• 他们希望选举自己表现优秀。

    They expect to do well in the election.


  • Bob请求远程数据源自己身份进行审核

    Bob's requests are also accurately audited at the remote data source under his own identity.


  • 接着说对面墙上镜子自己影子

    Continued she, staring at her reflection in a mirror hanging against the opposite wall.


  • 正如预期的,一个承包商评估了计划自己投标的部分。

    As you might expect, every contractor had already reviewed the master plan to see that their work was represented as they had bid it.


  • 他们总是停下来寻求指引而是过程自己解决问题。

    They don’t always stop to ask for guidance, but instead figure it out for themselves along the way.


  • 他们总是停下来寻求指引而是过程自己解决问题。

    They don't always stop to ask for guidance, but instead figure it out for themselves along the way.


  • 如果你们乡村去,尽可能自然环境自己饲养

    If you move to the country, when possible, raise your own meat and eggs in a natural environment.


  • 如果能够认真审视自己,你几乎可以看到问题矛盾自己的责任。

    And if you are able to really look at yourself, you will almost always see ways in which you contributed to the problem or conflict.


  • 我们竞争中自己脱颖而出方法证明就是工作最佳人选

    And, we'll look at ways to differentiate yourself from the competition and prove that you're the best person for the job.


  • 最终Imam认出搜救队自己叔叔声音于是再次呼救

    Imam eventually recognised her uncle's voice among the rescuers and she shouted again for help.


  • 学习学习者学习经历结果,是他们在经历自己体会到的感觉

    It's about how the learner feels about himself as a result of the learning experience.


  • 录像自己声音别人正常情况下听你的声音是一样的(请谅解)。

    The way you hear yourself on the video is the way that other people normally hear you (sorry ).


  • 对于那些被聘用的人来说,可能很难搞清楚招聘过程自己作为应聘者出了什么问题。

    For those who aren't hired, understanding what happened to their candidacy along the way can be a mystery.


  • 突出例子之一是,让莫莱森一边看着镜子自己,一边平行线之间星星

    One of the most striking experiments had H.M. tracing a star between two parallel lines, when he could see his drawing hand only in a mirror.


  • 他们可能采取美满婚姻自己另一半意见。他们更可能有一个活下去的理由。

    They're more likely to take the advice of someone they're in a good marriage with. They're more likely to have a reason to live.


  • 67志愿者粗话的那一次中自己痛感较小而且平均下来多坚持了40

    When swearing, the 67 student volunteers reported less pain and on average endured about 40 seconds longer.


  • 米加9是非必需的很少表现对健康好处我们身体其他不饱和脂肪中自己合成

    Omega 9 is not essential. It has fewer demonstrated health benefits, and our bodies produce it from other unsaturated fats.


  • 顾客很喜欢这种方式,是因为工作关于他们自己项目的,而且涉及到上机操作团队合作自己的团队。

    Customers like this because the workshops can be about their own projects and involve their own teams in hands-on collaboration exercises.


  • 迫使企业更多考虑他们竞争对手以及竞争中自己所处位置,而不是从自己历史角度考虑自身位置。

    This forced firms to think more about their competitors and where they stood in relation to them rather than where they stood in terms of their own history.


  • 虽然generate代表1无穷列表,但Haskell计算列表自己需要部分

    Though generate represents an infinite list of 1s, Haskell computes only the portion of the list that it needs.


  • 每天都思考生活事业自己梦想目标,他时间要实现的理想在脑海形象化——每晚睡觉都这样

    He told me that he reads his life and business vision and goals daily, and that he TAKES TIME to visualize exactly what he wants to create-EACH NIGHT before falling asleep.


  • 这样,错误时刻同伴玩家一眨眼,可能好不容易索尔兹伯里平原顺利搬的巨石砸中自己

    Wink at a fellow player at the wrong moment, then, and you might end up dropping that sarsen you have lifted so triumphantly from the fields of Salisbury Plain on the toes of your avatar's foot.


  • 了解到有权通过客户公开查看Chex系统自己记录,“客户公开”是公司对于免费年度信用报告说法。

    She also learned she was entitled to see what records Chex Systems had about her through what's called a "consumer disclosure," the firm's version of a free annual credit report.


  • 记住构建过程自己编译groovy定义bean在.groovy脚本定义的bean之间区别。

    Keep in mind the difference between beans defined in groovy classes you compile as part of your own build process and beans defined in.groovy scripts.


  • DENYSEKIRKBY43岁一个年妇女,演讲家一直感觉生活自己局外人直到发现八岁儿子社会问题

    DENYSE KIRKBY, 43, a midwifery lecturer, felt like an outsider all her life until she recognised her social problems in her eight-year-old son.


  • PHPMYSQL文档很好的但是使其更加有用参与有分享哲学体系结构,这种体系允许用户文档中自己添加注解。

    The documentation for PHP and MySQL is good, but they're even more useful with the Architecture of Participation philosophy, which allows users to create notes in the documentation itself.


  • 肯定总统大选较量击溃自己两个竞争对手

    He is set to pulverize his two opponents in the race for the presidency.


  • 肯定总统大选较量击溃自己两个竞争对手

    He is set to pulverize his two opponents in the race for the presidency.


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