• 个人生活中电台广播中许多出版物中、以及现代著作经典著作翻译都有应用

    It is used in personal contexts, on radio broadcasts and in a number of publications as well as in translations of both modern works and classics.


  • 想建议每个人都应该多读好书,特别是每天读中国经典小说,这样我们就可以把我们的中国传统文化传播到世界。

    I would like to suggest that everyone should do more reading of good books, especially read Chinese classic novels every day so that we can spread our Chinese traditional culture to the world.


  • 当被问及个人喜欢的新纪录时,格伦德说:“喜欢多伦多集体演出杰克逊经典专辑《ThrillerMV场景。”

    Asked to pick his personal favourite, Glenday said "I go for The Thriller one in Toronto."


  • 第一句话引出了登山。 第二句话经典句子,没有人生来就是好的登山者,一只有无数伤痛后才能成长起来——该句的内在逻辑联系非常

    Nobody is born a good mountain climber, and one can only become a skilled one after countless injuries.


  • 当然个人一种经典方式这样不是胡闹

    Of course everyone wants to do so in a classy and not trashy way!


  • 经典告诉我们今天问题不是问题,还告诉了我们不论周围环境如何,可以始终快乐

    The classics show that the problems of today are not new, and that a person can still be happy despite his circumstances.


  • 多元文化经典争议寓意,有关就是成为讲话的那重要性无论如何它们只是寓意而已。

    The multicultural canon has a contestatory message about the importance of being whoever happens to be speaking, but in each case they're merely messages.


  • “失控电车困境”公认经典方法用来判断是否乐意根据功利主义原则做决定。

    One of the classic techniques used to measure a person’s willingness to behave in a utilitarian way is known as trolleyology.


  • 怀旧游戏包括那些现代个人电脑上运行经典游戏模拟版,由于第一游戏迷的怀旧情节而日渐风靡。

    Retro gaming, including simulators of classic game consoles that run on modern PCs, is a growing phenomenon driven by the nostalgia of the first joystick generation.


  • 一个经典集体行为问题:每家银行各自通过收回贷款倾销资产降低风险但是如果所有的人这样,那么每个人都会受害

    This was a classic collective-action problem: each bank's individual interest was to reduce exposure by calling in loans and dumping assets, but if all acted similarly, everybody would suffer.


  • 就是失败中爬了起来写下世纪经典小说《艾文荷》。

    Yet this man rose up in life to write the classic, Ivanhoe.


  • 在漆黑空气透着些许寒意、发出怪异声音的情景下,经典恐怖片中就算一句简单对白胆大的吓得一身冷汗

    A simple memory of the great horror movie quotes when you're alone and the lights are out or there's a chill in the air and weird sounds are heard, is enough to get the best of us sweating.


  • 其中的一首曲子就是前面提到的《个人》,后来也成为经典曲目

    The first song was the aforementioned "Tea for Two, " which became his signature tune.


  • 亚瑟·泰特姆爵士乐历史上伟大作曲家之一,他1933年的经典唱片《两个人》中树立了高超演奏技巧标准

    One of the greatest improvisers in jazz history, Art Tatum also set the standard for technical dexterity with his classic 1933 recording of "Tea for Two."


  • MUD这个游戏经典游戏ZORK(或者另外上百自从个人电脑出现第一天蓬勃兴旺的文字界面的探险游戏)非常相像。

    MUD is very much like the classic game ZORK, or any of the hundreds of text-based adventure video games that have flourished on personal computers since day one.


  • 其中的经典标题充分反映了这早期时代特征:《日本进出口——过去现在》、《钢铁个人成名史》、《美国女孩眼中的日本》。

    Their very titles stand as totems of an earlier era: “Japan’s PortsPast and Present”; “Iron and Steel: A Success Story”; “American Girl Finds Japan.”


  • 中国合伙人经典台词】我们代人重要改变改变身边,改变身边件事,唯一不变就是此时此刻勇气如果我们做到这点,我们改变世界

    Our generation is the most important change , change the people around , changing everything around , the only constant is the courage at this moment , if we can do that, we will change the world.


  • 经典McGurk效应个人的视觉会影响他的听觉,点击这里演示视频)这种之间的相互作用非常重要的。

    Such interaction between areas is notable in the classic McGurk effect, in which what one sees influences what one hears. (Clickhere for a dramatic demonstration.)


  • 考菲尔德表示:“越来越多歌手尤其是年轻歌手,随心所欲地演绎传统节日歌曲这些经典曲目注入个人魅力。”

    "More singers, especially young ones, take a lot of liberties with traditional holiday music, and infuse lots of their personalities into the classic songs," Caulfield said.


  • 现在个“杀手级应用”,经典定义使出去电脑

    Now, that's the classic definition of a "killer application" : one that makes someone go out and buy a computer.


  • 20世纪早期希尔500多位百万富翁进行了研究,“他们都有迅速决策习惯,”希尔1937年经典作品《思考致富中这样写道

    Out of the 500 millionaires Hill studied in the early 20th century, "Every one of them had the habit of reaching decisions promptly," Hill wrote in his 1937 classic, "Think and Grow Rich."


  • 无论心情经典牛排晚餐美味比萨饼法国的海鲜特产这个豪华度假村赌场白天或晚上的任何时候个人东西

    Whether you're in the mood for a classic steak dinner, gourmet pizza, or Cajun seafood specialties, this luxury resort and casino has something for everyone at any hour of the day or night.


  • 比如那种经典故事,说个人艰难困苦中成长不得不克服许多障碍最终获得成功。

    For example, the classic tale of a person who came from the school of hard knocks had to overcome many obstacles and is now a success.


  • 每个冬天气温骤降新低开始自己层层裹紧,而且杉木衣柜里不可避免地秋裤开始套着它四处走动的时候,经典笑话应运而生。

    Eery winter, when the temperature plummets to new lows and everyone begins to layer up, the classic joke about pulling out Long Johns from the cedar closet inevitably starts to make the rounds.


  • 经典西部电影中强盗总是或者一群人拿着武器

    The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. Either alone or in a group.


  • 经典西部电影中强盗总是或者一群人拿着武器

    The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. Either alone or in a group.


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