• 那么毫无意外它们出现雷克萨斯宝马奥迪等中。

    No surprise, then, that they are most often found in luxury cars, like Lexus, BMW and Audi.


  • 都是50年前的事了,只奇怪爪子一样厄尔的记忆中

    That was 50 years ago, but it stuck in Howell's memory like a strange claw.


  • 我们今天生活,要感谢麦卡德尔、卡欣豪斯威尔金麦克斯韦以及其他美国时尚巴黎设计限制中解放出来女性

    We live today indebted to McCardell, Cashin, Hawes, Wilkins, and Maxwell, and other women who liberated American fashion from the confines of Parisian design.


  • 特教授解释因为鲨鱼水下生存并且很多喜欢在黄昏拂晓活动,所以他们生活在相对比较昏暗的环境中。 就如人们夜晚利用道路反射的光线照明一样,但有一些鲨鱼在一天所有的时间内活动且他们视网膜比一些夜间出没的肉食动物和深水动物拥有更多的视锥细胞和少量的棒形细胞”。

    Dr Hart explained that, because sharks live underwater and many are most active at dawn and dusk, they are operating in relatively dim light.


  • 都是50年前的事了,某种奇怪的爪子一样厄尔的记忆中

    That was 50 years ago, but it stuck in Howell’s memory like a strange claw.


  • 调查委员会成员史蒂芬·泽说:“我们确信(在该实验中)83人死亡,而现有文件只能证明,当时只有不足700接受了某种形式治疗。”

    We believe that there were 83 deaths and fewer than 700 people received some form of treatment as best as could be documented, ” said Stephen Hauser a member of the commission.


  • 我们得很好不会低估困难。”斯塔·豪特就北极自然资源开发汤姆森财经新闻电话采访说了这样一番话。

    "I think we would do well not to underestimate the difficulties" involved in any exploitation of the high north's natural resources, Stubholt told Thomson Financial News in a telephone interview.


  • 纽豪斯神父预言,如果巴马先生自己所说上任第一使堕胎规则自由化,那么美国生活每一层面文化战争都将激化。

    If Mr Obama truly meant, as he said, to liberalise abortion rules from his first day in office, Father Neuhaus foresaw an intensification of the culture wars at every level of American life.


  • 应聘视频中,索思·豪尔表达了自己冒险运动热爱展示了自己鸵鸟马拉松徒步穿越非洲以及亲吻长颈鹿照片

    In his application video, Southall expressed a love for adventure, and featured photographs of himself riding an ostrich, running a marathon, trekking through Africa and kissing a giraffe.


  • 但是拥有一项引以为豪的独创技术,即精炼过程利用细菌,这中国将大有前途但同时又突显出其愈演愈负面影响。

    But it boasts an intriguing technology using bacteria in the refining process, promising rights in China and what appears to be a growing inventory of established reserves.


  • 比如德·豪斯所倾向政策大气中的二氧化碳浓度设定为前工业化时期平均值倍。

    Nordhaus's preferred policy, for example, would stabilize the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at a level about twice its preindustrial average.


  • 这场全国范围的激烈竞争中,白杨莱姆·豪斯区进行的并驾齐驱的三马奔腾。

    In an election that is closely contested across the country, Poplar and Limehouse is a neck-and-neck, three-horse race.


  • 莱恩·豪尔,审计员最近报告加利福尼亚人满为患的监狱中,171,500名囚犯中的四分之一(43,500人)是因为三振出局

    Elaine Howle, the state auditor, recently reported that of the 171,500 inmates in California's overcrowded prisons last year, a quarter (43,500) were sentenced under the three-strikes law.


  • 最后豪言壮志中要求例如面包牛奶之类的200种大宗商品进行价格调控

    In a final flourish, he is calling for price controls on 200 staples, such as bread and milk.


  • 指导豪斯医生中的·劳瑞()。

    Hugh Laurie (left) being advised on the set of House.


  • 萨摩豪斯组合式度假房简单却又让人拍手称妙,这个小巧玲珑的房子中,拥有一切主人湖边星期,一个甚至整个夏天便利品。

    The Sommerhaus Piu Prefab Vacation Home is simple-yet-stunning, a small modern cabin with all the amenities its owners will need for a weekend, a month or even a summer at the lake.


  • 块可以重重复复使用的长方体橡胶,沾满引以为豪的污点:泪水这些都印证了我在瑜伽练习中取得的进步

    That little rectangular slice of sustainably sourced rubber is proudly dotted with the blood, sweat and tears accumulated over the the course of my practice career.


  • 轮船铁路线连接了成长中的城市那些有才能年轻人提供了机会

    Howe says steamboats and rail lines linked growing cities that offered opportunities for talented young people.


  • 德国西部奥伯豪森水族馆工作人员份声明中他们在本周二上班得知保罗去世悲痛万分”。

    Staff at the Oberhausen Sea Life Center in western Germany said in a statement they were "devastated" to learn of Paul's death when they returned to work on Tuesday.


  • 富毅荣:“人们喜欢听到现实生活中的例子。”他注意到,60%万豪酒店经理是从小时计费的低级岗位做起的。

    "They want to see actual examples," Fuller says, noting that 60% of Marriott's hotel managers started as hourly workers.


  • 媒体报道还怎么提及过,实际上报道也未提及但是却以此为

    This isn’t mentioned much in her press, and indeed I didn’t mention it in my story either, but Kathy is very proud of it.


  • 成为波特现象中的一员必将使引以为豪

    Yet the pride he derives from being part of the Potter phenomenon is clear.


  • 索思豪尔申请视频中, 我们可以通过一些列的照片看出冒险喜爱。 视频中的他有的鸵鸟,有的在马拉松,有潜水照片还有亲吻长颈鹿的照片。

    On his application video, Southall expressed a love of adventure and featured photographs of himself riding an ostrich, running a marathon, scuba diving, and kissing a giraffe.


  • 加拿大哈利法克斯·达尔·大学研究小组发现了一种绿藻发育中的火蜥蜴细小胚胎的入侵。

    A team from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, discovered that a green alga invades tiny developing salamander embryos.


  • 当相位不稳时撒切尔这样宣称。责难,被赫塞尔廷挑战最终内阁中的叛徒放倒。

    She is condemned by Howe, challenged by Heseltine and finally upended by the cabinet turncoats.


  • 美国出生孩子中,每年只有5个孩子雷伯氏先天性黑内障与豪斯同一类型但是少见的单基因缺陷入手,开发普遍治疗模型的一个很好的途径

    Only five children born in the U.S. annually have the same type of LCA as Morehouse, but focusing on a rare single-gene defect is a good way to develop a model for treating more common ailments.


  • Allen Olivo以及团队担心你们有人泄露电子邮件中的信息,所以改称为“引以为豪品牌名单”,他们简直太有才了。

    Kudos to Allen Olivo and his team for worrying that one of you might leak my email, so instead he called it the "Brand Pride List."


  • Allen Olivo以及团队担心你们有人泄露电子邮件中的信息,所以改称为“引以为豪品牌名单”,他们简直太有才了。

    Kudos to Allen Olivo and his team for worrying that one of you might leak my email, so instead he called it the "Brand Pride List."


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