• 大多数时候我们仅仅依据杂志看到东西决定

    Too often we make decisions based solely upon what we see in the magazines.


  • 很多匹配的游戏可以玩,以提高他们的工作记忆,或者你可以用一些简单的东西,比如杂志或报纸。

    There are lots of matching games that can be played to improve their working memory, or you can use something simple like a magazine or a newspaper.


  • 果你要外出,携带一本杂志、一本书、一篇文章或其他东西来阅读。

    If you are going out, take a magazine, a book, an article or something else to read.


  • 报纸杂志电视互联网不断报道迫使我们接受这些东西

    Newspapers, magazines, TV and the Internet oblige us by constantly reporting the stuff.


  • 通过阅读书籍杂志内容不禁怀疑这些作者是否真正使用过他们讨论东西

    Most of the stuff I read in books and magazines makes me wonder if the authors have actually used the things they're talking about.


  • 是的无论如何已经明白了布里森登所坚持争辩道理:有价值的东西杂志

    Well, at any rate he had discovered Brissenden's contention that nothing of merit found its way into the magazines.


  • 每天阅读。阅读不同的东西,可以是博客杂志书籍等等。

    Read daily -varied things, from blogs to magazines to books of all kinds.


  • 一些认为如果编辑所用方法抬高这本杂志价格那么你的东西一样可能会博物馆。

    Some argued that if you raised the price of the magazine in the way that he had done during his editorship then you also risked becoming a museum piece.


  • 这本讽刺性杂志网站上提供许多栏目包括来自英国世界各地新闻有字谜和卡通之类有趣东西

    The satirical magazine’s website provides numerous columns, covers news from the U.K. and around the world, as well as fun stuff like crosswords and cartoons.


  • 发现报纸杂志文章提到些与你相关的东西

    You'll also find newspaper pieces and journal articles which relate to you.


  • 东西过来,留作用。随身携带素描本,书里。把杂志撕下来的放到你的剪贴簿

    Steal things and save them for later. Carry around a sketchpad. Write in your books. Tear things out of magazines and collage them in your scrapbook.


  • 比如说一样,工作要时常用到电脑那么身边一定不要不必要的文书杂志之类的东西这样分散你的注意力。

    So if like me you are working at a computer a lot then make sure there are is no unnecessary paperwork, magazines etc around you which could distract you.


  • 因为杂志发表东西百分之九十九都不如它们。

    Well, because it's better than ninety-nine per cent of what is published in the magazines.


  • 在那里可以发表篇幅质地不够优良不足以发表付费IT网络杂志上去的IT专题文章,或者一些编辑没有出版兴趣东西

    There, you can post articles about IT topics that are too short or not polished enough to market to the paying IT webzines or that cover things their editors aren’t interested in publishing.


  • 展会包含了酒厂建筑风格酒杯设计包括一些完全不切实际东西所有有关的出版物——杂志漫画和电视节目

    The exhibit covers winery architecture, wine glass design, including some that are totally impractical, and all sorts of publications on winemagazines, comics, books and TV shows.


  • 读完这本时,这个10盎司东西已经能放满整个书架的书籍杂志还有一篇写了一半的文章去阅读了。

    When I finished, the 10-ounce device had a shelf-full of books and magazines - as well as a manuscript of an article in progress - waiting for me.


  • 读完这本时,这个10盎司东西已经能放满整个书架的书籍杂志还有篇写了一半的文章去阅读了。

    When I finished, the 10-ounce device had a shelf-full of books and magazines -as well as a manuscript of an article in progress -waiting for me.


  • 看一样东西”,着,便匆匆地绕过凌乱摆放屋子装满杂志报纸的袋子,消失在屋子里的中。

    Let me show you, ” he said, and he wound his way through the tumbling stacks of magazines and newspapers scattered around the room and disappeared into the back hall.


  • 莱维特曾经关于管理中的妇女“的文章中形容已经辞职了的哈弗商业评论本无法给不愿阅读东西的人杂志”。

    Levitt’s resignation from Harvard Business Review, which he once described asa magazine written by people who can’t write for people who won’t read”, was over an article about women in management.


  • 根据《细胞杂志所说,这种情绪涌现都是扁桃体的错,因为这个大脑恐惧线路关键的小东西可以感知窒息状态触发恐惧情绪。

    Well, a new study in the journal Cell says you can thank your amygdala for that. Because this key member of the brain’s fear circuitry can directly sense suffocation, and trigger feelings of terror.


  • (财富杂志)—父亲不乐意电脑觉得无关紧要的东西

    (Fortune Magazine) — My dad wouldn't let me have a computer because he didn't think it was relevant.


  • 事困扰着明白东西,”史蒂夫,“所以我总计有关资金管理杂志书籍咨询每一个金融能手,我知道他们我作出解释。”

    It bothered me that I didn’t understand this stuff,” says Steve, “so I read books and magazines about money management and investing, and I asked every financial whiz I knew to explain things to me.”


  • 发表身心医学杂志上的一项研究声称脑力劳动——没错写作这个东西知道,费脑力的——会引起热量摄取增加

    A study in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine contends that intellectual work-that's right, I'm calling writing this stuff, ya know, intellectual-induces a big increase in caloric intake.


  • ——我东西或者说着给杂志写点东西。”马丁犹豫着回答。

    "I - I write, or, rather, try to write, for the magazines," Martin faltered.


  • :“同一家知名杂志合作,并尽力符合他们要传达出来的东西。”

    She says, "I was working with a big magazine and was trying to go with what they were trying to say."


  • 他们这些东西只是由于杂志奢侈品网站告诉他们值得

    They buy things just because a magazine or luxury website told them it is worth buying.


  • 抑或是杂志报纸上文章以及电视广播看到听到东西甚至是路边真正路标能够指示我们朝某个方向前行

    Magazine and newspaper articles, things we see and hear on television and the radio. Even real signs on the side of the road can often prompt us and move us in a certain direction.


  • 抑或是杂志报纸上文章以及电视广播看到听到东西甚至是路边真正路标能够指示我们朝某个方向前行

    Magazine and newspaper articles, things we see and hear on television and the radio. Even real signs on the side of the road can often prompt us and move us in a certain direction.


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