• 可以玩乐,可以教堂

    You can have fun, laughing in church.


  • 我们全国拼字比赛预测哪些孩子比赛中笑到最后。

    We went to the National Spelling Bee and tried to predict which children would advance farthest in competition.


  • 不过半决赛巴西人终于战胜了宿命,他们在120分钟内1 - 1和荷兰战成平手,但在点球决战中笑到了最后。

    The Brazilians at last overcame their jinx in the semi-final, when they beat the Netherlands in a penalty shoot-out after a suspenseful 1-1 draw.


  • 发音相似引起误解时,最好办法可能就是而过错误吸取教训

    When similar sounding words cause a misunderstanding, probably the best thing to do is just to laugh and learn from the mistake.


  • 女性男性一般情况下,女性比男性的多,但是相似的工作社会角色两者则相差无几。

    Women smile more than men: Generally, women smile more than men, but when they participate in similar work or social roles, they smile the same amount.


  • 言语动作语气透入出你要出来的信号也是人们工作得到“允许不错一个做法

    Signal a laughing opportunity through your words, actions, and tone. It’s also a good practice to give peoplepermission” to laugh in the workplace.


  • 威廉说,“我们假设,正常发育孩子发育过程为了顺利融入社交环境而学习了大量技巧

    Our hypothesis is that typically-developing children, through the course of development, learn a large repertoire of laugh sounds in order to negotiate social circumstances.


  • 最近有趣的艺术设计很感兴趣,这些艺术设计可以城市拥挤喧嚣会心或是开怀

    These days I'm into fun designs which will give people a smile or make them laugh among the hustle and bustle of city life.


  • 对于那些拔高个人成就评价历史地位的尝试置之

    Attempts to make him elevate his personal achievements or evaluate his place in history are simply laughed off.


  • 开无牙满嘴闪闪发光的皓齿,这个转变宝宝成长重要仪式,并且需要的时间完成

    Transitioning from that gummy grin to a mouthful of gleaming teeth is a rite of passage that can take your little one three years to complete.


  • 最新研究发现积极的重新审视——换眼光看待事物——日常生活挫折付之一让人一天结束后心满意足的好方法

    A new study finds that positive reframing -looking at a thing in a different light -and perhaps laughing about life's daily small setbacks is an effective way to feel satisfied at the end of the day.


  • 增加果”,在一季谢耳朵开始名叫艾米的神经生物学约会

    To make it even funnier, Sheldon starts dating a neurobiologist named Amy in this new season.


  • 每次有人某种形式或者诸如此类年份00时总是嗤之一

    Every time somebody wrote 00 in the year column of some form or anything of that sort, it gave them a chuckle.


  • 是否注意,《傲慢偏见》愚蠢的、一直被我们戏谑贝内特夫人到了最后

    Had you ever noticed that silly Mrs Bennet, whom everyone loves to mock, ends up having the last laugh in "Pride and Prejudice"?


  • 接着哥特人和汪达尔人把罗马帝国折腾得支离破碎,最后的却是他们自己,他们大多数都罗马化了,最终西班牙语意大利语这类的语言。

    The Goths and Vandals make a mess of the Roman Empire next, but the last laugh is on themmost of them will become Romanized, eventually speaking Spanish, Italian and so on.


  • 艇员将柏利戈登.拉姆撒相比,柏利对此只是付之一。 但是两个大厨工作更艰苦肯定是毫无疑问的。

    PO Bailey himself laughs off his crew making comparisons between him and Gordon Ramsay – and he has no doubt about which chef has the tougher job.


  • 社会交往占据重要的位置人类生物学迷人特征包含了运动情绪认知成分在内

    It occupies a special place in social interaction and is a fascinating feature of our biology, with motor, emotional and cognitive components.


  • 比如说安德森的73场比赛没有为俱乐部取得进球已经成了球迷一个但是教练出来

    Anderson, for example, whose failure to score in two years at the club, spanning 73 performances, has become a standing joke among the fans, but not one that amuses his manager.


  • 上一次与经济衰退的对抗美联储通过时间的降息最后

    The Fed has brought previous recessions to an end by pushing interest rates low enough for long enough.


  • 沉浸证明足够自信上快乐地放纵一刻危险继续——;继续——

    Losing yourself in laughter is proof that you are confident enough to risk a moment of joyful abandon. Go on — leap; go on — laugh.


  • 加州斯坦福大学赖斯教授:“女性对于回报的期待似乎低,试 验相当于卡通画的点。

    Professor Reiss, of Stanford University in California, said: "Women appeared to have less expectation of a reward, which in this case was the punchline of the cartoon.


  • 英国幽默可以对自卑一置之一样,国际比赛失利英国人也只是遇到潮湿夏天长长的队伍一样用一个带有听由天命优越感了之。

    Just as English humour can enjoy self-depreciation, so defeat at the national game brings a smile of resigned superiority as might a wet summer or a long queue.


  • 这些区域促使妈妈细心照顾宝贝宝宝他们的时候感到值得宝宝的简单交流得到满足

    These are the areas that motivate a mother to take care of her baby, feel rewarded when the baby smiles at her, and fill her with positive emotions from simple interactions with her infant.


  • 所以先知安迪,演员脸抹黑装出黑人声音剧场所有的白人前仰后合

    That is why Amos and Andy could paint their faces black and make "black" voices and everyone in the theater who was white thought it was hilarious.


  • 不久前,黄西首次亮相荧屏,出现美国哥伦比亚广播公司的著名午夜节目——《大卫·莱特曼秀》颇具冷面匠风范起了有关移民、家庭生活开车等故事。

    Wong recently made his TV network debut on CBS 'Letterman show - the hugely popular US late-night talk show - with dead-pan delivery on immigrants, family life and driving.


  • 如今年少人戏其人藐视,不肯安看守羊群

    But now [they that are] younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I would have disdained to have set with the dogs of my flock.


  • 只是一眼(目光露出意会的神色是这么认为的),接着咧嘴

    She just gave me a look, a knowing look, I thought, and grinned.


  • 只是一眼(目光露出意会的神色是这么认为的),接着咧嘴

    She just gave me a look, a knowing look, I thought, and grinned.


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