• 也门与处于骚乱中的索马里着亚丁湾

    Somalia's chaos is just across the Gulf of Aden from Yemen.


  • 这种独特的生物墨西哥湾水生生物中遭到威胁物种之一,墨西哥湾恶劣水质栖息地丧失减弱生态系统

    This unique creature is part of an imperiled community of aquatic organisms in the Gulf of Mexico, where poor water quality and habitat loss have weakened the ecosystem.


  • 西弗吉尼亚州煤矿爆炸英国石油公司在墨西哥湾钻井平台漏油事故听证会联邦调查就是国会议员们正在努力解决问题。

    That's the problem lawmakers are wrestling with amid hearings and federal investigations of the Upper Big Branch mine blast in West Virginia and the BP oil rig collapse in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 旧金山湾区文化通常赞扬任何分娩进食中符合自然的事情。

    The culture of the San Francisco Bay Area often exalts anything natural, from birthing to eating.


  • 在美国的20个都有分布,最初生活密西西比河盆地墨西哥湾沿岸河流

    Blue catfish is native to 20 states, primarily within the Mississippi river Basin but also in rivers along the Gulf Coast.


  • 作为通往密西西比河三角洲南方西南顶端方向航道,(图像中左左下角)明亮的水道船只提供了进入墨西哥湾的通道

    The bright waterways known as the South and Southwest Passes of the tip of the Mississippi River Delta (image center left and lower left) provide passage for ships into the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 海盗内部人员一个关注盗版的博客中称,“整个音乐界将无法想象我们接下来几个月中打算推出的东西。”

    A Pirate Bay insider told the piracy-focused blog that "the music industry can't even imagine what we're planning to roll out in the coming months."


  • 在潮汐能开发方面,洛克德库克开发商们必须要应对冰川中的泥沙涡轮机的刮以及严冬时期海水的微冻。

    As for tidal power, developers in the promising Cook Inlet must contend with glacial silt scouring turbines and partial freezing of the water in wintertime, says Mr Lockard.


  • 一方面,拉菲特在海盗生涯中始终规避美国船只进入墨西哥湾英国西班牙舰船横加掠夺。

    On the one hand, Lafitte avoided American ships throughout much of his career as a pirate, instead preying on English and Spanish vessels that ventured into the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 就像一幅粉红色绿色刷成画那样,贝尔群岛深蓝色加拿大逊湾中蜿蜒

    Like sweeping brushstrokes of pink and green, the Belcher Islands meander across the deep blue of Canada's Hudson Bay.


  • 湾区的经济转型中,病痛是个令人不快结果

    The ailment is one unhappy consequence of the region's economic transformation.


  • 然而海豚利用海绵捕捉泥中鱼类的海绵捕食法不用,海螺捕食法在鲨鱼湾分布并不广泛

    Unlike sponging, however, in which dolphins use sponges to find fishes hiding in mud, conching isn't yet widespread in Shark Bay.


  • 背景材料: 耶尔瓦布埃纳旧金山湾中位于奥克兰旧金山之间片小岛。

    Background: Yerba Buena Island is a small chunk ofland resting in the San Francisco Bay, between Oakland and SanFrancisco.


  • 已经过去六月中,英国石油公司墨西哥湾发生的钻探事故最近我国乃至世界措手不及的灾难事件之一

    British Petroleum's drilling accident in the Gulf of Mexico this past April is the latest of several recent disastrous events for which the country, or the world, was unprepared.


  • 降解过程一直在进行中:墨西哥湾里都细菌只要进入一小石油中,它们就能大快朵颐。

    This process is already well under way: the gulf is full of bacteria that happily chomp oil, if they get it in tiny specks.


  • 新闻集团美国银行欢迎波斯湾石油寡头们这样投资者即使他们的信仰可能使自己出现美国反恐观察名单中

    The oil oligarchs of the Persian Gulf are welcomed as investors in News Corporation and American banks, even when they hold views that might otherwise put them on a U.S. terrorism watch list.


  • 新闻集团美国银行欢迎波斯湾石油寡头们这样投资者即使他们的信仰可能使自己出现美国反恐观察名单中

    The oil oligarchs of the Persian Gulf are welcomed as investors in News Corporation and American banks, even when they hold views that might otherwise put them on a U. S. terrorism watch list.


  • 一年中的大部分时间北极熊都会冰冻哈德逊漫步,以猎食海豹为生

    For much of the year, polar bears roam the frozen Hudson Bay, hunting for seals.


  • 森提奈只是安曼达列岛中一粒小岛,整个列岛与孟加拉湾中的印度海岸线相望。

    North Sentinel Island is a small speck in the large Andaman Island chain just off the coast of India in the Bay of Bengal.


  • 海星叫作虽然牧羊犬一样都不是鱼——但在众多栖息于博迪加湾生物中,它算得上最奇特生物之一。

    The sea staroften called astarfish, though it's no more a fish than it is a sheepdog—ranks with the mostspectacular creatures of the diverse menagerie inhabiting the shores near BodegaBay.


  • 研究报告中说,纽约市、华盛顿(特区)、旧金山可能面临较小影响

    New York City, Washington DC and the San Francisco Bay area could face lesser impacts, according to the study.


  • 有人肯尼迪登月计划目的主要是想猪湾事件的失败中走出来。

    Some say that Kennedy conceived of the race to the moon principally to recover from the fiasco of the Bay of Pigs.


  • 泄漏出去原油数量显著地少于以往事故这些事故中至少一次也发生墨西哥湾

    The amount of oil leaked so far is substantially less than the amount spilled or leaked in previous accidents, including at least one in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 威廉王子湾正在恢复过程中,过程漫长了。

    Prince William Sound is recovering. But it has taken an awfully long time to do so.


  • 比斯坎湾—克里斯·特尔斯决赛中的内容,远比分丰富。

    KEY BISCAYNE - Kim Clijsters made this final seem even more lopsided than the score might suggest.


  • 深水地平线”石油钻探平台燃烧天后终于倒塌在墨西哥湾中,浮伤害一区域生活鸟类

    Oil TrailsThe birds were injured by oil that was released into the water after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig burned out of control for several days and collapsed into the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 星期二傍晚会议古斯塔夫飓夫来临之前各项防御措施提出赞扬,敦促继续墨西哥湾地区提供援助,帮助他们风暴中恢复

    The evening will also pay tribute to precautions taken ahead of Hurricane Gustav, and urge continued efforts to help the Gulf Coast recover from the storm.


  • 美国国家委员会英国石油公司深水地平线钻井平台原油泄漏事故进行调查,昨天表示墨西哥湾原油泄漏事故中负有责任的不仅英国石油公司。

    The company was not alone in lax practices that caused the Gulf of Mexico leak, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill said yesterday.


  • 如今余光中笔下“湾浅浅海峡乡愁成为历史。

    In these days the homesickness represented in "A strait of shallow water "Guangzhong Yu wrote in his poem has passed.


  • 如今余光中笔下“湾浅浅海峡乡愁成为历史。

    In these days the homesickness represented in "A strait of shallow water "Guangzhong Yu wrote in his poem has passed.


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