• 我们好的速度快边锋以及老道的中场但是不能根据一个球员改变球队的战术,毕竟,教练自己的想法

    We've got good wingers with a lot of pace and very experienced central midfield players, but you can't change tactics for one player, and the manager has an idea of how he wants to play.


  • 荷兰队教练伯特·马尔维克同意中场时分改变了一切

    Netherlands coach Bert van Marwijk agreed that everything changed at the break.


  • 美国球员国际化并且具有创造性中场球员。教练认为可以皮特马拉维奇相比

    The most internationally established and creative U.S. field player (his coach compares him to Pete Maravich), "Deuce" could be the offensive key on a D-minded team.


  • 这位中场下场后并没有隐瞒对于教练队友不满,这也加剧了更衣室里已有紧张气氛

    The midfielder made no secret of his displeasure with the manager and his team-mate as he left the field, and already there are whispers of dressing-room tension.


  • 曼联教练亚历克斯·弗格森爵士坚称没有荷兰中场球员韦斯利·斯内德出价

    Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson insists he has not made a bid for Holland midfielder Wesley Sneijder.


  • 不过今年夏天切尔西仅仅只补充了中场球员,切尔西教练安切洛蒂期望能扩大自己选择范围

    But, having added only the midfielder Yossi Benayoun so far this summer, the Chelsea manager, Carlo Ancelotti, is close to broadening his options.


  • 利物浦中场查理·亚当透露为什么相信教练斯蒂夫·克拉克一起工作有助于球队整体以及个人水平的提高

    Charlie Adam has revealed why he believes working with Steve Clarke will help the Liverpool squad improve both as a collective and as individuals.


  • 曼联球员中场尼基-巴特表达了自己要向教练岗位转移的愿望。纽卡球员红魔度过了十年时光,之后詹姆斯公园36岁高龄在香港参加了一段时间的联赛。

    The former Newcastle United player spent over a decade at Old Trafford before he switched to St James' Park, with the 36-year-old also playing in China before retiring this year.


  • 助理教练埃里克·布莱克(Eric Black)直言签约恩利中场克里斯·伊格斯(Chris Eagles)感兴趣

    Assistant manager Eric Black has said his side have no interest in signing Burnley midfielder Chris Eagles. (Sky Sports).


  • 总裁引进了一些新人,有罗伯特·多纳多尼、保罗·马尔蒂尼荷兰三剑客( 范·巴斯腾、里杰卡尔德和古力特),新教练50年代赫赫有名中场球员尼尔斯·利德霍尔姆,利德霍尔姆的教练生涯不是顺利,结果被萨基取代

    The new coach was the great midfielder of the 50's, Nils Liedholm. Liedholm's coaching career was not going so good and it was replaced by Ariggo Sacchi.


  • 意大利教练现在准备队长袖标交给中场的粗野小子得荣或者后卫线上的图雷

    But the Italian manager is now set to hand the skipper's armband on to midfield tough guy Nigel De Jong or back to Kolo Toure.


  • 贝肯鲍尔曾经最好清道夫不过这里教练告诉中场因为过人而且我们

    Beckenbauer was the best sweeper ever but the coach who had been hired there told him he had to play in midfield because his passing was perfect, and he did very well for us.


  • 切尔西教练何塞·穆里尼奥坚信葡萄牙中场马尼切将在赛季结束时候证明自己的实力,马尼切刚被租借英超冠军球队

    The Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho is adamant that the Portugal midfielder Maniche has nothing to prove after sealing a loan move to the Premiership champions until the end of the season.


  • 教练尼奥解释说,巴拉克漫长职业生涯第一次直接得到红牌自己中场并不生气

    His manager jose Mourinho explained that as it was Ballack's first straight red card in a long career, he was not angry with the midfielder.


  • 教练中场休息时希望下半场上场能给队伍注入一点活力

    The manager wanted me to come on and inject a bit of energy into the midfield.


