• 丽塔·达夫诗歌中探索主题普遍的,包含了很多人类处境偶尔涉及种族问题

    The themes that Rita Dove explores in her poetry is universal, encompassing much of the human condition while occasionally she deals with racial issues.


  • 电视辩论中,怀特提出质疑时,微笑贝琪已经做测试和他的竞选经理达雷尔.格拉斯科克应该去做个测试。

    When White hit me on television with his challenge, I smiled and said Betsey and I had already taken a test and he and his campaign manager, Darrell Glascock, should follow suit.


  • 尽管二氧化硫没有纳入到此项法规,但是由于控制氯化氢技术去除二氧化硫,因此二氧化硫的排放量下降90%。

    Although not covered by the rules, sulfur dioxide also could drop up to 90 percent because it would be filtered out by the same technology that controls hydrochloric acid.


  • 马士基航运公司全球最大的集装箱运输公司,计划购入更多至少与其旗舰吨位相当的巨轮。 达飞航运(CMACGM来自法国,订购的艘货轮建造中

    Maersk Line, the biggest container-shipping company, is planning more vessels at least as big as its flagship, and CMA CGM, a French company, has eight under construction.


  • 佛罗里达房地产业繁荣历史次贷危机中房地产业不甘落后。

    Florida, with a long history of property booms, played its full part in the subprime excesses.


  • 正午宇宙》中的故事发生22世纪《阿达》是,这一点,批评人士注意到了

    The Noon Universe takes place in the 22nd century. So does Avatar, critics have noticed.


  • 我们参加不同信仰之间对话举行市民大会、圆桌会议听取意见的会议,世界各地的参与者数千包括你们中的许多人

    We've joined interfaith dialogues and held town halls, roundtables and listening sessions with thousands of people around the world, including many of you.


  • 罗斯·佩里达地区不在范围之内,个本周发生的看似不相关事件中持枪分子这里的一所学校里绑架了65名学生一名老师

    Nor is the area around Prosperidad, where, in a seemingly unrelated incident, gunmen this week abducted 65 students and a teacher from a school.


  • 英飞凌的无线单元业务三星电子(Samsung Electronics)公司GalaxyS手机制造芯片,在第三季度财政报表销售额达 3.46 亿欧元,较去年上升 38%。

    The Infineon unit, which also makes chips for Samsung Electronics Co.’s Galaxy S phone, had sales of 346 million euros in the fiscal third quarter, a 38 percent increase from a year earlier.


  • 凯业必达网(CareerBuilder)加入了节日的庆祝超过4300名美国劳动人民,对“什么他们认为担惊受怕的工作”进行了调查

    CareerBuilder has joined in the festivities, surveying more than 4, 300 U.S. workers about what they consider the scariest jobs.


  • 法国帮助印度构建Astra空对空视距导弹系统,与此同时法国达索公司正在竞争印度100亿美元的126中型多用途作战飞机购买合同

    France is helping India build the Astra air-to-air beyond-visual-range missile, while Dassault is vying for India’s $10 billion purchase of 126 medium multirole combat aircraft.


  • 有着大量将漫画改编电影的经验的制作人布鲁斯·蒂姆(Bruce Timm)、编剧韦恩·麦克达菲(DwayneMcDuffie导演山姆·(Sam Liu)全明星超人》的灵魂和心灵深入地带入电影世界中作出了很大贡献。

    Veteran comics-to-film producer Bruce Timm, screenwriter Dwayne McDuffie and director Sam Liu also deserve credit for bringing All-Star Superman’s deep brain and heart to cinematic life.


  • 明尼苏达模式成功应用显示出了建构主义尤其是认知学徒物理教学中的作用

    Its function in physics problem-solving instruction has been appeared after the successful application of "Minnesota Model for Large Introductory Courses".


  • 一文中万达人才战略进行剖析不少地产同行反馈表示白银时代,人才对企业重要程度日益凸显

    After the analysis of Wanda's talent strategy, a lot of real estate counterparts are also feedback, said in the silver age, the importance of talent to enterprises increasingly prominent.


  • 作为中国事业部总裁非常自豪,展阳生产线中的一部分设备立达常州组装生产的。

    In my function as the president of Rieter Textile Systems China I am also proud that some products of the installation have been delivered out of our manufacturing facility in Changzhou.


  • 混战中亚历山大侍衞杀了几个波斯贵族亚历山大一个斯庇特里达的波斯贵族斧头劈得晕头转向

    In the melee, several Persian nobles were killed by Alexander himself or his bodyguards, but Alexander was stunned by an axe blow from a Persian nobleman named Spithridates.


  • 达尼公园设计过程中,充分利用这些特质显得至关重要。

    To take advantage of such qualities was crucial in the design process of the Dania Park.


  • 这是约雅达儿子贝纳雅,因此,他三十勇士中出了

    Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, did these things and won a name beside the thirty warriors.


  • 人口密集地方包括医院小型医院以及高度易感人群中,发病率40 - 50%罕见

    Attack rates of 40 to 50% are not uncommon in closed populations, including those in hospitals and nursing homes, and in certain highly susceptible age groups.


  • 马切一个朋友抢劫遭遇袭击头部轻伤

    A friend of Macheda was attacked and suffered minor head injuries during the robbery.


  • 汤姆。克利夫利帮助英格兰U21立陶宛0-0战平费德里克。马意大利4-0战胜卢森堡的比赛并未出场。

    Tom Cleverley could only help England U21s to a goalless draw in Lithuania, while Federico Macheda was an unused substitute in Italy U21s' 4-0 win in Luxembourg.


  • 盖奥拉·辛眼睛部位暗色条纹向《银杀手》中的里尔·致敬——片中达里尔·汉纳画着一个相似的妆。

    The dark strip of makeup across Aurra Sing's eyes is an homage to a similar look worn by Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner.


  • 2006年的影片《穿普拉达恶魔》中,梅丽尔斯特里普有着一头极度漂亮的银色头发穿着那些的年轻下属们永远追赶不上的优雅高贵的服装

    The Devil Wears Prada saw Meryl Streep 2006 with stunning grey hair in severely chic and elegant clothes whilst her younger underlings struggled to keep up.


  • 达尔富尔可能选举受益,尽管是间接的。

    Darfur may also have benefited from the elections, albeit obliquely.


  • 刚从夏天度假重新归队世界杯冠军队主力成员之一的佩罗塔,在替补上场因为阿尔贝尔达犯规被红牌下。

    Substitute Simone Perrotta, one of the World Cup winners returning to the squad after their holidays, was also sent off for a challenge on Albelda.


  • 刚毛猎爱尔兰雪达犬发现疾病回畸形有关松狮犬中发现该疾病其它疾病有关。

    It is also seen associated with lissencephaly in Wire-haired Fox Terriers and Irish Setters, and as a separate condition in Chow Chows.


  • 刚毛猎爱尔兰雪达犬发现疾病回畸形有关松狮犬中发现该疾病其它疾病有关。

    It is also seen associated with lissencephaly in Wire-haired Fox Terriers and Irish Setters, and as a separate condition in Chow Chows.


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