• 除了科林看来他们也不适合这个工作

    Colin apart, not one of them seems suitable for the job.


  • 他们每天这种危险的环境下工作很长时间带有水银泥沙淘出金沙

    Here they endure long hours at dangerous jobs, wringing flecks of gold from the dirt with mercury.


  • 人们得很像时,他们思维说话行为的方式会很相似,至少工作是这样。

    When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act similarly, on the job at least.


  • 公司老板尽力创造一种轻松气氛这种气氛员工喜欢他们工作

    The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere where his employees enjoy their work.


  • 数学家Gregory Chaitin A.N.Kolmogorov他们关于复杂性形式系统局限性开创性工作迫使我们仔细地考虑最后一个说法

    In their groundbreaking work regarding complexity and the limitations of formal systems, mathematicians Gregory Chaitin and A.N. Kolmogorov force us to consider this last claim more closely.


  • 另一些认为得到奖励会鼓励孩子家务会让他们学到现实世界我们需要如何工作挣钱的道理。

    Other people believe that getting a reward encourages kids to do housework, and it also teaches them real world lessons about how we need to work to get money.


  • 如果员工觉得自己价值被低估没有得到次愉快的假期作为补偿他们就会感到不满而且无法工作做到最好

    If wokers felt undervalued and were not compensated with a good vacation, they would feel dissatisfied and not do their best at work.


  • 科学领域适合他们工作并不所以他们华尔街硅谷他们分析技巧应用实际、回报更多的工作

    There aren't many jobs in science for them, so they go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to apply their analytical skills to more practical—and rewarding—efforts.


  • 4-H俱乐部成员同意跟进这个项目直到完成他们建设性工作成果得到满足

    Members of the 4-H club agreed to follow the project through to completion, because they receive satisfaction from the results of constructive work.


  • 运转良好的机器他们从枯燥工作重复过程解脱出来时,他们工作满意度飙升

    Their job satisfaction, too, can surge when well-functioning machines relieve them of dull tasks or repetitive processes.


  • 事实上,73%受访者他们同事之间关系作为工作快乐关键因素所占的比例很高

    In fact, 73% of people interviewed put their relationship with colleagues as the key factor contributing to happiness at work, which is a very high percentage.


  • 尽管研究人员研究了 FKF1蛋白拟南芥如何工作,但他们认为许多其他植物也是一样的,包括水稻小麦作物

    Although researchers have only studied how the FKF1 protein works in the Arabidopsis, they believe that it is the same with many other plants, including crops such as rice and wheat.


  • 听到人们描述个人因为他们工作生活时间这样对待他们拥有难以置信权力时,不再感到奇怪

    I am no longer surprised when I hear people describe this incredible power that exists because how someone treated them at some time in their life.


  • 那些拥有准确可靠最新信息解决日常问题,解决他们工作社交家庭生活关键问题人,将可以生存成功

    Those people who have accurate, reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems, the critical problems of their bus iness,social and family life, will survive and succeed.


  • 他们3个人工作极其出色

    Three of them are working extremely well.


  • 他们正在争分夺秒工作设法人们瓦砾活着救出来。

    They're working against time to try and get people out of the rubble alive.


  • 2008年经济危机他们都是受其影响孩子许多他们父母失去工作毕生积蓄,或者两者都失去了。

    They were impressionable kids during the crash of 2008, when many of their parents lost their jobs or their life savings or both.


  • 如果员工觉得自己价值被低估了没有得到一个好的假期作为补偿他们就会感到不满不会工作他们最大的努力。

    If workers felt undervalued and were not compensated with a good vacation, they would feel dissatisfied and not do their best at work.


  • 有些老师多,很少有人他们工作得到这么多的满足感

    Some people make more money than teachers, but few get as much satisfaction from their work.


  • 他们应该烟雾弥漫的环境工作

    They shouldn't work in smoky atmospheres.


  • 太阳必须天际,他们指定地点工作劳动得到解脱

    The sun has to trundle across the sky, and they want relief from working and laboring at their assigned stations.


  • 因此他们许多人获得执照之前保留着以前的工作

    Therefore, many of them keep their previous jobs until they have obtained the license.


  • 他们指出顺从思想工作至关重要作用

    They point out the idea that it is the obedience that plays the essential role in working.


  • 过去他们常常寻找潜力人,挖掘求职者技能价值视为他们工作一部分

    They used to look for potential and saw it as part of their job to extract the value of an applicant's skills.


  • 竞争激烈工作环境雇主能够利用技术手段他们员工提出更多要求不是他们有益灵活性来激励员工

    In a competitive work environment, employers are able to use technology to demand more from their employees rather than motivating workers with flexibility that benefits them.


  • 工作人们清楚他们应该什么工作赚钱为了获得收入而做他们必须的事情。

    At work, people pretty much know what they're supposed to be doing: working, making money, doing the tasks they have to do in order to draw an income.


  • 有些退休后感到孤独因为他们以前工作的熟人可能不再联系了。

    Some people feel lonely after they retire from their posts because their previous work contacts may be all gone.


  • 他们有机会国际比赛工作帮助得到了那些工作

    They have allowed me the opportunity to seek jobs in international contests and help me get those jobs.


  • 他们有机会国际环境寻找工作帮助得到了那些工作

    They have allowed me the opportunity to seek jobs in international contexts and help me get those jobs.


  • 古德曼希望计划积极主动学生填补他们经验空白鼓励他们不那么积极主动的同龄人从事他们学术领域以外工作

    Goodman hopes the scheme will enable active students to fill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-active peers to take up activities outside their academic area of work.


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