• 目的观察中康联合食疗治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎CAG临床疗效

    Objective:To observe the therapeutic effect of Buzhong Kangwei Decoction(BKD) combined with food therapy in treating chronic atrophic gastritis(CAG).


  • 指出某些教材普顿散射示意图画法不妥之处,严格推导了普顿散射反冲电子的散射给出正确普顿散射示意图。

    The recoil angle of electron in Compton scattering is incorrect in some text books, and the right sketching of Compton scattering is presented.


  • 作者乔治·斯托克指出,在6至8儿童能够理解许多玩具广告使用标准免责声明的人数不到四分之一

    The author George Comstock suggested that less than a quarter of children between the ages of six and eight years old understood standard disclaimers used in many toy advertisements.


  • 约翰·第一边低声含糊地威胁咒骂着,一边走开了,消失人群

    John Canty moved off, muttering threats and curses, and was swallowed from sight in the crowd.


  • 研究尿式,反粘职业接触生物学极限

    Study the biological limit of urine trans, trans-muconic acid for occupational exposure to benzene.


  • 日常饮食紫色葡萄或者科德葡萄汁提供槲皮素

    Eat purple grapes or drink Concord grape juice to provide quercetin in your diet.


  • 苹果公司继续富士合作完成项目将会从富士合作吸取教训,以此应对其他供货商生产部门

    The company said it would continue to work with Foxconn on implementing the programs and would take some lessons from its collaboration with Foxconn to other suppliers and facilities.


  • 托揭示出许多实数在这样列表消失了;就是自相矛盾地方。

    Cantor showed that a lot of Numbers are missing from any such list; that's the contradiction.


  • 不过,礼贤指出,美元亚洲货币人民币不是唯一被低估的。

    But Konyn points out the yuan is not the only undervalued Asian currency against the US dollar.


  • 奈利先生说:“我们建议一条就是硬件商店相对便宜温度计。”

    "One of the pieces of advice we give is to go to a hardware store and buy a relatively inexpensive thermometer," Mr. Connelly said.


  • 星期的一次接受采访深圳富士发言人刘坤大部分这些自杀者要么精神极度低迷,要么是严重个人情感问题

    In an interview a few weeks ago, Liu Kun, a Foxconn spokesman in Shenzhen, said most of the victims either had been severely depressed or had serious personal problems.


  • 红茶绿茶提供了一些有益抗氧化物和茶多酚——尽管得到如同简单

    The black and green tea in kombucha also offers some beneficial antioxidants and polyphenolsalthough you could get the same with a simple tea bag.


  • 最近富士采访雇员们很多人往往是在富士几个备受羞辱地离开

    In recent interviews here, employees said the typical Foxconn hire lasted just a few months at the factory before leaving, demoralized.


  • 联邦通讯委员会的非正式批准几乎未提到怎样解决卡斯特其他媒体公司电视内容费用方面的矛盾。

    Little is said in the FCC’s summary order about how disputes between Comcast and other media companies over payments for television content should be resolved.


  • 接踵而来建房热潮巴什锦绣山庄,丽舍,皇家花园这样住宅小区都已经不能满足购房者要求了。

    In the ensuing building spree, home buyers could not get enough of Kangbashi and its residential developments with names like Exquisite Silk Village, Kanghe Elysees and Imperial Academic Gardens.


  • 电话一端打电话来是为了通知带去威尔谢商业区妮比萨店会面。

    A man on the other end of the call instructs him to bring the money to a place called Connie's in Mid-Wilshire.


  • 富士工厂工作环境代表了最典型的情况:五六混凝土建筑,里面工作的工人们穿着塑料夹克帽子上套着靴子。

    This is what it's like to work at the Foxconn factory: You enter a five- or six-story concrete building, pull on a plastic jacket and hat, and slip booties over your shoes.


  • 富士工厂工作环境代表了最典型的情况:五六混凝土建筑,里面工作的工人们穿着塑料夹克帽子上套着靴子。

    This is what it's like to work at the Foxconn factory: you enter a five - or six-story concrete building, pull on a plastic jacket and hat, and slip booties over your shoes.


  • 1998年次斯科特·伦敦对《隐性人格浪漫追求》的作者-威格的采访解释了已经揭开了隐性自我的人们那里积攒而来的故事

    In a 1998 interview with Scott London, Connie Zweig, author of Romancing the shadow, explains her collection of stories from people who have integrated their personal shadow.


  • 位于纽约音乐神经功能研究所执行董事联合创始人·塔美诺已经临床实践证实原理

    Connie Tomaino, the executive director and co-founder of the Institute for Music and Neurological Function in New York City, has seen evidence of this mechanism in her own clinical practice.


  • 1985年,鲍伯·杜尔嘲讽减少商业发胶”,先生回击:“最近场火灾,鲍伯·杜尔的图书馆了。”

    In 1985 Bob Dole mocked him for wanting "a business deduction for hairspray". Mr Kemp shot back: "in a recent fire, Bob Dole's library burned down."


  • 我走访深圳好几厂商,访问了各种各样工厂老板经营负责人,发现富士不是一个普通的工厂,它这些工厂特例

    Having just visited a few Shenzhen based factories and talked to various factory owners and operators, I can say with confidence that Foxconn is the exception, not the rule.


  • 佤联军目前总部所在地位于边境

    The group's current headquarters is Panghsang, on the China-Burma border.


  • 投行公司荷兰国际集团(ING)一项报告警告由于阿斯特捷利公司畅销药物专利权将在未来过期,公司将冒险进入知识产权崩溃期”。

    A new report from ING, an investment bank, warns that as the patents on AstraZeneca’s blockbusters expire in the coming years the firm risks going intointellectual property meltdown”.


  • 去年英国基准指标时100指数股票斯特捷利表现最好的股票之一

    Its shares were among the best-performing in Britain's benchmark FTSE 100 index last year.


  • 富士园区,管理层煞费苦心用来鼓舞员工斗志的创举莫过于一处并不起眼电子商场,它的右边一家销售新鲜水果的商家。

    But the most ambitious effort to address worker morale is a modest-looking electronics store on the Foxconn campus, right next to a shop selling fresh fruit.


  • ·赫泽高认为丹麦首都商定文本规定尽早”的最后期限非常重要

    Connie Hedegaard said it is very important to set the deadline "as soon as possible" in the text to be agreed upon in the Danish capital.


  • ·赫泽高认为丹麦首都商定文本规定尽早”的最后期限非常重要

    Connie Hedegaard said it is very important to set the deadline "as soon as possible" in the text to be agreed upon in the Danish capital.


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