• 以色列古物管理局周二表示巨大风暴摧毁了以色列中部海岸的一处悬崖使得一尊罗马时期雕像发现

    A huge storm that collapsed part of a cliff on Israel's central coast led to the discovery of a statue dating back to the Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday.


  • 斯普利通往克罗地亚中部海岸岛屿的门户,是个值得一游的城市

    Split, the gateway to Croatia's central coast and islands, is a great town to arrive in.


  • 大多生活在大西洋中部海岸地区普通灰色鲨鱼行动迟缓偶尔渔民捕获

    Most common gray shark along coasts of middle Atlantic states; sluggish and occasionally caught by fishermen.


  • 热带风暴横扫中国南部岛屿并且越南中部海岸线移动中国越南疏散了数十万

    China and Vietnam have evacuated hundreds of thousands of people as a tropical storm swept over a southern Chinese island and pushed on toward the central Vietnamese coastline.


  • 采用优质木质帆船-枫叶冒险艇是驶进海湾沿着不列颠哥伦比亚省中部海岸,在各个岛屿之间航行

    Maple Leaf Adventures employs a classic wooden schooner to sail into the fjords and among the islands along the central coast of British Columbia.


  • 到了16世纪南美洲印加统治着一个帝国沿着太平洋海岸安第斯高地现在厄瓜多尔一直延伸智利中部

    By the sixteenth century, the Incas of South America ruled an empire that extended along the Pacific coast and Andean highlands from what is now Ecuador to central Chile.


  • 航天飞机海岸展览西海岸展览,中部没有展览。

    Three shuttle exhibits on the East Coast, one of the West Coast, and nothing in between.


  • 勒族人居住象牙海岸中部

    The Baule people inhabit the Central Ivory Coast.


  • 但是那些英格兰中部的人德国北部海岸弗利兰斯比较时,“中部英国弗利兰斯人的样本几乎相同的”。

    But when those from central England are compared with North Frisia, on the German North Sea coast, the "central English and Frisian samples [are] statistically indistinguishable".


  • 南美洲太平洋海岸沿线沙漠地图中部偏下方呈白色

    The desert lining the Pacific coast of South America is a bright white strip in the lower center of the globe.


  • 他们希望加纳中部西部海岸线复制这一计划

    They hope to replicate the program for Ghana's central and western coastline.


  • 加拿大五大地理。 分别是东部大西洋中部区、草原区、西海岸地区北部区。

    There are five geographic regions in Canada, Atlantic Division, central region, regiondessavanes, west coast region and northern.


  • 其中一个这样实验室位于非洲中部西海岸加蓬热带疾病研究中心。

    One such laboratory is the Tropical Diseases Research Unit at Lambaréné in Gabon on the west coast of central Africa.


  • 爱尔兰中部往往那些都柏林赶到高威西海岸其他地区忽视,块神奇土地,环形堡垒中世纪城堡在这里星罗棋布

    The Irish Midlands are often overlooked by people rushing from Dublin to Galway or other parts of the west coast, but it's a magical land dotted with ringforts and medieval castles.


  • 美国西海岸中部位于阿巴拉契亚山脚下几个州执法人员报告这一趋势

    Law enforcers on the west coast of the US and in the middle states straddled by the foothills of the Appalachian mountains are reporting a common trend.


  • 相比之下,美国的电价平均11美分大西洋海岸中部城市集中区,电价为15美分。

    That compares to a national average of 11 cents in the United States and 15 cents in the heavily urban mid-Atlantic region.


  • 鲑莓原产于北美洲西海岸——沿海岸中部穿过阿拉斯加州一路延伸利福·尼亚州。

    Salmonberrys are native to the west coast of North America, stretching from midway through Alaska, all the way down to California. They are found in moist forests and create dense thickets.


  • 购房者中许多人采用预付款方式,其要购买的的房产位于迪拜海岸附近人工岛而这些房屋能否完工,目前不清楚。

    Many provided money upfront for properties, some of them to be developed on artificial islands off Dubai's coast, whose viability is unclear.


  • 印度环境部门下令拆除孟买中部奢华地区公寓因为建筑违反了海岸保护法

    India's environment ministry has ordered the demolition of an apartment building in an exclusive part of central Mumbai because it violates coastal protection laws.


  • 美国中部加勒比海岸

    Central America's Caribbean coast.


  • 广阔西海岸**党的大本营美国中部大部分地区相比,这里明显**开明种族多元

    The broader west coast is a stronghold for the Democrats, and significantly more politically progressive and racially diverse than large swathes of central US.


  • 马里兰州美国海岸中部较小

    It is a small state in the middle part on the eastern coast of US.


  • 这个板块北美西海岸一直延伸大西洋中部

    This plate extends from the west coast of North America to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 美国夏威夷中部岛屿位于瓦胡岛毛伊岛之间比利时教士达米安8'0北部海岸建立麻风病患者聚居者。

    An island of central Hawaii between Oahu and Maui. The Belgian missionary Father Damien established a leper colony on the northern coast in 8 '0.


  • 这些区域位于芬兰海岸沿线芬兰海湾中部至波尼亚北部

    These areas are situated around the Finnish coast from Mid-part of Gulf of Finland up to the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia.


  • 这个大陆的位置众说纷纭——如果确实存在的话:有些人认为它靠近古巴,或者沿着沃尔海岸接近直布罗陀,亦大西洋中部

    Debate rages over where it might lie, if it existed at all: some say it is near Cuba, off the coast of Cornwall, near Gibraltar or in the middle of the Atlantic.


  • 爱尔兰中部往往那些都柏林赶到高威西海岸其他地区忽视,块神奇土地环形堡垒中世纪城堡在这里星罗棋布

    The Irish Midlands are often overlooked by people rushing from Dublin to Galway or other parts of the west coast, but it's a magical land dotted with ring forts and medieval castles.


  • 爱尔兰中部往往那些都柏林赶到高威西海岸其他地区忽视,块神奇土地环形堡垒中世纪城堡在这里星罗棋布

    The Irish Midlands are often overlooked by people rushing from Dublin to Galway or other parts of the west coast, but it's a magical land dotted with ring forts and medieval castles.


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