• 中国中东国家传统友谊深厚

    China and CEE countries enjoy deep traditional friendship.


  • 第一,打造中国与中东合作亮点

    First, foster new highlights in China-Central and Eastern Europe cooperation.


  • 人们倾向认为中国中东商务关系石油有关事实并非如此。

    There is a tendency to assume commercial relations between China and the Middle East are all about oil … that's not the case.


  • 中国中东地区关系一直升温中东地区中国商品需求日益增长。

    The relationship between China and the Middle East region has been warming, and the Middle East region has growing demand for Chinese goods.


  • 这个意义上说中国与中东欧国家全面深化合作迎来前所未有机遇

    In this sense, we will embrace unprecedented new opportunities to deepen our cooperation across the board.


  • 中方正在探讨设立中国与中东国家合作基金双方经贸合作提供有力支撑

    China is exploring the possibility of setting up a cooperation fund between the two sides, which will provide strong support for our economic cooperation and trade.


  • 2000年,中国中东国家贸易额只有30亿美元,2010年超过400亿美元,年均增速达32%。

    In 2000, China's trade with central and east European countries was only 3 billion U.S. dollars. In 2010, it surpassed 40 billion, representing an annual average growth of 32 percent.


  • LG希望液晶电视全球销售也能借由中东巴西印度以及中国的旺盛需求克服欧洲美国部分的骤减份额10.2%上升至14.5%。

    It also wants to boost its share of LCD TV sales from 10.2% to 14.5%, as strong sales in the Middle East, Brazil, India and China overcome slumping demand in Europe and America.


  • 中国包括突尼斯在内阿拉伯国家保持密切沟通磋商继续推动中东问题早日解决做出努力。

    China is ready to maintain close contacts and consultations with Arab nations, including Tunisia, to continue to contribute to an early settlement of the Middle East issue.


  • 中国国际社会一道继续推动中东地区局势早日恢复和平稳定

    China will work together with the international community toward an early resumption of peace and stability in the Middle East region.


  • 中国珍视中东国家长期培育的深厚友谊,始终把中东欧国家看成信赖的朋友重要合作伙伴

    China cherishes its long-standing and deep friendship with the central and east European countries. We find in you a reliable friend and key partner in cooperation.


  • 潘基文秘书长表达愿望一样中国同样希望2009年中东和平进程的“收获”。

    Like Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, China also hopes that the year 2009 will be a year of harvest for the Middle East peace process.


  • 李肇星说,中国致力于世界地区和平稳定一如既往地国际社会一道推动中东和平进程而努力。

    Li noted that China is committed to world and regional peace and stability and will as always work with the international community to make efforts towards the peace process in the Middle East.


  • 中国处理伊朗问题出发点是维护国际不扩散体系有效性中东地区的和平稳定

    A: China handles the Iranian nuclear issue on the basis of maintaining the effectiveness of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime as well as peace and stability of the Middle East.


  • 中国国际社会一道,推动中东地区早日实现和平稳定继续不懈努力。

    China would like to work with the rest of the world to make unswerving efforts for the early realization of peace and stability in the Middle East.


  • 约旦高度赞赏中国对约旦国家建设事业支持,并衷心感谢中国国际事务特别是中东地区事务多年来给予约旦的支持合作

    He also thanked China for its support for and cooperation with Jordan on international affairs, particularly the Middle East peace process.


  • 预计其它中资银行会跟随工行的脚步来到中东因为地区中国贸易往来越来越多

    He also expects other Chinese Banks to follow ICBC's lead into the Middle East, on the basis that trade between the region and China will only grow.


  • 这里进一步深化中国-中东全面合作谈几点看法各位企业家交流探讨。

    Here, I wish to share with you some thoughts on further deepening China-CEEC comprehensive cooperation.


  • 大马士革地处条将中国印度非洲中东和欧洲连接起来古道上。

    Damascus lies on one of the ancient routes connecting China and India with Africa, the Middle East and Europe.


  • 印度媒体报道戴尔印度得到税收优惠政策中国相比可以让以更便宜价格供应中东非洲欧洲市场

    According to the Indian media, tax breaks given to Dell make it cheaper for the company to supply the Middle East, Africa and Europe out of India, rather than China.


  • 中国英国中东伊拉克等问题加强磋商

    China would like to strengthen consultations with the UK, on the Middle East and Iraq.


  • 中国英国中东伊拉克问题加强磋商

    China would like to strengthen consultations with the UK, including on the Middle East and Iraq.


  • 一项有关世界各地上网习惯研究显示中国中东世界上最忙碌而且热衷于上网的互联网用户

    People in China and the Middle East are the busiest and most enthusiastic internet users, a study of the world's online habits has revealed.


  • 中国主张通过对话谈判和平解决伊朗问题维护中东地区和平稳定

    China is for the peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation, and for maintaining the peace and stability of the Middle East.


  • 中国主张通过对话谈判和平解决伊朗问题维护中东地区和平稳定

    China is for the peaceful resolution of the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue and negotiation, and for maintaining the peace and stability of the Middle East.


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