• 该国8年内战和平前景变得越来越光明

    The prospects for peace in the country's eight-year civil war are becoming brighter.


  • 凝视黑暗寻找能照亮个人道路光明思路项目视角的过程,你得到指引

    Guidance can be found by peering into the darkness to find the light, the thought, the project, the vision that can enlighten your own individual path.


  • 这家位于悉尼公司周一声明西斯确认之前市场预期相符,公司正继续光明食品展开谈判”。

    "CSR confirms that, in line with its previous advice to the market, CSR continues to engage in discussions with Bright Food," the Sydney-based company said in a statement on Monday.


  • 这座艺术王国,对变幻无常人生而言难以接近,我们看来,艺术主流有时过于单调呆板。 inaccessible tothe ...chancesof life,即艺术的王国让生活莫测的变数不得其门而入。而不是人生本身难以接近。prevailinglight直译为普照的光明似乎就行了。

    In this kingdom of art, inaccesible to the capricious chances of life, it seems to us that the prevailing light is sometimes too uniform.


  • 无数媚的蓝天飞翔,这里你只能听到叫声以及水流缓慢流经的时候,这些草所发出的柔和声音

    Hundreds of birds fly in a sunny blue sky. The only sounds are bird calls and the soft noise made by tall grasses as the water slowly moves them.


  • 一旦进入工作状态,可能发现自己能力前途光明起来时候、恐惧慢慢背景隐退

    Once immersed in the task at hand, you'll likely discover your fears fading into the background as your competence brightens the day.


  • 一个光明媚的日子里,迎来昏暗黄昏,这些是一黄金时光

    When there's a bright day, there comes a grey evening. Both are golden moments of our day.


  • 葛俊杰份公告这次收购符合光明食品建立资源相关业务长远战略这些业务包括食品相关、营养产品

    'This acquisition aligns with Bright food's long term strategy to build resource related businesses which also include food-related, dairy, wine and nutrition products,' Ge said in a statement.


  • 悬崖的边缘,酒杯的边缘极点——赞美光明前行

    On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp - praise song for walking forward in that light.


  • 悬崖的边缘,酒杯的边缘极点——赞美光明前行

    On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp — praise song for walking forward in that light.


  • 雷蒙德埃德曼过,“光明说的话,黑暗里也绝不怀疑。”

    Raymond Edman said, "Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light."


  • “能够媚的日子徜徉其间,一次真正感官享受,犹如喝让人提神的酒,”

    "It's a real sensory lift, a pick-me-up, having a garden to wander out into on a sunny day," she says.


  • 也许天国没有黑夜,只有光明所有烛光其实并未熄灭,只是回到永恒光明

    Maybe, in the heaven where have no dark night but brightness, all the candlelight return to the forever brightness in stead of dying out.


  • 感谢,叫我们圣徒光明同得基业

    Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.


  • 时间以来,地心地球悬置唯有光明

    For a long time the inner earth has been suspended in only light and love.


  • 夜空破晓清晨我们虔诚的祷告目睹巴基斯坦光明进步

    In the daybreak morning, with the most devout prayer, we will witness the brightness and progress of Pakistan.


  • 我们希望法拉瓦哈,连同光明智慧正义恩典普遍意义伟大的灵性象征占有一席之启示地球所有

    Let us hope that the Faravahar, with its universal meaning of light, wisdom, righteousness, and God's grace can take its place among the great symbols of spirit, to inspire people all over the Earth.


  • 宇宙光明黑暗共同与平等黑暗为了服务于光明光明的存是为了衬托

    In the universe, light and darkness are equal co-existence, the dark exists to serve the light, the light exists to set off love.


  • 阅读感悟漫漫夜里追寻着光明。阅读是一种习惯,时光流逝品尝光阴

    Reading is a kind of feeling, in the long night after the light. Reading is a kind of habit, enjoying the time in time.


  • 白天黑夜诞生,却又黑夜消失。黑夜孕育光明,黑夜吞噬了光明

    Day is born in night; day vanishes in night, too. Night is pregnant with brightness; night swallows brightness, too.


  • 老师美丽的西瓜沐浴芬芳拥有光明一天拥有笑容灿烂的每一刻!

    Chang would like teachers and his beautiful little watermelon bathed in the fragrance of love, with sunny every day, every moment has a brilliant smile!


  • 毁灭力量我们可以发现这种能量迹象反过来说这种力量背后也存光明因素治愈自然力

    We can see all around evidence of this energy in the forces of destruction and then conversely, the elements of light and healing within its midst.


  • 毁灭力量我们可以发现这种能量迹象反过来说这种力量背后也存光明因素治愈自然力

    We can see all around evidence of this energy in the forces of destruction and then conversely, the elements of light and healing within its midst.


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