• 科技中国

    China and the tree of technology.


  • 蚁森林为所有中国人种下真正的

    Ant Forest plants real trees for all Chinese people.


  • 中国日报》称,它在该国北部的13个省种植了660多亿棵作为防风林。

    It has helped to plant more than 66 billion trees across 13 provinces in the country's north to act as windbreaks (防风林) , according to China Daily.


  • 这些“”足够大的时候,支付宝将和其他一些公司会一起在中国的沙漠地区种植真正的木。

    When the "trees" are big enough, Alipay with some other companies will plant real trees in the desert area of China.


  • 此种生物燃料来自麻风不可食用植物石油中国西南部一个种植园中种植霍尼韦尔公司进行加工提炼

    The biofuel was derived from jatropha, an inedible plant grown by PetroChina, a state-owned oil company, on a plantation in southwest China and refined by Honeywell.


  • 中国内地影迷不久有幸欣赏改编自村上春同名小说获奖电影挪威森林》。

    Chinese mainland moviegoers will be lucky to be able to watch "Norwegian Wood", the award-winning film adaptation of Haruki Murakami's novel of the same name, in the near future.


  • 基于世界银行世界货币组织中国日本2007年的GDP和2008年产出增长率估计,2008年中国和日本的GDP分别达到四万四千二百亿和四万六千八百亿美元。

    Based on the World Bank and IMF's figures on China and Japan's 2007 GDP and output growth rate of 2008, Yao estimated China and Japan's GDP would reach $4.42 and 4.68 trillion in 2008, respectively.


  • 联合国环境署倡议的“全球10亿活动中,中国了26亿棵,也就是人均2棵,居全球首位。

    In the United Nations Development Programme's billion trees campaign, the Chinese people planted 2.6 billion trees, two per person and more than any other country in the world.


  • 细心人可以发现这里没有因为古时中国皇上认为他们自己天子一生下来就是统治这个国家的,所以他们应该占据最高点

    There are no trees here because in ancient China emperors considered themselves to be a Son of Heaven, born to reign over the country, so they should occupy the highest position.


  • 美丽的海滨花园城市威海满街成荫,宁静整洁市容环境使这里成为中国适宜居住城市之一。

    Beautiful seaside Garden, Weihai, which flower streets, shady trees, quiet and clean environment make becoming one of the most livable cities in China.


  • 禅宗作为移植印度佛教中国奇葩,其所蕴含丰富美学内涵深刻作用中国美学史

    Zen, a rare and beautiful Chinese follower transplanted from the Indian Buddhism old tree, contains the rich esthetics connotation which acted on the Chinese esthetics history profoundly.


  • 就是中国仿佛历经沧桑又重新焕发青春苍天屹立世界东方

    This is China, just like a towering tree which goes through all the vicissitudes but is blooming again, stands in the east of world.


  • 梧桐商成立于2014年初国内领先的数字服务电子商务服务商,助力于品牌方和零售商中国商市场上的成功

    Founded early 2014, Buttonwood Inc. is a leading, digital and e-commerce service partner in China, helping brands and retailers build e-commerce success.


  • 相信,在你们河中国青年朋友努力下中非友谊之一定能够万古长青,中非互利合作一定能够更加兴旺

    I'm confident through our joint efforts, the tree of friendship between China and Africa will remain ever-green and our mutually beneficial cooperation even more prosperous.


  • 现在我们圣诞总会一些中国东西上面

    Now our Christmas tree will always have something Chinese on it.


  • 作为中国南方傣族自治州,西双版纳的繁茂热带雨林两旁种着棕榈街道清新空气使长期以来一直是希望逃离北方严冬、在国内欣赏异域风情的人们的避难所

    Home to southern China's dai tribe, Xishuangbanna's lush tropical forests, palm-lined streets and clean air have long made it the exotic domestic sanctuary from frigid northern winters.


  • 有源中国传统文化根源先秦

    Water has its fountainhead and tree has its root. China traditional culture's basic is in Pre-qin Dynasty.


  • 中国心目中的俄罗斯莫斯科的红场,是圣彼得堡的冬宫夏宫,是寒冷冰雪,是滚烫土豆,很少有人会把青绿的苍茫的海鸥棕榈与俄罗斯联系到一起。

    For Chinese, Russia is Red Square in Moscow, is Winter Palace and Summer Palace in St. Petersburg, is hot roast potato and cold snow and ice, not green mountain, wide sea, seagull or palm.


  • 对于爱尔兰人而言,在中国即使平凡生活比如进行缠绕采用竹材进行支撑,都呈现出雕塑特色

    To Irish eyes, even the most mundane details of Chinese life, like wrapping trees and propping them with bamboo, take on sculptural qualities.


  • 用一状语突出植被葱绿,山花烂漫,苍劲。杭州龙井茶中国之上品,必须老虎,才能泡香醇味道

    Hangzhou's Longging Tea, the best of 's green tea, requiring the water from the Tiger Spring to bring out its most fragrant flavor and delicious taste.


  • 用一状语突出植被葱绿,山花烂漫,苍劲。杭州龙井茶中国之上品,必须老虎,才能泡香醇味道

    Hangzhou's Longging Tea, the best of 's green tea, requiring the water from the Tiger Spring to bring out its most fragrant flavor and delicious taste.


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