• 戴芳已经这间房了50余年,她说:“过去这里一切孩子在外面嬉戏玩耍邻居们会时不时串门聊天。”

    "Things used to be really good," said Dai, who was born in the same house 50 years ago. "Kids used to play outside, neighbors used to pop in."


  • 总之,在不甘心、愤怒焦虑进入另一个阶段冲刺。

    In a nutshell, suffering anger and anxiety, Haiping entered the phase of waiting for the arrival of the baby.


  • 许多人说上海房价上涨故事情节悲剧性事件根源,“房奴成为描写海这类常用词

    Many argue that Shanghai's rising property prices are at the root of the tragic events in the storyline, and the term "house slaves" has become a popular slang term to describe people like Haiping.


  • 许多人说上海房价上涨故事情节悲剧性事件根源,“房奴成为描写海这类常用词

    Many argue that Shanghai's rising property prices are at the root of the tragic events in the storyline, and the term 'house slaves' has become a popular slang term to describe people like Haiping.


  • 许多人说上海房价上涨故事情节悲剧性事件根源,“房奴成为描写海这类常用词

    Many argue that Shanghai's rising property prices are at the root of the tragic events in the story line, and the term 'house slaves' has become a popular slang term to describe people like Haiping.


  • 凯丽生下了这3个孩子,1982年摩纳哥车祸丧生。 (文/孙亚)

    She was to bear him his three children before dying in a car crash in the principality in 1982.


  • 导师王丽博客写到,佩宜不仅可爱乖巧而且热爱京剧

    Her tutor, Wang Liping, wrote in her blog that Peiyi is both cute and well-behaved, with a love for Peking opera.


  • 东引引水隧道施工可能存在风险进行了预测,包括围岩差异引出的工程风险、岩爆风险、涌水风险、有毒气体风险火灾、坍塌风险等,并提出相应的施工预案

    In view of the possible latent risks in the construction of water-diversion tunnels, this article makes relevant forecasts and puts forward an effective construction pre-arranged planning.


  • 同样要考虑家人朋友抑郁风险帮助他们及早治疗预防恶化过程可能会起到重要作用。(实习编辑:顾)。

    Consider, too, the risks of your family and friends. You might play an important role in helping them get early treatment to prevent worse symptoms in the future.


  • 雷雨另一种类型悲剧形象

    Shiping is "Thunderstorm" in the image of another type of tragedy.


  • 本文认为,王建华周明强盛爱三位先生合著现代汉语语境研究一书国内语境研究独树一帜。

    Wang Jianhua, Zhou Mingqiang and Sheng Aiping have created an unique method in China's context study in their newly published book On the Context of Modern Chinese.


  • 许多人说房价上涨故事情节悲剧性事件根源,“房奴成为描写海这类常用词

    Many argue that rising property prices are at the root of the tragic events in the storyline, and the term "house slaves" has become a popular slang term to describe people like Haiping.


  • 吕艳彬,郑永光,李亚。 2002。华北平原尺度对流复合体发生环境条件[J]。 应用气象学报135):406-412。

    Yanbin, Zheng Yongguang, Li Yaping, et al. 2002. Environment and conditions of mesoscale convective complex development in North China Plain[J]. J Appl Meteor Sci, 13(5):406-412.


  • 吕艳彬,郑永光,李亚。 2002。华北平原尺度对流复合体发生环境条件[J]。 应用气象学报135):406-412。

    Yanbin, Zheng Yongguang, Li Yaping, et al. 2002. Environment and conditions of mesoscale convective complex development in North China Plain[J]. J Appl Meteor Sci, 13(5):406-412.


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