• 最后一个请求两种情况的第 9 个请求)要同步用完成 40%,第一个请求仅仅比同步用例晚 14%。

    The last request (request 9 in both cases) is completed more than 40% faster than in the synchronous case, and the first request is just 14% slower than in the synchronous case.


  • 东京盘交易美元日元的汇率急剧下跌

    In early trading in Tokyo, the dollar fell sharply against the yen.


  • 打算留在工作者队伍男性教育工作者超过70%表示加薪激励他们长期从事这一职业的主要因素

    Over 70% of male educators who said they intended to stay in the early education workforce noted an increased salary was a major motivating factor for them to commit to the career long-term.


  • 截至8日6时30分,大火仍在燃烧,事故原因正在调查

    The cause of the accident is under investigation.


  • 他们一些应该起诉

    Some of them are overdue for prosecution.


  • 讨论讨论要好:如果我们孩子我们一个待在家里吗?

    Some questions to discuss sooner rather than later: If we have kids, will one of us stay home?


  • 不同于类似尘埃盘发现恒星依然年轻因此我们知道行星是在恒星生命非常的时期形成的。

    Unlike earlier discoveries of similar discs, this star is still very young and so tells us planets form very early on in the life of a star.


  • 欧洲市场盘交易混合

    European markets were mixed in early trading.


  • 血液同型半胱氨酸(氨基酸)会导致发冠心病,这现象甚至发生拥有正常胆固醇指标的人群身上。

    High levels of homocysteine (an amino acid) in the blood have been linked to increased risk of premature coronary heart disease and stroke, even among people who have normal cholesterol levels.


  • 这样投入更多时间工作,因而通常他们成功

    These same people also invest more time in their work and are usually more successful.


  • 一个电话雅虎ceo卡罗尔·巴宣布雅虎搜索团队一些员工转投微软其他人则转而参与显示广告业务

    In a call earlier this morning, Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz announced that some employees from the Yahoo search team will move to Microsoft, while others will move to the display business.


  • 他们研究特别人时发现,被两位位是母亲,另一个是女儿,都是凌晨4就自然醒,都是午夜过后才入睡的。

    They were studying extreme early birds when they noticed that two of their subjects, a mother and daughter, got up naturally about 4 a.m. but also went to bed past midnight.


  • 各国应该哥本哈根错误吸取教训回到多边轨道尽可能恢复气候变化大会两个工作组谈判

    Learning from Copenhagen's mistakes, the countries should return to the multilateral track and resume negotiations in the climate convention's two working groups as early as possible.


  • 基于CDS价格的管理条例将导致此次危机干涉虽然可能并不足够地

    A rule based on CDS prices would have forced earlier interventions in this crisisthough perhaps not early enough.


  • 通常德拉病毒马群暴发比人间疫情。如在马群发现疫情促使采取预防措施阻止人类出现相关疫情。

    Generally Hendra virus outbreaks in horses occur one to two weeks before illness in humans; detected outbreaks in horses could trigger prevention measures to deter associated outbreaks in humans.


  • 官方故事版本,贝尔·格雷几个小时递交了申请,从而获得这项专利的所有权。

    According to the official story, Bell filed a few hours earlier than Gray and so was awarded the patent.


  • 关于芝加哥总部繁忙研究所研究员老人研究发现2004年,低烟酸水平老人有可能老性痴呆病。

    A new study of seniors from researchers at the Chicago-based Rush Institute found in 2004 that seniors with low levels of niacin were more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's.


  • 该股票昨天继续下滑纽约交易下跌超过4%,至每股9.06美元。

    They continued to slide yesterday and were down more than 4 per cent at $9.06 in New York morning trading.


  • 想想看,如果蒂埃里·亨利用手把扒拉球门里去这件事发生几个礼拜的话,爱尔兰人一定在公民复否决《里斯本条约》。

    Only to think: if Thierry Henry had pawed that ball a few weeks earlier the Irish referendum result would have sunk the Lisbon Treaty.


  • 养成这个习惯今后的生活带来不断增加的财务安全感

    Establishing this habit early can lead to increased financial security later in life.


  • 千万以为就是什么难懂的大道理其实就是在“”“玩米”等活动孩子怎么生活

    Don't think that earlier education means to teach some sophisticated theories. It's actually to teach the children about living through activities like playing with the water or rice.


  • 验证REDD项目的初步行动包括本地人安全进行保护

    Early initiatives to certify REDD projects do include safeguards for local people.


  • 上周贵宾们游走在曼哈顿参观博物馆参加会议小组讨论享受香槟午餐,由展人带领参观展览,流连11个展500家画廊展台间。

    VIPs criss-crossed Manhattan last week to attend museum shows, conference panels, champagne brunches, curator tours and the stands of nearly 500 galleries exhibiting in 11 fairs.


  • 这个食谱的阿育医师提供的,保温瓶泡好,之后可以到处带着了。

    Note: this recipe was given to me by my Ayurvedic practitioner. I make this tea in my thermos each morning, so I can carry it everywhere with me.


  • 这个食谱的阿育医师提供的,保温瓶泡好,之后可以到处带着了。

    Note: this recipe was given to me by my Ayurvedic practitioner. I make this tea in my thermos each morning, so I can carry it everywhere with me.


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