• 这些日本人是日本藤田建设工程公司职员中国一个处理日军二战遗弃中国化学武器项目而工作。

    The employees of Japanese-based Fujita construction company were in China concerning a project to dispose of chemical weapons abandoned by Japanese military forces after World War Two.


  • 很多建设项目中国公司承包的。它们自己实力工程质量赢得了良好声誉

    Many construction projects in Algeria have been contacted to China's businesses, which have won themselves strong reputations for high quality with their clout.


  • StanleyWang中国西部一家铁路建设工程代理人刚刚接待了来自美国一家公司销售工程MattPaul,他们来进行隧道方面的业务。

    Stanley Wang is a site agent for a railway construction project in western China. He has just taken Matt and Paul, sales engineers from a small American company, on a tour of the tunnel.


  • 1970年10月1975年6月先后有5万多名中国工程人员参加坦赞铁路建设其中有65人永远长眠非洲土地上

    From October 1970 to June 1975, over 50,000 Chinese engineers successively participated in the construction of Tanzania-Zambia Railway and among those, 65 died on the African soils forever.


  • 中国中铁隧道集团(ChinaRailway Tunnel Group)副总工程王梦恕上周曾告诉国有媒体资金短缺导致全国逾1万公里铁路建设停工

    Wang Mengshu, deputy chief engineer at the China Railway Tunnel Group, told state media last week a shortage of funds had halted the construction of more than 10,000km of track nationwide.


  • 资金投入连接巴西大西洋沿岸秘鲁太平洋沿岸铁道建设这一工程减少中国出口商品所需花费

    Thee money will go towards building a railway link from Brazil's Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast of Peru to reduce the cost of exports to China.


  • 中国土木工程建筑公司进入中国铁路建设中国海外工程总公司铁器中

    China Civil Engineering Construction Company into the China Railway Construction, China National Overseas Engineering Corporation incorporated in the ironwork.


  • 非机动交通方式整合道路建设工程中的方面,中国第三世界阵营中仍然颇具特色

    China is still unique within the Third World in integrating non-motorized modes into its road construction programmes.


  • 中国加速南水北调建设工程

    Construction on water diversion project to accelerate.


  • 中国实施了一项大型工程项目来缓解北京用水紧张,现已完成了南水北调工程建设

    China inaugurated a mega-engineering project aimed at mitigating Beijing's water crisis. The state completed construction of the South-North Water Diversion.


  • 公路工程角度出发,研究中国岩石分布公路建设影响

    Froming the Angle of the highway engineering, the distribution of extremely soft rock in China and its influences on highway construction are studied.


  • 通过利用外资大型水利水电工程实例说明中国大型国际工程建设管理体制演变过程

    The evolution of construction management system for international big project using foreign capital in China is explained by examples of water and water power projects.


  • 2006年起,中国已经30城市开展数字城市地理空间框架建设试点工程今年,又增加了60个试点城市。

    China launched pilot projects for digital surveying and mapping in 30 cities in 2006, which was extended to a further 60 cities this year.


  • 中国化工建设总公司(简称CNCCC)承包国内海外的化工工程

    China National chemical Construction Corporation (CNCCC) contracts for domestic and overseas chemical projects.


  • 中国拥有中端装备产能性价比高,综合配套工程建设能力外汇储备充裕,但产业需要转型升级。

    And as far as China is concerned, it has manufacturing capacity for quality and affordable mid-end equipment, strong engineering and service capabilities, and large foreign exchange reserves.


  • 中国国家金融建设中国银行总行确定“九·期间重点建设工程城市金融是整个国家金融网建设基础

    CNFN (China National Financial Network) is defined by PBOC as the major project of construction during "the Ninth Five - Year Plan" period while City Financial Network (CFN) is the base of CNFN.


  • 因此中国石化工程建设公司于2002年重新绘制了工程图,将其命名U管式换热器系列工程图》。

    Then SINOPEC engineering incorporation drew up the engineering drawing a-gain in 2002, and it was named asU shape tubular heat exchanger series engineering drawing》.


  • 中国开始建设世界最高公路隧道——横贯四川省西南部雀儿山隧道工程周三开工建设

    China a begins construction of world's highest highway tunnelconstruction of a tunnel that will traverse Trola Mountain in southwestern Sichuan Province began on Wednesday.


  • 介绍中国石化销售管理信息系统工程构架建设情况。

    The framework of SINOPEC distribution management information system and the construction of this project are described.


  • 我们持续不断地努力争取建设中国乃至亚洲最好工程技术人才银行

    We will strengthen our efforts consistently and strive for a bank of the best engineering technological talents in China and even the whole Asia.


  • 我们继续东莞建设国际花园城市不断努力,为中国现代城市设计建造更多艺术工程

    We will continue to, the construction of the International Garden City in Dongguan and the ongoing efforts for China's modern urban design to build more artistic works.


  • 三北防护林体系工程项宏伟的千秋工程,她不仅中国生态环境建设伟大创举也是全球生态环境建设重要组成部分

    Noted as a great splendid program, the three north shelterbelt program is not only a pioneering work in China's eco-construction, but also the important part of national eco-construction.


  • 三北防护林体系工程项宏伟的千秋工程,她不仅中国生态环境建设伟大创举也是全球生态环境建设重要组成部分

    Noted as a great splendid program, the three north shelterbelt program is not only a pioneering work in China's eco-construction, but also the important part of national eco-construction.


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