• 基于安全原因报告幅图片打上了水印,对于观察者来说那么清晰可见。

    For security reasons, several images in this report are watermarked in a way that is not apparent to the observer.


  • 由于显而易见的原因—噪声环境少年儿童听力易受损害—报告重点针对儿童青少年。

    The report focuses on kids and teens, for obvious reasons-and because hearing loss is occurring at younger ages these days, thanks to noise exposure.


  • 报告世卫组织全球烟草控制政策成就方面系列报告第三份。

    This report is the third in a series of WHO reports on the status of global tobacco control policy implementation.


  • 我们讨论显示静态分析结果视图以及内嵌软件报告功能

    We also discussed the results view that shows the outcome of the static analysis, as well as some of the basic reporting capabilities built into the software.


  • 就是为什么我们感觉测试2测试3有价值过程放入报告

    This is why we felt that both Test 2 and Test 3 were valuable procedures to include in this report.


  • 报告世界卫生组织(世卫组织)1997年以来发表系列报告第13份全球结核病控制情况年度报告

    This report is the 13th annual report on global control of tuberculosis (TB) published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in a series that started in 1997.


  • 世界银行负责该地区业务主任经济师报告合著Shantayanan Devarajan南亚地区的增长率过去1015不断提高。

    Shantayanan Devarajan, World Bank Chief Economist for the region and co-author of the report, says growth rates in South Asia have been accelerating in the last 10 to 15 years.


  • 但是更为惨淡的报告句直截了当警告:“当今世界的趋势所向报告所描述坏前景更为恐怖。”

    But even bleaker is the stark warning in the report that "the pathway that the world is on today exceeds the worst-case scenario described in this report".


  • DocExpress报告Parse_Dps提取提供广泛可能性编辑生成文件和基于视图的报告

    The basic reports and the Parse_Dps extractor in DocExpress offer much broader possibilities to modify the generated documents than the view-based reports.


  • 注意事项:报告说明规定说明常见的,并非完整列表

    Important Note: the provisions and fees illustrated in this report are only the most common and not a complete listing.


  • 2007年ACIP预防控制流感建议总结报告

    The 2007 ACIP recommendations for prevention and control of influenza are summarized in this report.


  • 报告针对使用甲醇燃料过程安全性展开相应四个方面探讨

    This report discussed the safety of using methanol as an alternative fuel in following four aspects.


  • 报告提出一个“也许”可能,对消费社会课堂场域学生符号宿命改变暗含些许期望

    In the postscript, the report put forwards a 'possible' possibility, and suggests a little expectation on students' symbolic fate in classroom field of consumer society.


  • 项目实施过程发生支出记录具体工作报告,以用来在每一成项次下原始估算相比较

    Expenses incurred during the course of a project are recorded in specific job cost accounts to be compared with the original cost estimates in each category.


  • 具体报告的成数据可以4-3汇总预算进行补充支持

    Cost details associated with particular cost accounts would supplement and support the aggregate budget shown in Table 4-3.


  • 然而这些数据可能包含了那些以非法收养目的诱拐儿童案件偷渡,但是根据报告评判原则类案件并不属于人口贩运范畴。

    These figures, however, may include cases of child abduction for adoption, which is not considered a trafficking offense for Report evaluation purposes, or human smuggling.


  • 报告讨论要点会使远见项目管理案例分析,远见优缺点重新定义作用

    The main points discussed in this report will be the definition and role of vision in project management, analysis of the case studies and strengths and weaknesses of vision.


  • 传统报告企业往往只注重生产报告,却忽视了对采购销售售后服务报告

    In existing cost reporting, businesses focus more on product cost reporting rather than on purchasing cost, cost of goods sold as well as cost of after-sale services.


  • 报告我们对一些文献进行了综述生育力内分泌系统影响进行了评估。

    In this case report, we reviewed the literature and assessed the fertility and endocrine consequences.


  • 报告主要介绍深圳地铁建设过程地下空间开发常识效果

    This presentation mainly introduces attempt and effect of underground space development during the process of Shenzhen Metro construction.


  • 此外建立组织内部报告种类同详细的成估算数量很少相似之处。

    Moreover, the categories of cost accounts established within an organization may bear little resemblance to the quantities included in a final cost estimate.


  • 报告的第一行赫然写着免责条款:报告提供信息目的,并无承诺。国土安全部报告任何信息提供任何准确性保证

    This report is provided "as is" for informational purposes only. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.


  • 报告我们结合我们实验室最近开展两个研究工作,说明使用功能磁共振技术进行神经解码一般方法及其应用。

    In this talk, we introduced some conceptions and idea in this field through some recent studies of using fMRI to decode the human brain activity.


  • 报告观点参考必然代表上市公司调研网或者其他关联机构正式观点。

    The views expressed herein are also for reference only and do not necessarily represent the official views of 55168. cn Limited or others associated with it.


  • 报告观点参考必然代表上市公司调研网或者其他关联机构正式观点。

    The views expressed herein are also for reference only and do not necessarily represent the official views of 55168. cn Limited or others associated with it.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定