• 星系银河系列图片红外线图象凌乱82个星系,绰号雪茄星系”,可见形成中央平面蓝色白色光环的黑烟尘埃在红色之内。

    An infrared image of the Messier 82 galaxy, nicknamed the "Cigar galaxy," shows the formation's central plane in blue and white, with a halo of smoky dust in red.


  • 可拉出架子放置平面作品中央陈列颂扬早期捐赠者橱窗展示礼物示例化石精雕细刻的首饰盒都有

    There are rows of pull-out racks for flat works; a central display celebrates early donors; vitrines show examples of gifts that range from fossils to finely engraved caskets.


  • 秘鲁中央安第斯山脉高出平面4300多米(14000英尺)的Bombón高地,寒冷且受大风侵袭,很明显适宜建造新的城镇

    MORE than 4,300 metres (14,000 feet) above sea level in Peru’s central Andes, the cold, windswept Bombón Plateau is not an obvious place to build a new town.


  • 秘鲁中央安第斯山脉高出平面4300多米(14000英尺)的Bombón高地,寒冷且受大风侵袭,明显适宜建造新的城镇

    MORE than 4, 300 metres (14, 000 feet) above sea level in Peru’s central Andes, the cold, windswept Bombón Plateau is not an obvious place to build a new town.


  • 以色列最高点大约平面以上10000英尺中央山区,大约在海平面以上4000到10000英尺之间

    And that is the highest point in Israel, it rises about 10,000 feet above sea level. The central mountain area, those are between 4000 and 10,000 feet above sea level.


  • 就是水平地中央平面垂直木杆日出日没天天连续观影

    That is, the level of the central shaft with a wooden vertical horizon, from sunrise to Sunset every day of continuous viewing.


  • 因此主要区域平面员工划分出了相等工作空间普通公共区域则位于平面中央

    Thus, the main area plan was divided into equal working spaces for the employees with common public area situated in the center of the floorplan.


  • 目的通过损伤平面以下脊髓中央刺激实现对股二头牵张反射收缩功能控制作用。

    AIM: To control the deep reflex and contraction function of biceps femoris in rabbits by electrostimulation in central fissure of spinal cord under the injury level.


  • 通过建筑物周边放置基本服务区,一中央区域能够适应开敞式平面布置客厅通往露台

    By positioning the essential services around the perimeter of the buildings, the central area on the ground floor is able to accommodate an open-plan living room that opens onto a terrace.


  • 下层入口位于穿过中央花园庭院平面包括会议室演讲自助餐厅两层图书馆上层

    The entrance to the floor below is through the level of the central garden courtyard and includes a conference room, a lecture hall, a cafeteria and the upper level of the two-storey library.


  • 一罕有中央气体这里并不能看到,极环盘旋靠近星系中间的外侧平面

    Not visible here is unusual central polar ring of gas circling out of the plane near the galaxy's center.


  • 电力系统称为中央接收器”系统)使用领域广泛高塔顶部的接收器上安装平面用于追踪反射光

    Power tower systems (also known as "central receiver" systems) use a field of large, flat mirrors to track and reflect sunlight onto a receiver mounted at the top of a tall tower.


  • 阳台露天住宿小心地中央接入挑出来的平面提供这个穿透屋顶平面

    Balconies and outdoor accommodation are provided by horizontal planes carefully cantilevered from a central access tower which penetrates the roof plane;


  • 办公室装修改造一定要中央空调改造平面布置图交与物业公司审核

    Decoration in the office before the transformation of the central air conditioning must first plan to hand in the layout of the property company and the audit.


  • 因此组织住宅平面图时不仅内部设计充裕连续空间同时设计中央空间以用于日常生活

    Thus, it was not only possible to design ample and continuous Spaces on the inside, but also to have central Spaces for the quotidian life which organized the house plan.


  • 因此组织住宅平面图时不仅内部设计充裕连续空间同时设计中央空间以用于日常生活

    Thus, it was not only possible to design ample and continuous Spaces on the inside, but also to have central Spaces for the quotidian life which organized the house plan.


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