• 这座房子中世民居建筑典型范例。

    The house is a textbook example of medieval domestic architecture.


  • 无论如何彩绘玻璃窗工艺中世欧洲发展起来教堂建筑密切相关

    Anyway, the art of making stained glass windows developed in Europe during the Middle Ages, and was closely related to church building.


  • 然而妻子提醒我们现在身意大利伟大中世建筑,该好好欣赏一下

    But, as my wife reminds me, we are among the greatest collection of medieval buildings in Italy. We should appreciate what we have.


  • 大教堂遗迹实在20发现它被认为中世伟大的纪念性建筑之一

    Its ruins were discovered in the 20th century and are considered to be one of the greatest monuments of the Middle Ages.


  • 报道荷兰议会大厦幢濒临护城河中世建筑,长期以来一直深受鼠害困扰。

    The Dutch parliament, or Binnenhof, which is centred around a cluster of mediaeval buildings with turrets and a moat, has a lingering problem with vermin, the paper said.


  • 500多年以来罗斯林教堂一直苏格兰中世石刻建筑的瑰宝

    Dating back over 500 years, the Chapel features Scotland's finest examples of medieval stonework and has been described as a 'Tapestry in stone'.


  • 十三dei Priori广场代表着中世建筑精华,现在站的宫殿掩盖广场使看起来狭窄黑暗

    The collection of medieval buildings dominated by the 13th-century Palazzo dei Priori, now the town hall, loomed over the square, making it seem small and dark.


  • 亚美尼亚一个国家美术陈列馆,拥有出超过16000副作品这些作品能够追溯于中世纪,建筑欧洲许多大师所共同漆画的。

    Armenia has a National Art Gallery with more 16,000 works that date back to the Middle Ages. It houses paintings by many European masters.


  • 加上客户中世现代建筑(特别是奇勒住宅)赞赏,这些决定了该住宅建筑语言

    This, along with our client's admiration of mid-century modern architecture (in particular Eichler's Homes), was to inform the architectural language of the home.


  • 如果马其顿英雄雕塑方式得以纪念,当然它们占总人数更多阿尔巴尼亚人也应该享有更多的空间(土生土长的特雷莎修女中世英雄斯坎德培已经代表建筑了)。

    And if Macedonian heroes are to be celebrated in statue form, surely space can be found for a few more Albanians (Skopje-born Mother Teresa and Skanderbeg, a medieval hero, are already represented).


  • 几乎粗野表达沿着建筑顶部扶壁模仿中世锯齿状物效仿昔日城堡

    Almost brutalist in presentation, the buttresses emulate medieval crenellations along the top of the structure, effectively emulating castles of yore.


  • 踏进这个中世城市看到精雕细琢金黄色建筑,不禁令人想到经典童话故事《天方夜谭》画面

    As soon as you enter this medieval city with its elaborately carved golden buildings, images from the classical tales of Arabian Nights come to mind.


  • 建筑上面一对倾斜的“中世屋顶包括各种切割部分百叶窗适应戏剧活动

    A pair of pitched "medieval-like" rooftops top the structure, which includes various cut-out sections and shuttered Windows to accommodate the theatrical action.


  • 这座教堂中世建筑风格典型实例

    This church is a classic example of medieval architecture.


  • 深入研究界顶级建筑设计事务所设计建筑之前弄明白木材设计是什么必要。

    Before delving into five of the buildings in the book designed by World-Architects member firms, it is worth pointing out what the "wood" in "designing with wood" is.


  • 建筑说:“整个空间放置收藏独特中世家具郁郁葱葱的本土植物,将一层微妙色调温暖融入设计”。

    "A distinctive mid-century collection of furniture throughout, as well as lush native plantings, layer subtle colour tones and warmth into the design," said the architects.


  • 建筑设计师,该校仿照中世欧洲城堡建筑来涉及这座校舍的,不是效仿《哈利·波特的魔法城堡。然而二者却有着惊人相似

    But designers say the university is modelled on the architecture of the castles of medieval Europe, rather than Harry Potter's school but the resemblance is startling.


  • 强烈而炫目日光点缀岛上中世建筑赭色色调不可思议

    The fierce glare of the sun. The ocher-colored tones that adorn the island's medieval architecture. The unimaginable blue of the Mediterranean Sea.


  • 不论是古代中世还是现代建筑列入了无尽的“奇迹名单

    Endless lists of "wonders", whether ancient, medieval or modern, have been drawn up.


  • 德国图片画廊。施普雷雕刻路线通过混合建筑纪的现代柏林结合以前哈维尔河流大海

    The Spree River carves its course through a mixture of architecture from medieval to modern in Berlin before combining with the Havel River and flowing out to sea.


  • 罗马君士坦丁堡宫殿作为权力的象征达到了顶峰。而在中世以后西欧的宫殿则偏向单独建筑

    In Rome and Constantinople, palaces reached their peak as centres of power. In Western Europe after the Middle Ages, palaces tended to be single Buildings.


  • 古城三百建筑。三分之二建中世

    Well, there are almost three hundred building in the old town and two thirds come from the Middle Ages.


  • 结构支撑桥梁土地交接地方旨在最大限度地减少转移中世结构建筑荷载

    The V shaped structural supports, seen where the bridge meets land, are designed to minimize the transfer of loads to the medieval architecture.


  • 纽约·埃斯特博物馆一个收藏中世建筑艺术品博物馆。

    New York Cloisters is a museum collecting works of art and architecture of the Middle Ages.


  • 第二阶段中世主义建筑结构逻辑早期现代建筑建筑结构概念提出

    The second step is that the structural logic of medieval architecture was applied on the structural concept of buildings in the early Modern Architecture.


  • 第二阶段中世主义建筑结构逻辑早期现代建筑建筑结构概念提出

    The second step is that the structural logic of medieval architecture was applied on the structural concept of buildings in the early Modern Architecture.


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