• 去年十月我们家公司发表关于网络中立原则共同声明

    In October, our two companies issued a Shared statement of principles on network neutrality.


  • 技术中立原则要求所有电子商务技术性条款设立应当对待技术不足;

    The principle of technology neutrality requires that all technical terms of the establishment of e-commerce should be technology-neutral treat the problem of technology.


  • FCC提出网络中立原则可能阻止运营商针对性的对网络内容应用程序进行阻止减慢网速

    The FCC's proposed net neutrality rules would prohibit carriers from selectively blocking or slowing Web content or applications.


  • 战争爆发试图坚守中立原则力保美国卷入战争前提下,调停冲突恢复和平

    After the break of the war, he tried to defend the neutrality principle firmly, and mediate the conflict to resume peace on condition that the U. S. should not be involved in the war.


  • CTIA一些主要运营商表示对于网络中立原则运用移动设备担心他们说可能保护运营商容易辨别他们服务

    The CTIA and some major carriers have voiced concern about net neutrality rules being applied to mobile, saying they might prevent carriers from differentiating their services.


  • 包括eBay,Skype和和Yahoo在内相当数量互联网公司本月早些时候Vaizey写信请求网络中立原则加入法律章程中去。

    A number of Internet companies, including eBay, Skype and Yahoo wrote to Vaizey earlier this month urging him to enshrine the principles of net neutrality into law.


  • 大家也认为,这项协议并不中立网络原则适用无线网络的范畴中。

    The agreement would not apply net-neutrality principles to wireless networks, these people said.


  • 保持中立原则可信度还是有限的。

    There are limits to the credibility of that principle.


  • 2005年,委员会采纳了四项原则处理网络中立用于撤销对电信公司提供互联网服务的限制。

    In 2005, the commission adopted four broad principles relating to the idea of network neutrality as part of a move to deregulate the Internet services provided by telephone companies.


  • 欧洲运营商T-Mobile荷尔格.克洛克(Holger Knöpke)表示,“网络中立运营商区别对待不同形式流量原则移动网络上将不会取得成功

    Network neutrality”, the principle that operators should not discriminate between different forms of traffic, will not succeed on mobile networks, says Holger Knöpke of T-Mobile, a European operator.


  • 网络中立所有因特网通信——内容平台网站——都应当运载它们网络平等对待原则

    Net neutrality is the principle that all Internet traffic - content, platforms, and websites - should be treated equally by the networks that deliver them.


  • 那样的话互联网建立原则之一网络中立原则画上句号。

    That would put an end to "network neutrality", one of the Internet's founding principles.


  • 今天投票第一展现出了网络中立原则——即所有互联网信息内容应该被公平对待——美国正式立法规范了

    Today's vote represents the first time the principle of net neutrality - where all Internet content is treated equally - has been formally ratified in the US.


  • 风险来自网络中立原则运营数据通道有线电话公司应当所有流量一视同仁-任何人均逾越线

    At risk is a principle known as network neutrality: Cable and phone companies that operate the data pipelines are supposed to treat all traffic the same — nobody is supposed to jump the line.


  • 原则必须秉持中立观点撰写文章。

    The guidelines are that stories should be written from a neutral point of view.


  • 应用中立应该接口首要目标因为这个特性正好能够实现可共享性(shareability)(一条基本SOA原则)。

    Application neutrality should be the principal goal of an interface, because it is precisely this characteristic that enables shareability (a fundamental SOA principle).


  • 该法遭遇电信公司抵抗因为该法坚持网路中立的最高原则制止电信公司内容(线上影片)要求收取更高费用。

    This is resisted by telecoms companies, because it enshrines network neutrality, which would prevent them from charging more for premium content, such as online video.


  • 文章界定诉讼权利平等原则内涵之后,讨论了诉讼平等相关两个问题:诉讼中立实质平等

    This thesis discusses two questions concerning the justice of action: the neutrality of the litigation and the substantive equality after defining the principle of the equal right of action.


  • 创作早期乔伊斯遵循的是中立冷漠现代叙述原则到了《芬尼根的守灵》,乔伊斯使叙述成了叙述者的快乐言说。

    Joyce obeyed the modern narrative principle of neutrality and detachment during his early period of writing. However in Finnegans Wake, Joyce created a loquacious narrator.


  • 美国发布规则需要因特网公司遵守网络中立原则

    The US has proposed new rules that would require Internet firms to respect the principle of "network neutrality".


  • 正是层面上韦伯价值中立原则成为课题研究内在逻辑锁链

    It is just at this level that Weber's principle of "Value Free" will become the inner logical chain of this research project.


  • 现存法律规定下,赋予委员会强制实行网络中立权力。网络中立是指所有数据相同速度传送而不问来源原则

    Under existing law, this would give the commission the authority to enforce "net neutrality" : the principle that all data, regardless of origin, should move at the same speed.


  • 几家公司去年围绕网络中立棘手话题推出了一些制衡措施,VerizonGoogle愿意接受此种有原则妥协

    Verizon and Google are pleased to discuss the principled compromise our companies have developed over the last year concerning the thorny issue of "network neutrality."


  • 同样美国互联网服务供应商能够提供特定的服务,一旦美国联邦通讯委员会认为供应商利用特例挑战网络中立原则,他们有权介入

    Similarly, American Internet providers can offer specialised services, but the FCC can intervene if it thinks they are using this exception to undermine the spirit of net neutrality.


  • 批评家认为美国电话电报公司公司威胁网络中立神圣原则

    Critics felt that AT&T and Verizon were threatening to abandon the hallowed principle of network neutrality.


  • 坚定地遵循万豪公平对待原则时刻保持公平中立的态度。

    Maintain neutral at all times, and strongly adhere to Marriott's Guarantee Fair Treatment.


  • 第10条通讯传播稀有资源分配管理公平效率便利和谐技术中立原则

    Article 10 The allocation and administration of scarce communication resources shall be made on a fair, efficient, convenient, harmonious and technology-neutral basis.


  • 第10条通讯传播稀有资源分配管理公平效率便利和谐技术中立原则

    Article 10 The allocation and administration of scarce communication resources shall be made on a fair, efficient, convenient, harmonious and technology-neutral basis.


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