• 因为个头关系其他女孩欺负。

    She was picked on by the other girls because of her size.


  • 那位摔跤手给对手来擒拿

    The wrestler put his opponent into a head hold.


  • 其他孩子不断地耻笑个头儿。

    The other kids continually taunted him about his size.


  • 妹妹足足高出了

    She's a good head taller than her sister.


  • 虽然个头大,这些轮船船员却很少,一般只有二十左右

    Despite their size, these vessels carry small crews, usually of around twenty men.


  • 对于小一点企业来说真的的问题。

    This is a real headache for smaller businesses.


  • 为什么我们知道制作确切日期呢?

    Why don't we know the exact date when this head was made?


  • He has two heads.


  • 坐在电影院里,不得不前面两个个头中间缝隙里去电影。

    Sitting in the theatre, I had to look through the opening between the two tall heads in front of me.


  • 蒂又按了一次看见戴着漂亮白帽子姑娘楼梯上下来

    Deta, ringing again, saw a girl with a brilliant white cap on her head, coming down the stairway.


  • 斯先生做了个夺人眼球动作,自己倒立一个水箱全部浸入。

    Mr. Rylance makes an astonishing entry, flinging himself into a handstand on a tank of water and dunking his whole head in.


  • 幅拉斯科岩洞叙事画描绘像鸟的人和一只受伤动物的故事,似乎证实了第三种观点许多未解之谜

    One Lascaux narrative picture, which shows a man with a birdlike head and a wounded animal, would seem to lend credence to this third opinion, but there is still much that remains unexplained.


  • 年龄来说,这孩子个头很大

    He's a very large child for his age.


  • 女孩子长足个头之前可能会

    A girl may fill out before she reaches her full height.


  • 虽然个头很小嗓门却很大

    Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.


  • 猛打方向盘中间掉了个头

    He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.


  • 啧啧发剪得漂亮!

    Say, that's a nice haircut!


  • 项工作需要敏锐的人去做。

    The job required a subtle mind.


  • 看上去是不是脑清醒理智

    Did he come across as a sane, rational person?


  • 中等个头,身体壮实

    He was of middle height, thick-set.


  • 巴德卡车调了个头开始返回道尔顿池塘

    Bud turned the truck around, and started back for Dalton Pond.


  • 谢里黑人个头高挑身材苗条说话柔声细气

    Sherry is black, tall, slender and soft-spoken.


  • 回想一下1978年,那时福里斯特赢得了

    Cast your mind back to 1978, when Forest won the title.


  • 个头

    He is small in stature.


  • 有时候他们告诉说我不过衔被美化了的女招待

    Sometimes they tell me I'm just a glorified waitress.


  • 个头高大、皮肤黝黑相貌堂堂通俗爱情小说男主角

    He was tall, dark and handsome, like a Mills and Boon hero.


  • 那个男子高高的个头因伦望远镜的放大而变矮了。

    The man was tall, his figure shortened by the magnification of Lenny's binoculars.


  • 那时试图把导致一局面一系列复杂事件个头绪来。

    He was trying to ravel out the complicated series of events that had led to this situation.


  • 掉了个头,绕回来再看一眼。

    He made a U-turn, circling back to take another look.


  • 个头衔将在伦敦的一个仪式上正式授予我。

    The title will be officially given to me at a ceremony in London.


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