• 第1部分我们引入录像租用案例研究这个例子贯穿系列教程的始终。

    In Part 1, we introduced the video rental case study that is used as the example throughout this tutorial series.


  • 是因为讲演现场一些不能被录像表现出来观众觉察不到东西

    This is because there are some things which stand out in a video which the audience wouldn’t have noticed during the live presentation.


  • 是因为讲演现场一些不能被录像表现出来观众觉察不到东西

    This is because there are some things which stand out in a video which the audience wouldn't have noticed during the live presentation.


  • 其他很多运动较高水平的比赛已经引进了录像电子器械

    Many other sports have embraced video and electronic gadgetry at their higher levels.


  • 我们示例如果顾客了逾期这次的租金,那就达到了继续租借录像目的了。

    In our example, if the customer paid her late fees and the rental fee, she would achieve the goal of renting the video.


  • 例如一个录像出租我们用户录像出租系统交互时会出现的情况进行了描述

    For example, in a video rental use case, we describe what happens when a user interacts with a video rental system.


  • 研究试验研究对象观看十二个行走的人后面遭到射击录像评估他们受到袭击的可能性。

    In one study, test subjects watched videos of twelve individuals walking, shot from behind, and rated how easily they could be mugged.


  • 尽管如此录像大象准备佯攻摄制组时,欧文斯挥舞着着AR-15 步枪将他们解救出来。 他,“我们不想射杀一步。”

    In the video, though, Owens, carrying the AR-15, backs the ABC crew away from an elephant as it mock-charges, and says, “We don't want to end up having to shoot her.


  • 琳达苏珊优秀但是,先你自己录像表现。

    Linda: Susan, you're very good, but watch yourself on the videotape.


  • 14分钟片段杰克逊变成僵尸其它不死的僵尸一起跳舞,该录像认为是有史以来最有影响力音乐录像带之一。

    The 14-minute clip, in which Jackson turns into a zombie and dances with other undead types, is considered one of the most influential music videos ever made.


  • 录像鳟鱼水缸里游动,这时一组涡流先后的两侧靠近。

    In one video, a trout swims in a tank as eddies come toward it, first from one side and then from the other.


  • 事实上录像录下声音开枪射击之际杀人戏谑说笑。

    Indeed, the voices recorded along with the video joked about the killing while the shooting was happening.


  • 而且画面回顾过程操作者可以随时调回到原始录像

    And at any time during the review an operator can switch to see the original video footage.


  • 一个消费者研究杂志发表研究文章指出那些看了黄色录像男人们关于金钱、汽水糖果选择时会寻找立刻满足倾向

    A study published in Journal of Consumer Research found that men who watched dirty videos were more prone to seek immediate gratification when it came to making choices about money, soda, and candy.


  • 录像就拍到了这里,然而,伊莎贝尔记忆生命就停这里

    That's where the video ends and where Isabel's life, as she knew it, also ended.


  • 巴马美国全国广播公司电视台播出采访录像

    Mr. Obama spoke in a pre-recorded interview that aired on the NBC television network.


  • 最开始实验一队研究员让志愿者录像,同时扫描他们脑电波活动将扫描结果重现志愿者正观看画面

    In a pioneering experiment, a team scanned the brain activity of two volunteers watching a video and used the results to recreate the images they were seeing.


  • 一部短片时刻1994年节日期间上映,并收集《阿玛尼穆迪最佳动画作品集第一辑(这一家庭录像系统

    His first short, Time For Love, was screened in the festival in 1994 and included in our first collection of "The Best of Anima Mundi" (which was still in the VHS format).


  • 一点是,登月录像看不到天空有任何星星

    For one thing, on the lunar landing videos, you can't see any stars in the sky.


  • 还有项任务大量记录图像搜索有没有事情发生或者寻找发生事件录像片段

    Then there is the task of searching through a mass of recorded images to see if anything has happened or to find a clip of an incident known to have taken place.


  • 出现最新发布录像的那名男子被确认胡马姆.哈利勒.阿布-穆拉勒.巴拉维。 他阿富汗东部与巴基斯坦接壤地区主要美军基地引爆了身上的炸弹。

    The man in the newly released video is identified as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, who blew himself up inside a key U.S base in an eastern Afghan region bordering Pakistan.


  • 4月28日白水事件的又审判提供了四个小时录像证词

    On April 28, I gave four and a half hours of videotaped testimony in another Whitewater trial.


  • 2010年45日,Wikileaks发行录像录像说明此录像来自于自称军事告密者的人,解释明白这份录像是有利于提升运算能力的。

    On April 5, 2010, Wikileaks released a video that it said it had received it from a military whistle-blower and used donated computing power to decrypt it.


  • SpikeJonze拍的这部未曝光2000年竞选录像片段我们看到艾尔·戈尔风趣悠闲迷人

    In this unseen footage filmed by Spike Jonze during the 2000 campaign (also see part II), we see an al Gore that is funny, relaxed, and engaging.


  • SpikeJonze拍的这部未曝光2000年竞选录像片段我们看到艾尔·戈尔风趣悠闲迷人

    In this unseen footage filmed by Spike Jonze during the 2000 campaign (also see part II), we see an al Gore that is funny, relaxed, and engaging.


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