• 安迪中国男篮证明以后依然亚洲霸主。

    Andy: China men's basketball team proves it's still the number one in Asia after 8 years.


  • 并针对中国男篮存在问题提出了对策建议

    The suggestion and strategy in relation to the existing problems in Chinese men team were proposed.


  • 所有这些都是中国男篮为了即将到来奥运会准备。

    All of this was done as part of China's re-engineering of its basketball for the upcoming summer Olympic games.


  • 中国男篮亚锦赛决赛中以70比69一分险胜约旦

    China narrowly beat Jordan Sunday night in the Asian Men's basketball championships final, 70-69.


  • 中国男篮了14名球员打球,刘炜李晓旭没有出战。

    China used 14 players. Liu Wei, Li Xiaoxu and Yao Ming did not play.


  • 过去8场比赛中,中国男篮先后击败欧洲劲旅克罗地亚立陶宛队

    In the past 8 games, China beat Croatia and Lithuania which are powerful forces among European teams.


  • 北京奥运会中国男篮VS美国男篮比赛视频在哪里有的下载

    Where some Beijing Olympiad Chinese man's basketball VS USA man's basketball competition video frequency time be loaded with?


  • 因此中国男篮突破历史第八成绩主要的对手欧洲球队

    Therefore, Chinese man' s basketball breaks the mainest history eighth' s achievement opponents will be an Europe team.


  • 周一北京奥运会男篮比赛上,中国男篮77比91输给希腊队。

    China lost 91-77 to Greece at the men's basketball competition of the Olympic Games in Beijing on Monday.


  • 易建联代表中国男篮参加04年雅典奥运会以及06年日本世锦赛

    Yi competed for the Chinese National Team at the 2004 Olympics in Athens and the 2006 FIBA World Championship in Japan.


  • 投篮方式上,中国男篮接球直接投篮运球急停跳投、原地投为主。

    In the shooting form, Chinese team usually catch the ball then directly shots, first dribble then suddenly stop to jump shot and standing shot.


  • 特别是外线队员防守能力,一直影响中国男篮整体实力提升一道重要瓶颈

    Especially the defensive ability of outside players is the important bottleneck which impede the Chinese men's basketball team's strength enhance.


  • 中国男篮第15世界男篮锦标赛成绩不尽如人意,防守主要原因之一。

    Being bad in defense is one of the main reasons for Chinese Mens basketball Teams defeat in the15th Men basketball FIBA world championship.


  • 王治郅表示中国男篮球员调整状态,全力打好每一比赛,争取好成绩。

    "The Chinese team will soon adjust themselves and do their best in every game, " said Wang.


  • 中国男篮组织后卫队员突破能力不强,很难突破对方的防线,打乱对方防守部署

    It's poor breakthrough ability of the China Men's basketball key guard. It is difficult for him to break through the opponents defence line.


  • 查阅大量文献资料表明目前中国男篮前锋队员进攻防守研究不多见

    The literature data indicates that the research on the offensive and defensive current of small forward players in Chinese Men's Basketball Team is still rare.


  • 2003年10月1日,率领中国男篮拿到亚锦赛冠军同时获得雅典奥运会入场券

    On October, 1st, 2003, he led Chinese National Basketball Team to get the champion of Asian Championship of Basketball and the admission ticket of Athens' Olympics.


  • 运用五级评价结合秩和比数学原理,对中国男篮第28奥运会比赛数据进行分析。

    The data of Chinese men"s basketball in the 28th Olympic games is analyzed by using the five levels evaluation method and RSR mathematics principle."


  • 本文世界篮球运动中国男篮进行了全面分析研究,来论证中国男篮进入名的可能性

    This paper analyzes completely Chinese men's basketball and the world basketball sports in order that argument the possibility of Chinese men's basketball entering ex- six rank.


  • 研究结果表明中国男篮技战术风格发生巨大变化,攻守速度有所加快突破得分能力增强

    The results show that Chinese Tearn technical and tactical style has changed dramatically, offensive and defensive speed has accelerated, enhanced ability to score a breakthrough.


  • 原因,前锋位置中国男篮至今一个“死”,使得强大内线得不到有力支援

    The reason for the power forward position in the Chinese Basketball is still a "soft spot", which makes a strong inside without strong support.


  • 正常赛季还剩场比赛的情况下,星期天有关参加中国男篮季后赛8个合格球队的名单已经揭晓

    The eight teams who have qualified to play the Chinese Basketball Association's off-season matches were unveiled on Sunday, with one more game to go in the regular stage.


  • 中国王仕鹏终场前13的3分球绝杀,帮助中国男篮以68:65击败伊朗队,杀进亚运会决赛。

    Guard Wang Shipeng saved China with a game-winning 3-pointer, about 13 seconds to go in a 68-65 victory over Asian champions Iran.


  • 研究表明中国男篮后卫队员快攻能力对手存在较大的差距,且成功率低、发动快攻意识

    The study shows that there is a great difference between Chinese guards and their rivals in fast break ability, their success ratio is low and the consciousness of fast break is not strong enough.


  • 中国男篮进攻体系内线比较的优势,外围得分具有一定能力突破技术运用的能力相对不强;

    In the attack system of Chinese Men's Basketball Team, inside attacks had great advantages, outside attacks also gained scores, but the breakthrough skill was comparatively poor.


  • 欣喜之余,中国男篮占尽天时、地利、人和有利条件下仍未能取得历史性突破,不禁让人倍感遗憾。

    The Chinese team already had contended with the world teams. It is excited, however, the Chinese Men's Basketball, even under favorable conditions, can not achieve a historic breakthrough.


  • 研究目的2008年的北京奥运会上,中国男篮在北京五棵松篮球馆,观众上演了精彩的比赛。

    Research Objectives:In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese Men's Basketball Team put on six wonderful performances for the whole nation in Beijing Wukesong sports center.


  • 研究目的2008年的北京奥运会上,中国男篮在北京五棵松篮球馆,观众上演了精彩的比赛。

    Research Objectives:In 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese Men's Basketball Team put on six wonderful performances for the whole nation in Beijing Wukesong sports center.


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