• 中天的工作他们心中永不破灭希望

    Fiery transit is never their hearts shattered hopes.


  • 月亮中天位置,而正常情况下应该地平线上

    The Moon was at mid-sky position when it normally would have been on the horizon.


  • 确实理由认为发薪日贷款目前正是如日中天时候。

    Indeed, there are reasons to think that payday lending has peaked.


  • 事业已经如日中天的成功艺人,还有谁认识的呢?

    Who doesn't know this successful artiste whose career is at its prime?


  • 水星命盘接近中天位置,给了平时更强烈看法

    Mercury nearing the midheaven of your chart gives you stronger opinions than usual.


  • 如今如日中天苹果公司创始人史蒂夫乔布斯成就体现创意

    Now the founder of the adoration of apple, Steve jobs achievement is embodied in his ideas.


  • 对于目前事业如日中天著名歌手来说,一份完美生日礼物什么呢?

    What is the perfect birthday gift for a famous singer who has the status of heavenly king?


  • 6月16瑞士在世界杯的首场比赛便要迎接如日中天的西班牙的挑战,但是森德罗斯强调他们

    The Swiss face a tough opening match against Spain on 16th June, but Senderos insists his side will not be intimidated by the encounter.


  • 这里清晨朝霞中天流云夕阳晚照,还有林中鸟鸣,都会浮想联翩,流连忘返!

    Yes, this morning's sunrise, transit of the clouds, the sunset of the night photos, there was the forest birds, frogs sing among the grass, and make your imagination, away!


  • 多长脑子吧,电影中的浪漫桥段只是为了剧情需要——就像女朋友在你和她如日中天事业中做出选择。

    So have some class and save the big, romantic movie gestures for moments when they're needed — such as when you ask your girlfriend to choose you over her wildly successful job.


  • 这本巴拉克·奥巴马事业起步阶段时候的,但是作者却不可思议预见到了日后他如日中天的大环境

    The book was written while Barack Obama's career was still on the launch pad, yet it describes with uncanny prescience the atmosphere that allowed him to soar.


  • 台湾摇滚乐团‘五月天主唱阿信,本名陈信宏,流行音乐领域如日中天巨星,但是鲜有也是一位视觉艺术家

    Chen Xinhong, better known as Ashin, the lead singer of the Taiwanese rock group "Mayday, " is like the sun to the world of pop music, but few people know that he is also a visual artist.


  • 仪表堂堂且事业如日中天的他自然少不了女性青睐。白雪飞女歌手可柔心仪已久,送上情书,却迟迟得不到回音

    But the white snow flies actually admires to beautiful woman singer Jiao Kerou already the long time, and has delivered the love letter, actually slowly cannot obtain the echo.


  • 2002年世界杯小罗在对阵英格兰打进了记匪夷所思的任意球,别忘了,当时巴西队中还有如日中天里瓦尔多正值当打之年的罗纳尔多

    In 2002, he scored a fantastical free-kick against England while leading Brazil, along with Rivaldo and the original Ronaldo, to the World Cup.


  • 但是密切关注穆尔女士职业生涯帕森先生承认,穆尔女士现在处于水深火热之中,因为应对经济衰退同时还得应对互联网越加如日中天这一压力。

    But Mr Parsons, who has watched her career closely, admits that she is now operating in troubled waters, as she tries to cope with a recession in addition to the rise of the internet.


  • 的事业如日中天

    Her career is moving into top gear.


  • 很明显乙烯水果植物激素使水果成熟

    Ethylene is the natural plant hormone in fruit that makes them turn ripe, apparently.


  • 人们参与有助于他人活动时,他们大脑会释放出内啡肽种大脑麻醉剂,能让产生幸福感

    When people engage in activities that help others, their brain releases endorphins, the brain's natural opiates, which induce in people a feeling of well-being.


  • 就是为什么它被称为自然界中天生的歌唱家。

    That's why it is called a born singer in nature.


  • 西非人们长期以来都咀嚼乐果作为兴奋剂因为它们含有咖啡巧克力然存在咖啡因

    In West Africa, people have long chewed kola nuts as stimulants, because they contain caffeine that also occurs naturally in tea, coffee, and chocolate.


  • 如果扑克游戏的确运气游戏,其赋异禀的选手参赛选手的12%,那么他们获得的奖金应当与剩下选手有明显差异

    If poker were truly a game of luck, then the winnings of the 12% of entrants marked as specially gifted ought not to have differed significantly from those made by the rest.


  • 但是这个时代我们更多的被这种感觉带到是错误道路上,男人们感情其实只是那个女人寻求的短暂安慰而已。

    But in this day and age, we are more often than not led down the wrong path, and what guys see as a blessed relationship is really just a temporary comfort for her.


  • 作家身份亦如日中天有些批评家认为战后优秀英国作家之一。

    His reputation as an author continues to grow, with some critics considering him one of the finest postwar British writers.


  • 红酒氧化剂,白藜芦醇保护细胞免受伤害

    The natural antioxidant found in red wine, resveratol, may protect cells from damage.


  • 并不是所有新月满月友好的不过这次新月甜蜜的,因为接收三角王星惊喜特质。

    Not all new moons and full moons are friendly, but this is a sweet one, for it will receive an out-of-sign "trine" (a great aspect) from Uranus, planet of surprise.


  • 风眼四周环绕着“眼”,即剧烈雷暴区域,通常是整个热带气旋中天恶劣区域。

    It is surrounded by the eyewall, a ring of towering thunderstorms where the most severe weather of a cyclone occurs.


  • 关键问题似乎大众市场售卖的维生素食物植物提出的维生素很大不同

    A key problem seems to be that many mass-market vitamins are vastly different from those found naturally in food or plants.


  • 另类治疗而言,不必如此,因为它是依靠传统他们服务保健性混合诉求来使消费者安心。

    That is rarely true of alternative treatments, which rely on a mixture of appeals to tradition and to the "natural" wholesomeness of their products to reassure consumers.


  • 另类治疗而言,不必如此,因为它是依靠传统他们服务保健性混合诉求来使消费者安心。

    That is rarely true of alternative treatments, which rely on a mixture of appeals to tradition and to the "natural" wholesomeness of their products to reassure consumers.


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