• 先生那些暴力之徒发出严厉警告

    Mr. Monroe issued a stern warning to those who persist in violence.


  • 今天报告迄今为止气候变化人类开发南极脆弱生态系统潜在破坏性影响发出严厉警告

    Today's report is the starkest warning yet of the potentially devastating impact of climate change and human exploitation on the Antarctic's delicate ecosystems.


  • 这些不过我们所必需注意少数几个严厉警告

    These are just a few of the stark warning that must be heeded.


  • 严厉警告声音很多,它们并不来自于外部

    There have been plenty of dire warnings, and not just from outsiders.


  • 而且任何贴有来自FDA严厉警告的东西都能

    And anything that has such a severe warning from the FDA scares me.


  • 如果是这样斗胆发出严厉警告永远不要威胁对方,包括吓唬、恐吓、辱骂,更不能拳脚相加。

    If so, let me be bold enough to offer a stern warning. Never threaten your partner or act in any way that frightens, intimidates or abuses her.


  • 不过卡瓦特家人起初却是极力反对,并严厉警告他们无法安排门当户对亲事

    Mr Shekhawat's family members initially discouraged him with a stern warning that they may never be able to find him a suitable bride.


  • 近日起任何一张报纸,打开任何电视新闻节目,你都能看到有关联邦预算赤字严厉警告

    These days it's hard to pick up a newspaper or turn on a news program without encountering stern warnings about the federal budget deficit.


  • 马戏团演出期间仅仅照管急诊以及那些一般性额头冷敷治疗,还有关于饮酒过量的严厉警告

    During the circus he tended only to emergencies, and these were generally dispatched with the application of a cold compress to the forehead and a stern warning about the dangers of excessive drink.


  • Forrester公司研究针锋相对是,Gartner提出了严厉警告:80%的企业在手机上超支

    As something of a counterpoint to Forrester's research, Gartner has issued a stern warning to enterprises: 80% of you will overspend on mobile services.


  • 他们至少两个一直看守着不得离开营寨周围,并且受到严厉警告,一有人迹风吹草动,就要躲藏起来。

    They kept me under constant watch by at least two others, and I was forced to stay around camp, with dire warnings to hide away at any hint of other people.


  • 科学家提出今年来的严厉警告加勒比海海域非同寻常高温威胁着去年遭受大面积毁坏的珊瑚礁

    Scientists have issued their strongest warning so far this year that unusually warm Caribbean Sea temperatures threaten coral reefs that suffered widespread damage last year in record-setting heat.


  • 欧洲央行严厉警告可能会促使欧洲政界人士呼吁欧元区效仿美国的做法,对欧洲大陆银行展开“压力测试”,恢复人们对银行体系信心

    Its stark comments could fuel calls for European politicians to follow the lead set in the US and "stress test" the continent's Banks to restore confidence in the system.


  • 你们中的大多数可能听说过,你们中的一部分可能知道如果真的知道,那么警告你,我在耶鲁出了名的严厉

    Now many of you may have heard, many of you may know, and if you don't already know this, I should warn you, that I have a reputation around Yale as being a harsh grader.


  • 已经警告重复他的错误导致严厉制裁

    He has been warned a repeat will lead to even stronger sanctions.


  • 如果不抓紧而且耽误重要事情的最终期限不在乎要准时那么回顾时候就等着严厉警告

    If you slack and miss out on important deadlines and also don't care about being on time then expect a rude awakening during review time.


  • 位是著名瑜伽大师几天新德里抗议活动警方严厉解散,这位瑜伽大师警告说,追随的人以后予以还击

    One, a celebrity yoga guru whose New Delhi protest was harshly disbanded by police a few days ago, warns that his followers will fight back in the future.


  • 姜瑜警告随后措施可能会更加严厉但是没有给出细节

    Jiang warned that worse may follow but gave no details.


  • 法国警告针对伊朗制裁必须严厉”,除非德黑兰能够认真对待关于核计划的谈判。

    Sanctions against Iran must "be toughened" unless Tehran negotiates seriously over its controversial nuclear programme, France has warned.


  • 每年,孟加拉都会制定严厉措施防止考试作弊通过报纸电视媒体进行大量宣传学生提出预先警告

    Every year, Bangladeshi government takes strong measures to stop cheating and carries out a massive media campaign to forewarn students through print and television.


  • 如果我们玷污神圣物,就是在自招惩罚,对于恶者一个严厉警告

    This is a stern warning to the wicked. But it is strong encouragement if you worship the great I am and want all mockery of him to end.


  • 如果我们玷污神圣物,就是在自招惩罚,对于恶者一个严厉警告

    This is a stern warning to the wicked. But it is strong encouragement if you worship the great I am and want all mockery of him to end.


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