  • 巴塞罗那教练弗兰克-里卡尔德淡化谈及切尔西中场弗兰克·兰帕德转会

    BARCELONA coach Frank Rijkaard has played down talk of a move for Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard.


  • 1986年,随着双料冠军时期球队主力中场乔治·格拉汉姆出任俱乐部主教练一个黄金时代就此到来。

    In 1986, a golden era was ushered in by the return of Double-winning midfielder George Graham as manager.


  • 瘟胖的时期总是处在半泄气的心理状态之下,利物浦球迷需要一个教练不会派出防守中场

    For so long it was Benitez with his glass half-full mentality and what Liverpool fans need is someone who doesn't feel they need an extra defensive midfielder.


  • 米兰中场西多夫教练争吵0-0战平里沃诺比赛激烈时刻

    Milan midfielder Clarence Seedorf says his row with coach Carlo Ancelotti during the 0-0 draw with Livorno on Saturday was all in the heat of the moment.


  • 朴茨茅斯教练老雷德克纳普表示切尔西中场马克莱莱很兴趣。

    Portsmouth boss Harry Redknapp has admitted he would be interested in Chelsea ace Claude Makelele.


  • 皇马教练舒斯特尔表示切尔西中场巴拉克感兴趣。

    Real Madrid boss Bernd Schuster has revealed he is interested in signing Chelsea midfielder Michael Ballack.


  • 同时蓝军教练何塞·穆里尼奥中场球员兰帕德褒奖有加

    Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho, meanwhile, has lavished praise on midfielder Frank Lampard.


  • 教练卡洛·安切洛蒂说道:“出色球员,一名出色的中场,他非常的年轻即将成为巴西国家队未来现在也希望他会切尔西未来。”

    Manager Carlo Ancelotti added: 'he is a fantastic player, a fantastic midfielder, he is very young and will be the future of the Brazilian national team, and I hope he will be the future of Chelsea.


  • 这位法国教练一直希望法国同胞能够通过稍后的健康测试已经堆的伤号足够苦恼,包括几乎所有中场首选球员都受伤了。

    The French manager was hoping that his compatriot would be able to pass a late fitness test as he is already grappling with an injury crisis, which has claimed almost all of his first-choice midfield.


  • 上周英格兰队教练史蒂夫·麦克拉伦特意这位中场大将排除温布利出战以色列队的名单。

    Last week, England coach Steve McClaren expressed hope that the midfielder might feature despite being ruled out of the weekend match at Wembley against Israel.


  • 一个情绪糟糕的酋长球场夜晚埃弗顿教练业斯认为法布漫骂了裁判并且还狠中场球员阿特

    It was an ill-tempered evening at the Emirates with Everton manager David Moyes attacking Cesc Fabregas for abusing the officials and kicking out at his midfielder Mikel Arteta.


  • 教练费拉拉这个团队带来了不同想法证实正在尝试一个菱形中场

    New Coach Ciro Ferrara brings different ideas to the team and has confirmed he is testing out a diamond midfield.


  • 法布雷加斯重申阿森纳教练温格钦佩这位巴塞罗那中场球员期望报答温格对他知遇之恩。

    Francesc Fabregas cannot reaffirm his admiration for Arsenal manager arsene Wenger enough. The former Barcelona midfielder is keen to repay the faith Wenger has shown in him.


  • 塞维利亚已经可能复制上个赛季奇迹,但是凯塔中场表现无懈可击,他成为教练战术体系中不可或缺的人。

    Sevilla may have been unable to repeat last season's success, but Keita has shone nonetheless in the centre of midfield and is now seen as an integral part of Manolo Jiménez's team.


  • 塞维利亚已经可能复制上个赛季奇迹,但是凯塔中场表现无懈可击,他成为教练战术体系中不可或缺的人。

    Sevilla may have been unable to repeat last season's success, but Keita has shone nonetheless in the centre of midfield and is now seen as an integral part of Manolo Jiménez's team.


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