• 通常非常激动人心时刻尤其是如果立的敏捷教练,不去指出许多没有协作可能会发生的事情时。

    This is usually a very exciting time, especially if you have a neutral agile coach preventing natural finger pointing that may happen after so many years without collaborating.


  • 经过协商,成了该行领导团队员,成了该行行长

    He negotiated that into a role on the bank's leadership team as one of the bank's vice presidents.


  • 项长达37研究调查61 000挪威女性,得出结论十11岁首次出现例假的女性死亡率四年出现的女性高出10%。

    A 37-year-long study of 61, 000 Norwegian women showed that women who got their first period at ten or 11 had a 10% higher mortality rate than those who got their period four years later.


  • 泰特美术馆眼下举办美术令人难以理解的美国艺术家塞•托姆布雷,泛称为抽象表现主义者,其参展的作品大都是不被人们熟悉的。

    MANY of the most delightful pieces in the Tate show of art by Cy Twombly, an elusive American artist commonly described as a post-Abstract Expressionist, are among his least familiar works.


  • 切割最初估值技术专家在查看海底传回视频给出了至少每天12,000至25,000保守估计

    In its first estimate since the cut, one of the technical group's teams, looking at video feeds from the sea floor, offered a conservative estimate of at least 12,000 to 25,000 barrels a day.


  • 德国,成为了继曾在皇马效力麦克马纳曼第二国外俱乐部拿到冠军杯冠军英国球员

    There he became just the second English player to win a Champions League medal with a foreign clubthe first being former Blue Steve McManaman at Real Madrid.


  • 病例,有纽卡斯尔患者,此前讲话是泰恩赛德口音,但变成牙买加口音,时而夹杂斯洛伐克口音。

    In one case, a stroke victim from Newcastle switched from speaking with a broad Geordie accent to a Jamaican, and occasionally Slovak, tone.


  • 那些姓氏首字母字母表9(即R-Z,他们平均反应时间19.38分钟

    The average response time for people with names beginning with one of the last nine letters of the alphabet, R through Z, was 19.38 minutes.


  • 2005年,青少年行症患者醒来发现自己睡一台130英尺起重机吊杆,于是不得不呼救求援

    In 2005, a teenage sleepwalker hadto berescued after being found asleep on the arm of a 130ft crane.


  • 本文)实属一脉相承前者早期研究无国界管理,者晚期研究金字塔” 理论,帮助企业贫困客户打交道

    Prahalad (see article), whose later field of interest was “the base of the pyramid”—helping businesses to work with poorer customers.


  • 贵阳玩“游戏”的“80白领,“只是一款虚拟游戏而已,不会游戏的情绪带到实际生活来。”

    A "post-80s" generation white collar gamer from Guiyang said, "This is just a virtual game, we wouldn't bring the same drama into the real world."


  • 福克斯生于田纳西州佛罗里达路西(Port StLucie)长大。她成功模特登陆荧屏,在2006年的电视剧希望忠诚》(Hopeand Faith)获得了固定戏份

    Born in Tennessee and brought up in Port st Lucie, Florida, Fox was a successful model before landing a regular stint in the television series Hope and Faith in 2006.


  • Anadir资料数据库的信息核对发现老妇人的数据吻合。

    When Anadir ran her information through its database, it discovered overlapping details with an older woman.


  • m 64北方发座(ComaeBerenices Com, 386,50)星群,距离地球大约1700万光年

    Located in the northern constellation Coma Berenices, M64 resides roughly 17 million light-years from Earth.


  • 南极探险败给挪威探险家罗尔德•亚孟森(Roald Amundsen)斯科特船长队员也丧生于这座大陆。

    Scott and four others died after being beaten to the pole by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen.


  • 我们家族长辈逝世,我们全家沉浸悲伤气氛

    Our family is filled with sadness due to the death of the last 1 matriarch of our 2 clan.


  • 日常Scrum会议平台团队成员应该汇报他们参与特性团队讨论结论(例如所采取决定必要变更)。

    In a regular scrum meeting, each member in the platform team should report the outcome of their participation in the discussions with feature teams (e.g. decisions taken, required changes).


  • 99年的家庭收入达到峰值,美国家庭收入就一直没有回升如今更是惨淡地降低了7%,可以说回到了96年的水平。

    Since the peak in 1999, real median household incomes have plunged by a miserable 7%, and are now back where they were in 1996.


  • 失去上述三名球员至少短期内似乎并未对球队造成不良影响:在标志性人物离队4比赛,曼联取得了101的战绩;然而值得我们注意的是,在这三个赛季曼联均未能夺冠

    Put together, the first four matches after each icon's departure yielded 10 wins and a draw, although, tellingly, in none of those seasons did Manchester United finish as champions.


  • 接受了一个星期治疗10患有慢性消化不良症的被试验者几乎8在每天坚持喝土豆汁之症状得到了缓解。

    Almost eight out of ten participants who had suffered from chronic indigestion benefited after a week of treatment.


  • 首先海选700多名来自世界各地的哈佛新生公开投票选出80名入围选手,然全校学生网络公投,选出30名进入半决赛,一番PK留下13名男生,在接受各方面人士的严格考核和网络投票,最终诞生“哈佛男生”。

    Out of over 700 freshmen from all over the world, 80 are chosen to take part in the contest. A second vote by students picks 30 to go on to the next round.


  • 被掳先知

    One of the three prophets after the exile.


  • 整天埋头案牍,难免会有些沮丧但是工作者耐心地接过尚未完成任务,倒很适合

    It frustrated her to sit among a mountain of papers; but the role of a background worker, patiently picking up after Jo, also suited her.


  • 先生如果卖家对产品做了一番介绍顾客很多无法回答问题或者指出了很多产品潜在问题的话,这国卖家就忧心如焚

    If a Chinese vendor gives a presentation and the customer asks him lots of questions he can't answer or raises lots of potential problems, the vendor will be distraught, says Mr So.


  • 微波是一科学家经过电波探测时发现口袋巧克力溶化发现的。

    The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.


  • 通用汽车公司一天申请破产保护份声明周二根据协议条款没有透露身份买家且合同金额。

    GM, a day after filing for bankruptcy, said in a statement on Tuesday that it was not disclosing the identity of the buyer or the value of the deal under the terms of the agreement.


  • 通用汽车公司一天申请破产保护份声明周二根据协议条款没有透露身份买家且合同金额。

    GM, a day after filing for bankruptcy, said in a statement on Tuesday that it was not disclosing the identity of the buyer or the value of the deal under the terms of the agreement.


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