• 设计合理时初级更替不会造成速度严重波动

    The subrogation of primaries will not bring serious velocity fluctuation if the design is appropriate.


  • 投资者一窝蜂似的,上涨之后买进,下跌之后才卖出,对于波动最大那些基金,问题严重

    Systematically, investors are buying after things have gone up, selling after they've gone down, and the problem is most severe in those funds that show the greatest volatility.


  • 梅普二人之间对抗到底真的还是臆想的,都已经开始公众严重情绪波动引起共鸣了。

    Whether the rivalry between Mr Putin and Mr Medvedev is real or imagined, it has started to resonate with more serious swings in the public's mood.


  • 正常工艺程序出现即使轻微波动完全缺乏过量库存工人都会成为一个严重的问题。

    The total absence of surplus stock or Labour can become a serious liability when there is even the slightest disturbance in normal processes or procedures.


  • 西南证券首席宏观分析师董先安:“对于很多出口商来说美元波动一个严重问题。”

    Dong Xian 'an, economist with China Southwest Securities, said: "For many exporters, the dollar's fluctuation is a serious concern."The ability to settle trade in the yuan would reduce such risk.


  • 严重依赖大宗商品(市场波动剧烈)产出出口国家熟悉这些商品可能形成周期了。

    Countries that depend heavily on output and exports of commodities whose markets are volatile are all too familiar with the cycles these can create.


  • 利用阶梯地表数据地震记录进行波动方程模拟时,阶梯点处产生严重干扰进而影响数值模拟结果

    Using step surface data for wave equation simulation of seismic data can produce serious interference at corner points of steps and further affect the results of numeric simulation.


  • 粮食价格波动结束了三十这其中,粮食价格低廉富裕国家补贴农业国际粮食市场严重扭曲

    The surge in food prices has ended 30 years in which food was cheap, farming was subsidised in rich countries and international food markets were wildly distorted.


  • 这个may其实是说because爱尔兰房价看起来没有西班牙高估那么严重,可能只是因为数据追溯到1990年,因此没有将价格不波动的时期统计进去。

    Ireland may look less overvalued than Spain because the available data go back only to 1990 and omit a period of less bouncy markets.


  • 采用等时隙采样方法,频率随机波动大小则严重影响分析结果

    For uniform time sampling, the level of frequency fluctuation will greatly influence the results of spectrum analysis.


  • 拉里开始出现严重头痛剧烈的情绪波动

    Larry began suffering severe headaches and violent mood swings.


  • 传统饮食业厨房采用混合通风技术,存在室内油烟污染严重、室内温度气流组织不合理、负荷波动大的特点。

    Mixing ventilation is widely used in the traditional catering kitchen, resulting in the serious pollution in cooking fumes, high temperature, unreasonable airflow and high load fluctuation.


  • 最近全球信贷危机引致恐慌,造成20012002年科网泡沫严重市场波动

    The recent panic sparked by the global credit crisis has triggered the most serious market turbulence since the aftermath of the dotcom mania in 2001 and 2002.


  • 水泥厂余热电站水泥运行密切相关,水泥窑波动严重影响电站锅炉给水除氧效果

    The waste heat power station in cement plant is closely related to the operation of cement kiln, whose fluctuation has an seriously effect on the boiler feed water deaeration result.


  • 用电系统中一般带有集中电动机负荷,异步电动机启动会引起母线电压严重波动

    The electric auxiliary system sometimes has condenser motor loads, and the starting of inductor motors can cause bus voltage fluctuation problem.


  • 结论果糖注射液用于严重创伤患者能量补充安全有效,且不会引起血糖水平大幅度波动

    Conclusion Fructose is a safe and effective energy supply for treatment of critical trauma without fluctuation of blood sugar.


  • 冲击性负荷会引起供电系统严重电压波动三相平衡,对其进行平衡补偿具有重要的意义。

    It is important to provide balancing compensation for shock load because of the severe voltage fluctuation and 3-phase unbalance imposed on power supply system by it.


  • 研究结果发现传统多阶段库存控制模式下,供应链上企业之间库存波动需求放大现象比较严重

    The results show that, in the basic traditional multistage inventory style, it's really easy to cause inventory fluctuation and magnification and it's often severe.


  • 用电系统一般带有集中电动机负荷,异步电动机启动会引起母线电压严重波动

    The electric auxiliary system usually consists of condenser motor loads, and the starting of inductor motors can cause the problem of bus voltage fluctuations.


  • 我国证券市场中的羊群行为严重股价波动会产生怎样影响,本文主要研究内容

    How serious herding behavior has in China's securities market and how it change the stock price, it is the contents of this paper.


  • 大功率的波动负荷大量进入电网,引起电压波动严重影响电气设备运行

    Voltage fluctuation aroused by fluctuating loads impacts on the operation of electric equipment.


  • 结果18患者中出现严重情绪波动不同程度性格变化,角色认知冲突,不同程度行为异常

    Results There were severe intense emotion, various degrees of personal qualities and behavioural abnormality, conflicts of characters cognition in these 18 cases.


  • 经济波动剧烈萧条严重出现危机社会经济带来严重损失甚至巨大灾难

    When economy fluctuates greatly or slacks badly, crisis appears and it brings losses even disasters to the economy.


  • 电力系统中,电压波动功率过剩不足严重影响供电质量

    In power system, the voltage pulsation and deficiency or surplus of reactive power will have a great effect on the quality of electric power supply.


  • 电力系统中,电压波动功率过剩不足严重影响供电质量

    In power system, the voltage pulsation and deficiency or surplus of reactive power will have a great effect on the quality of electric power supply.


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