• 中世纪法国宫廷贵族阶层经常举办盛大的晚宴,独具风味

    In the middle ages the French court and nobility had huge feasts with heavy spices.


  • 日本一名残疾探险家明年打算丢掉轮椅借助尖端机器人套装走上中世纪法国世界遗产遗址

    A disabled Japanese adventurer says he is planning to leave his wheelchair behind and walk up a medieval French World Heritage site next year with the help of a cutting-edge robotic suit.


  • 教会的力量任何其他国家都不会美国更强大。 在美国,公众上帝信仰就像中世纪法国那样牢不可破。

    The institutional strength of the churches is nowhere more apparent than in the U.S., a country where public faith in God seems to be as secure as it was in medieval France.


  • 中世纪法国分成无数采邑王国路易十一世时(1461- 1483年在位)其中多数采邑和王国合并属于王室领域

    In the Middle Ages France was split into numerous fiefdoms and kingdoms, most of which were incorporated into the royal domain by the time of Louis XI (reigned 1461-1483).


  • 公元1100年左右中世纪晚期开始先是法国北部后来在整个欧洲爆发建设大型哥特式教堂热潮。

    Beginning in the late middle ages, around 1100, there was a burst in the construction of very large churches, the Gothic cathedrals, first in northern France and later spreading throughout Europe.


  • 法国延绵起伏的山丘中世纪村落里一场现代反击战正积极上演。

    In THE rolling hills and medieval villages of France, a modern rebellion is stirring.


  • 中世纪苏格兰国王总会流亡法国(就像晋国重耳公子流落列国,齐秦均为强国,一边要选个好的靠山,另一边要下注一匹能赢的马)。 一来,有古老协议同盟的保护;二来,还要对付他们共同敌人英格兰

    Scottish monarchs in the Middle Ages were often exiled to France, united by the so-called Auld Alliance and their common enemy, England.


  • 表明巴黎不是法国唯一的创作中心但是为从中世纪文艺复兴过渡必需的事情并不清楚

    This demonstrates that Paris was not France’s only creative centre, but it is not clear what it has to do with the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.


  • 1939年9月30日出生罗塞姆,它是法国阿尔萨斯中世纪的小城

    I was born on September 30 1939 in Rosheim, a small medieval city of Alsace in France.


  • 欧洲名单包括法国西南阿尔比中世纪大教堂阿姆斯特丹风景如画运河

    The European sites listed were the medieval cathedral city of Albi in southwestern France and the picturesque canals of Amsterdam.


  • 英语源于日尔语系,通过引入法语善战法国诺曼第人,以及使用拉丁语中世纪学者神职人员的传播得以逐渐扩大

    Basically Germanic, it was expanded by the conquering Normans, who introduced French, and the medieval scholars and clergy, who used Latin.


  • 现在想像您自己处在意大利里维埃拉一个中世纪小镇周围是 Southern Maritime 阿尔卑斯的青山环绕,法国尼斯不远。

    Now imagine yourself in a medieval town nestled in the lush folds of the Southern Maritime Alps, not too far from Nice, France, in the Italian Riviera.


  • 法国夏多布里昂(Chateaubriant模拟自然彩色卫星照片上,现代文明标志中的中世纪布列塔尼(Brittany)遗迹依然清晰可见。

    Vestiges of Medieval Brittany among signs of modern civilisation in this simulated natural colour satellite image of Chateaubriant, France.


  • 结果赞美圣人特别是法国——根据中世纪的传说据说她是带来圣杯

    In consequence she is extolled as a saint, especially in France - where, according to medieval legends, she is said to have brought the Holy Grail.


  • 二甲双胍是从法国丁香植物开发药物,丁香中世纪就被用于控制尿频一种控制糖尿病症状

    Metformin was developed from the French lilac plant, known in the Middle Ages to control excess urination, a symptom of uncontrolled diabetes.


  • 这个王国名义上一个权力基础增加法国中世纪慢慢地结合周边地区进入强大的王国。

    It was this kingdom, notionally large but with a small power base, which would grow, slowly incorporating the neighbouring areas, into the powerful kingdom of France during the Middle Ages.


  • 裙摆长度”这个让人想到中世纪女性时尚以及拜占庭时期那些专横法国设计师每次调整裙子长度必须遵循的规定。

    The very word 'hemline' can summon visions of midcentury women's fashion and the Byzantine bylaws that simply had to be followed whenever imperious French designers raised and lowered skirt lengths.


  • 中世纪法国,滋养象征主义土壤极为丰厚

    In the middle ages, symbolism flourished in France.


  • 法国北部城市,位于里尔西南偏南方向。中世纪时期,著名毛纺挂毡中心人口41,736。

    A city of northern France south-southwest of Lille. It was a famous woolen and tapestry center in the Middle Ages. Population, 41,736.


  • 法国北部城市,位于里尔市西南偏南方向。中世纪时期,著名毛纺挂毡中心人口4,73。

    A city of northern France south-southwest of Lille. It was a famous woolen and tapestry center in the Middle Ages. Population, 4, 73 '.


  • 本文分别介绍中世纪时期英国法国意大利等国哥特式家具类型各自的风格特点

    The Gothic furniture styles, types and characters of England, France and Italy are separately discussed in the article.


  • 数百年前巴塞罗那中世纪阿拉贡个主要海港,当时巴塞罗那人自己语言,有自己用加泰罗尼亚语编织的独特的文化,并且还把他们的文化带到了法国

    Hundreds of years earlier, Barcelona had been the great sea port of the medieval land of Aragon, with its own language and a Catalan cultural identity that spilled over into France.


  • 中世纪法国文化提供了一个系统地个案研究说明求新的愿望新的粗暴批评显示赞成拒绝

    Medieval French culture offers a case study of "systematic fashion", demonstrating desire for novelty, rejection of the old in favor of the new, and criticism of outrageous display.


  • 这是一个组装起来的中世纪法国骑士模型

    A model for a fully articulated medieval French knight.


  • 最有法国大厨中世纪纪尧姆tirel,被称为Taillevent

    The most well known French chef of the Middle Ages was Guillaume Tirel, also known as Taillevent.


  • 现代意义上检察制度起源于中世纪大陆法系传统法国英国法系传统的英国。

    In a sense, the morden procuratorial system is originated from the England whose traditionbelongs to the civil law system in the middle century------the tradition of Eranceand England.


  • 现代意义上检察制度起源于中世纪大陆法系传统法国英国法系传统的英国。

    In a sense, the morden procuratorial system is originated from the England whose traditionbelongs to the civil law system in the middle century------the tradition of Eranceand England.


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