不过信息调度者,他将故事元素合理安排开头中间结尾

    Storytellers are simply curators of information who finesse the elements of a yarn into a beginning, middle and end.


  • 不过,麻雀歌声开头部分保持不变中间结尾部分随着时间而改变

    While introductory notes of the sparrow's song stayed the same, the middle and end parts changed over time.


  • 脸颊鼻子中间前额一点高光粉,拉长脸型,使你整个身体看起来更

    Add a touch of light highlighter to the tops of your cheek bones, the center of your nose, and your forehead.


  • 尤其通过中间侧面前额皮质大脑活动研究者判断志愿者做数学题时是决定两个数字相加还是相减

    Specifically, the researchers determined whether a volunteer decided to add or subtract two numbers in a math exercise from patterns of brain activity in the medial and lateral prefrontal cortex.


  • 或者随机或者词组,然后在其开始中间结尾加上字母数字比如,“sPo0kyh@ll0w3En”。

    Or you could pick a random word or phrase and insert letters and numbers into the beginning, middle and end, such as “sPo0kyh@ll0w3En”.


  • 黛安娜中间坐下

    I sat down between Jo and Diana.


  • 我们地方大致这里海滨中间

    We live roughly halfway between here and the coast.


  • 我们早在言论自由保护青年之间找到一个中间点,大家就越

    The sooner we find a middle ground between freedom of speech and protection of the young, the better for everyone.


  • 认为每个人都责任年轻人中间保存发展中国传统文化。”

    "I think it's everyone's duty to save and develop China's traditional culture among young people," he says.


  • 油桃、杏子芒果中间一个果核

    Nectarine, apricot, and mango have a large pit in the middle.


  • 入口处个浅浮雕,描绘了一只鹿、一只孔雀其他一些鸟类中间是一名骑手正在攻击狮子

    The entrance is crowned with a bas-relief depicting a deer, peacock, some other birds and a rider in the middle who strikes the lion.


  • 17世纪时,文艺复兴的思想已经传遍整个欧洲大地,那些具有逻辑情怀的人士中间艺术科学蓬勃发展。

    Renaissance ideas had spread throughout Europe well into the 17th century, with the arts and sciences flourishing extraordinarily among those with a more logical disposition.


  • 两只手食指大拇指分别捏牙线一端,中间留出英寸长(2.5厘米) 。

    Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers, with about an inch (2.5 cm) of floss between them.


  • 带正电荷粒子集中云团顶部底部中间区域形成的是带负电荷的粒子。

    Concentrations of positively charged particles develop at the top and bottom of the cloud, but the middle region becomes negatively charged.


  • 近年来,许多中型城市开始采取中间路线,大城市兴奋机遇城市午夜的宁静结合起来。

    In recent years, many mid-sized cities have begun to adopt a middle-of-the-road approach incorporating the excitement and opportunity of large cities with small cities' quiet after midnight.


  • 弗雷斯诺位于接进洛杉矶旧金山中间

    Fresno is close to the midway point between LA and San Francisco.


  • 大约位于伦敦里斯托尔的中间

    It's about halfway between London and Bristol.


  • 金融机构充当贷方借方中间

    Financial institutions act as intermediaries between lenders and borrowers.


  • 这家小店咖啡店一个面包房夹在中间

    It was a small shop sandwiched between a coffee shop on one side and a bakery on the other.


  • 桌子中间

    She was squashed between the door and the table.


  • 该剧定位于少年青春期之间危险中间年龄段。

    The play is set in the dangerous no-man's land between youth and adolescence.


  • 虽然可可种子不是款苏打水一种原料但他们根据种子形状中间部分比较大特点设计了瓶子

    Though cocoa seed is not an ingredient of the soda, they designed their bottle based on the seed's shape and large middle.


  • 中间道路美国欧洲进行对比两个国家在意识形态上都自己方式走上极端。

    Contrast this middle path with America and Europe, which have each gone ideologically overboard in their own ways.


  • 海蒂他们中间因为喜欢他们跳跃玩耍

    Heidi ran into their midst, for she loved to see them leaping and playing about.


  • 海蒂他们中间因为喜欢他们跳跃玩耍

    Heidi ran into their midst, for she loved to see them leaping and playing about.


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