• 飘散逝去曾经懵懂年华童真般灿烂的笑容不在

    Drift in the passing away was ignorant of Love, innocence like smile no longer.


  • 半个月亮视线中逝去光亮下看到梦想

    A half moon fading from my sight, I see your vision in its light.


  • 半个月亮视线中逝去光亮下看到梦想现在离去,如此孤单

    A half moon fading from my sight, I see your vision in its light. But now, it's gone and left me so alone.


  • 生命依恋过去种种或是寄望未来中逝去。如果你每个当下,生命每一天

    Don 't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.


  • 生命依恋过去种种或是寄望未来中逝去。如果你每个当下,生命每一天

    Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live ALL the days of your life.


  • 每次见到博拉的时候,克莱夫都会一边,在她咯咯的笑声:“黛博拉可爱吗”,但随着黛博拉走开光芒克莱夫蓝色双眼中逝去了。

    "Isn't she lovely?" he asks, kissing Deborah's hands as she giggles. Minutes later, when Deborah steps away, the light goes out of Clive's blue eyes.


  • 真正珍惜过去不会悲叹旧日美好时光的逝去因为记忆的时光永不流失

    Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days, because days enshrined in memory are never lost.


  • 哈佛大学社会学家研究表明,这些年长的伴侣男性22%会在配偶死亡不久逝去的,女性是17%。

    Among elderly couples, according to Harvard University sociologists, men are 22 percent more likely to die shortly after the death of a spouse, compared with 17 percent for women.


  • 适时地表达爱情不仅换回逝去温情,而且还是生活的调味剂,一天都沉浸期盼和喜悦

    Expressing love moderately can not only recall the past romance, but also spice life tastefully, making every day filled with expectation and happiness.


  • 有关掉头发掉牙女性的梦境普遍这可能预示着容颜逝去焦虑

    Dreams about hair and tooth loss are also more common in women - perhaps signifying anxieties about losing their looks.


  • 黑色羊绒轻便大衣那时小伙子们很流行,买新的好几百美元一件质地更好一些,还带有一种逝去年代古典美。

    Dark, woolen topcoats were popular just then with teenage boys, but could cost several hundred dollars new. This coat was even better, bearing that touch of classic elegance from a bygone era.


  • 茉莉·皮科克配图传记那些画作逝去时光黑暗一跃而出,脉动生命的气息。

    In Molly Peacock's illustrated biography, the results leap out of the darkness of the past, pulsating with life.


  • 上周日公布此项调查刚刚逝去的迈克尔·杰克逊首歌曲上榜,分别是排名第26位的《颤栗者》排名第41位的《比利•金》。

    The recently deceased Michael Jackson had two entries with Thriller at 26 and Billie Jean at 41 in the survey released on Sunday.


  • 天文学家在搜索天空黑洞时候发现颗星星,它不是砰然一声的爆发熄灭自己,而是在一阵“呜咽”声渐渐逝去

    Astronomers searching the skies for black holes discovered a star that was going out with a whimper rather than a bang.


  • 一百万来份工作随着黄金时代逝去不复返后,现在鲁尔区又清洁工业找回失去的那些工作。

    Nearly a million jobs have gone since the heyday of coal and steel in the 1950s, but the Ruhr is clawing them back in cleaner businesses.


  • 截至上周日下午2此次灾难证实死亡人数升至32476人。数字可能超过50000人,因为仍旧废墟的众多生命逝去

    The confirmed death toll from the disaster has risen to 32,476 by 2:00 PM Sunday, and the toll would possibly rise to more than 50,000 as many, still buried in rubbles, are feared dead.


  • 截至上周日下午2此次灾难证实死亡人数升至32476人。数字可能超过50000人,因为仍旧废墟的众多生命逝去

    The confirmed death toll from the disaster has risen to 32, 476 by 2:00 PM Sunday, and the toll would possibly rise to more than 50, 000 as many, still buried in rubbles, are feared dead.


  • 这部电影仅仅逝去白人至上年代的歌咏,并且观众们不管是有意识还是无意识的,都参与进了这种幻觉

    The film only functions as an ode to a lost era of white supremacy , and its viewers, consciously or unconsciously, participate in the delusion.


  • 这部电影仅仅逝去白人至上年代的歌咏,并且观众们不管是有意识还是无意识的,都参与进了这种幻觉

    The film only functions as an ode to a lost era of white supremacy, and its viewers, consciously or unconsciously, participate in the delusion.


  • 恐怖袭击纪念日当天逝去生命建造纪念碑零地(“911恐怖袭击”倒塌的世界贸易遗址)上矗立新的世贸大厦尽快继续建造。

    On the anniversary of the attacks a memorial to those killed will be dedicated at Ground Zero while work on the new One World Trade Centre tower continues apace.


  • 黑色羊绒轻便大衣那时小伙子很流行,买新的好几百美元一件质地更好一些,还带有一种逝去年代古典美。

    topcoats were popular just then with teenage boys, but could cost several hundred dollars new. This coat was even better, bearing that touch of classic elegance from a bygone era.


  • 那些逝去尘世繁荣带到世界

    I carry in my world that flourishes the world that have failed.


  • 走出房间冬天寒冷并未逝去空气总是着雨珠,整个世界笼罩浓浓的雾气

    I walked out of the room, the winter has not gone cold, the air is always floating, the world shrouded in thick mist.


  • 那些逝去的尘世繁荣带到世界

    I carry in my world that flourishes the worlds that have failed.


  • 恒星与恒星之间,有些新星尘埃诞生,一些自然形成,一些是人类制造的,它们逝去

    New stars had been built of the dust between the stars, some by natural processes, some by Man himself, and those were going, too.


  • 如果一个灵魂是服务自我可能会逝去生命看作更好份额并且害怕放在残疾躯体或者未来化身受到奴役

    If a Service-to-Self soul, they may view the life they are losing as one of their better stints, and fear being placed into a crippled body, or one enslaved by others in a future incarnation.


  • 如果一个灵魂是服务自我可能会逝去生命看作更好份额并且害怕放在残疾躯体或者未来化身受到奴役

    If a Service-to-Self soul, they may view the life they are losing as one of their better stints, and fear being placed into a crippled body, or one enslaved by others in a future incarnation.


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