• 40个左右之核电站正在亚洲(多是中国俄罗斯承建拉丁美洲、中东非洲国家不是建设就是计划建反应堆

    Most of the 40 or so plants now under construction are in Asia (many in China) or Russia, but countries in Latin America, the Middle East and Africa are also either building or planning reactors.


  • 中东地区,许多建设项目都有土耳其公司参与,土耳其工人的身影也是随处可见。

    Many construction projects in the Middle East involve Turkish firms and workers.


  • 美国中东问题特使米切尔上星期耶路撒冷约旦河西岸进行为期四天的和平使命中,试图说服内塔尼亚胡延长定居点建设冻结令他的努力没有成功

    During a four-day peace mission last week to Jerusalem and the West Bank, U.S. envoy George Mitchell tried to persuade Mr. Netanyahu to extend the construction freeze, but to no avail.


  • 我们希望国际社会维护中东地区和平稳定发挥建设作用

    We hope to see the international community play a constructive role in safeguarding peace and stability of the Middle East.


  • 我们应当欢迎、鼓励支持民间社会解决中东问题所作的建设努力

    This and all the other constructive efforts by civil society in resolving the Middle Eastissue deserve our applause, encouragement and strong support.


  • 作为安理会常任理事国,中国中东和平进程继续发挥建设作用

    As a permanent member of the Security Council, China would like to continue its constructive role in the Middle East peace process.


  • 约旦高度赞赏中国对约旦国家建设事业支持,并衷心感谢中国国际事务特别是中东地区事务多年来给予约旦的支持合作

    He also thanked China for its support for and cooperation with Jordan on international affairs, particularly the Middle East peace process.


  • 不要忘了诺贝尔评审委员会在决定颁奖给谁时,向来传统就是:委员会对候选人的期望候选人的实际成就更为重要,比如当年因为期望推动中东和平而颁奖给阿拉法特,佩雷斯拉宾,以及因为期望建设一个更好南非而颁奖给曼德拉和戴克拉克等等

    Remember that the Nobel prize has a long history of being awarded more for the committee's aspirations than for others' accomplishmentsfor Mideast peace or a better South Africa, for instance.


  • 缓解我国北方地区严重缺水局面,我国决定兴建南水北调大型水利工程,其中东、中线工程现已开工建设

    The South-to-North Water Transfer Project is built to relieve the serious water shortage in northern region of our country.


  • 来说,我觉得美国应该退出中东建设一个人类历史最强大的防御体系。

    As far as I'm concerned, at this point, America needs to pull out of the Middle East. Build its own defenses to a level not seen in history.


  • 中国企业基础设施建设方面较强实力丰富经验中东国家广阔市场,双方合作大有可为。

    Chinese enterprises have strong competence and rich experience in this area, and central and eastern European countries have broad markets. So there is huge potential for our cooperation.


  • 中国提出建设丝绸经济带21世纪海上丝绸之路”倡议欢迎中东国家积极参与

    And CEECs are welcome to take an active part in China's initiatives of building the "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the "21st Century Maritime Silk Road".


  • 为了满足中东数位内容运算必要条件扩大需求建设许多新的信息中心

    Many new data centers are being established in the Middle East to cater to the growing demand for digital content and computing requirement.


  • 中国以及中东非洲市场洲际则注重高端酒店品牌建设

    And be in China, and Middle East and African market, intercontinental pays attention to the construction of high-end hotel brand more.


  • 美国中东问题特使米切尔表示尽管华盛顿并不接受继续建设定居点合法性以色列举动仍然积极的。

    The US Middle East envoy George Mitchell said while Washington didn't accept the legitimacy of continued settlements, the Israeli move was a positive one.


  • 中国企业基础设施建设方面实力丰富经验中东国家有广阔市场,双方合作大有可为。

    Chinese enterprises have solid strength and rich experience in infrastructure construction, while the central and east European countries have big markets.


  • 认为中东地区从来不存在真空中东中东人民家园,中东各国人民权利、也有能力家园维护建设

    I don't think there is a "vacuum" there. People in the Middle East have the right and ability to make their own home a better place.


  • 公路一局公路行业建设上立下了不朽的功绩,足迹遍及全国29个省、市、自治区非洲东南亚中东20多个国家

    The Company now is a real international civil engineering construction company with its footmark left in almost whole China and more than 20 countries in Africa, Southeast Asia and Middle East.


  • 公路一局公路行业建设上立下了不朽的功绩,足迹遍及全国29个省、市、自治区非洲东南亚中东20多个国家

    The Company now is a real international civil engineering construction company with its footmark left in almost whole China and more than 20 countries in Africa, Southeast Asia and Middle East.


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