Mr Krepon says that though similarly alarming conclusions could have been drawn from American or Soviet military literature in the cold war, a space war never took place.
Writing in PsychologicalScience, a team led by Ian Spence of the University of Torontodescribes a test performed on people's ability to spot unusual objects thatappear in their field of vision.
‘鹏’又音同‘朋’字,意寓友谊,蕴含着澳中两国人民以及企业之间紧密的合作关系。” “显然,这次征名大赛激发了中国民众的想象力。”
The name Peng Peng also means friendship and as such conveys the deep people to people and business links that exist between Australia and China.
诺瓦拉·卡朋特(Novella Carpenter)在她2009年的回忆录《农场城市》中,对在奥克兰市养鸡、养猪、养蜜蜂的所带来的价值大加吹捧。
Novella Carpenter's 2009 memoir, Farm City, trumpets the value of raising chickens, pigs and bees-in Oakland.
This is a boon to consumers, but confers no lasting "first-mover" advantage on Groupon.
Mount Sinabung volcano on the Indonesian island of Sumatra has erupted again, sending ash and smoke several kilometres into the atmosphere.
这个月早期,她暗示,老友记的主演且是她现实生活中的朋 友詹尼弗.安妮斯顿可能会在美国广播公司的情景喜剧客串 演出。
Earlier this month, the star hinted that her Friends co-star and real-life best pal Jennifer Aniston may make a guest appearance in the ABC sitcom.
这个月早期,她暗示,老友记的主演且是她现实生活中的朋 友詹尼弗.安妮斯顿可能会在美国广播公司的情景喜剧客串 演出。
Earlier this month, the star hinted that her Friends co-star and real-life best pal Jennifer Aniston may make a guest appearance in the ABC sitcom.