• 大家所说一个联队受大众欢迎显眼的成员。

    By all accounts, Park is a popular but quiet member of United’s team.


  • 赛程来到最后一轮的时候,曼城茨茅斯一同两个出线名额第二名展开激烈角逐。

    The race for promotion went to the final match, with Manchester City and Portsmouth both in contention for the second of two promotion places.


  • 可能是球队低估球员占据的位置更多的是因为不知疲倦努力,而不是且他精湛的射门技术欧冠之夜会见证这一点

    Perhaps the most underrated player on the squad, he is brought on more for his indefatigable endeavor than his prowess in front of goal, as his presence on European nights will attest.


  • 通过氧化锌炉甘石洗液主要成分勇俊、金相宇以及他们同事制造出了一段夹两个电极之间纳米线

    Using zinc oxide, the main ingredient in calamine lotion, Young Jun Park, Sang-Woo Kim and their colleagues created a field of nanowires sandwiched between two electrodes.


  • 大成可能只是数位“密涅瓦”一个

    It is possible that Mr Park is just one of several Minervas.


  • 韩国调查人员仍然无法核实韩国女游客旺子被枪杀一案一些基本细节

    South Korean investigators are still having trouble verifying fundamental details in the shooting death of South Korean tourist Park Wang-ja.


  • 对阵日本的比赛兰帕德眼看着自己点球被扑出,是继足总杯对阵茨茅斯的比赛后又一次射失点球

    Lampard saw his penalty saved against Japan to follow on from his spot-kick miss against Portsmouth in the FA Cup final.


  • 茨茅斯库克群岛,是太平洋岛屿全球变暖威胁最大的一个。他们得很快马上就要消失了

    Portsmouth are the Cook Islands, or whatever Pacific islands are most threatened by global warming. They are sinking fast, soon to disappear without trace.


  • 槿惠演讲没有承认做了犯法的事情,也没有给出辞职日期表示国会来决定

    In her speech, Ms. Park admitted no legal wrongdoing and did not give a date for her resignation, saying she would let the National Assembly decide.


  • 李银律检方的判断部分是基于名前助手笔记本日记手机搜集到信息它们记录了槿惠的指示

    Lee said prosecutors had based their determination partly on information they collected from the two former aides' notebooks, diaries and cellphones, which contained instructions from Park.


  • 这位26塞尔维亚铁人对阵兹茅斯的比赛奉献了场精彩的演出是一场同时具有团结防守创造性的进攻的比赛。

    The 26 year-old produced yet another performance of Serbian steel on his return against Portsmouth, a match which exhibited both United's defensive solidarity and attacking flair.


  • 槿惠所在新国家许多成员都希望辞职。

    MANY members of the party of South Korea's President, Park Geun-hye, want it.


  • 埃弗拉自己高兴因为曼联大胜困境茨茅斯

    Patrice Evra declared himself a very happy man after United's emphatic victory over struggling Portsmouth.


  • 尽管怀有雄心茨茅斯俱乐部新西兰后卫仍然穷追不舍,但是切尔西可能成为他的替代品。

    The New Zealand stopper remains a target for the ambitious South Coast club, but Chelsea's Huth is also a possibility.


  • “赫伯特•凯特”这个名字来源于查尔斯·狄更斯的《远大前程》人物吉尼斯1939年的舞台剧之后的改编电影扮演过这个角色。

    The name "Herbert Pocket" was taken from the character in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations that Guinness had played on stage in 1939 and was also about to play in the film adaptation.


  • 雨果小说创作强烈写史意识产生了深刻影响

    The strong consciousness of depicting histories of Hugo?s novel creation had affected Zengpu deeply.


  • 目的优化润燥汤的当归、代赭石9工艺。

    Objective:To optimize the water extraction method of Such 9 flavor crude drugs as Chinese angelica, raddle , etc.


  • 身处这样一个色彩斑斓的滨海大观园渴望大自然的人们不禁感慨这里健体怡神理想境地。

    It is truly an ideal place for physical and mental relief and refreshment to those who yearn to intimately embrace the nature.


  • 今天比赛兄弟俩参加比赛分别荣获刀术第三名、南拳第四名第六名。

    In this event, both of these brothers participated in the games, and took the third place in the broadsword match, fourth in the Southern Fist and sixth in falchion respectively.


  • 之前坎贝尔加盟了茅斯诺丁郡阿森纳俱乐部训练个月后,阿森纳签订合同

    Since then Campbell has had spells at Portsmouth and Notts County, but he has signed a contract after three months of training with the north Londoners.


  • 阿森纳队长在0:0平茨茅斯比赛足部受伤但是很快就伤愈

    Arsenal's captain suffered a foot injury during the 0-0 draw at Portsmouth but has recovered quickly.


  • 另外一个可能无法上场的重要球员沃尔科特,周三预备队茨茅斯的比赛场被换下。

    The only significant doubt is Theo Walcott, who went off at half time in the Reserve team game against Portsmouth on Wednesday night.


  • 约有200-300名身穿圣诞服的年轻人游行孩子递送书籍圣诞卡片唱道:“孩子礼物槿惠手铐”。

    Between 200 and 300 young people in Santa outfits handed out books and Christmas cards to children at the demonstration, chanting: "Gifts to children and handcuffs to Park! ""


  • 茨茅斯凯尔特人随后艾米尔球场彻底地击败直到曼彻斯特联队下半场我们的两个失误受益从而止住了阿森纳连胜的步伐。

    Portsmouth and Celtic were then beaten soundly back at Emirates Stadium before Manchester United benefited from two second-half errors to bring Arsenal's winning run to an end.


  • 罗西基可能首发这场比赛,他克服拉伤后,周三茨茅斯的比赛替补登场。

    Tomas Rosicky is likely to start after returning from hamstring trouble as a substitute against Portsmouth on Wednesday.


  • 伦敦切尔西主帅何塞·穆里尼奥坚决地说,今天斯坦福英超联赛对阵茨茅斯前,并不关心来自球队防守阵容的报告。

    LONDON: Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho is adamant he has no cause for concern over his side's defensive record heading into their English Premier League clash with Portsmouth at Stamford Bridge today.


  • 先生这个国家360万农民一员飞快的工业化进程尽管让韩国成为全球第12经济强国,使该国赖以为生农业日渐凋敝,面临着被边缘化的危险。

    Mr Park is one of 3.6m farmers clinging to the country's fading agrarian past and marginalised by rapid industrialisation, which has transformed South Korea into the world's 12th-largest economy.


  • 先生这个国家360万农民一员飞快的工业化进程尽管让韩国成为全球第12经济强国,使该国赖以为生农业日渐凋敝,面临着被边缘化的危险。

    Mr Park is one of 3.6m farmers clinging to the country's fading agrarian past and marginalised by rapid industrialisation, which has transformed South Korea into the world's 12th-largest economy.


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