• 罗马共和国几乎没有认为他们系统应该或者可能神秘古老东方社会文明其他人所接受。

    Few people in the Roman Republic felt their system should be, or could be, embraced by others in the mysterious ancient societies of the East.


  • 西方人长期以来就喜欢探索神秘东方”,我们东方中却很少有人对“神秘西方”有真正体验

    Westerners have long enjoyed exploring the "mysterious Orient", but few of us in the Orient have had a real taste of the "mysterious Occident".


  • 然而不同于今天美国人罗马共和国几乎没有人认为他们系统应该,或者可能神秘古老东方社会文明所接受

    Unlike Americans of our day, however, few in the Roman Republic felt their system should be, or could be, embraced by others in the mysterious ancient societies of the East.


  • 解释东方西方神秘分离,马克·库罗奇先生却步履蹒跚

    But he stumbles in explaining the medieval split between East and West over mysticism.


  • 某些神秘东方传统文化中,我们平常感受世界时所处觉醒状态认为粗浅认知状态

    In some eastern mystical traditions the state of consciousness through which we ordinarily experience the world is thought of as being one of gross awareness.


  • 就是如今投资者面临尴尬处境:对于那个国家僵化,一清二楚,但报表利润丰厚;或许你感到另外那个东方国度神秘莫测,但它看上去代表着市场未来

    That's the predicament investors face: the stagnant economy you know, with surprising profits reports, or the mysterious East you don't know, but which looks to be the market of the future.


  • 其他一些读者则讨厌这个传奇日益增长东方神秘主义不断的复述中,西个倍受困扰、有自杀倾向年轻人演变成为一个天才,一位智者,乃至某种圣人

    Readers hated the growing streak of Eastern mysticism in the saga, as Seymour evolved, in successive retellings, from a troubled, suicidal young man into a genius, a sage, even a saint of sorts.


  • 说法是,名称StevenJobs一次前往神秘东方旅行后,根据那里回来果斋食谱定下的。

    One story has it that the name was chosen by Steven Jobs in honor of the fruitarian diet he had brought back from his journey to the mystic East.


  • 完美约会天蝎介意一点点危险神秘发现冒险打开他们开关。他们搭乘东方快车吧。

    Ideal date: Scorpios don't mind a little danger and mystery and the risk of discovery can turn them on. Take them on a trip on the Orient Express.


  • 访问中国一步巴克神秘东方国家

    Trip to China is the first step package Zan Barker mysterious oriental country.


  • 他们流浪乞丐演变寺院僧人,从文盲演变成了学者,也从神秘东方来到了直率的西方

    They passed from wandering beggars to monastic institutions, from the illiterate to the learned, from the esoteric East to the outspoken West.


  • 即使希腊时期,琐罗亚斯名字代表神秘东方智慧

    Ever since ancient Greek times the name of Zoroaster has stood for mysterious Eastern wisdom.


  • 筷子这种神秘快捷餐具一直以来都是东方文化代表如何快速掌握筷子使用方法,一直是困扰国外难题

    Chopsticks, the mysterious and convenient dinner helper, has been the representative of Eastern culture, how to quickly master the use of chopsticks has been a troubled person's problems abroad.


  • 神秘东方文化源头哪里?。

    Where is the origination of the mysterious oriental culture?


  • 第二种形式,神秘思想方式东方哲学越来越时髦有些评论家说,这种时髦对基础物理学触及深刻富有意义

    Second, a growing fashion for mystical thinking and Eastern philosophy, which some commentators have claimed makes deep and meaningful contact with fundamental physics.


  • 罗马非洲,到大不列颠,到神秘东方罗马竞技场传达的讯息相同

    From Rome and Africa to Britannia to the mysterious East, the message of the Roman arena was the same.


  • 神秘奥运圣火又再一东方——华夏大地点燃——我们炎黄子孙的共同希望

    Mysterious Olympic flame will once again in the East - Chinese ignited the earth - this is our common hope that the Chinese people.


  • 东方孕育神秘古老文化摇篮也是现代文明社会蓬勃发展必不可少一支强大力量

    The East, is the cradle of the mysterious ancient culture as well as a powerful force essential to the prosperous development of the modern civilized society.


  • 佛像的神秘表情艺术信息帕米尔山口, , 再通过塔里木盆地东进时候,东方千年帝国处在战乱时期

    When the mysterious facial expressions and the artistic information of the Buddha figures were passed on eastward from Pamir Mountain through Talimu basin, China was undergoing a tumultuous period.


  • 》那会儿已经开始了,慢慢地走东方内心化、神秘主义的路子。

    When making Scar I had already begun to change, moving towards the East, towards the inner mind, towards mysticism.


  • 由于文学爱好音乐修养,杨识宏作品充满浓厚人文气息及诗意,又兼容东方神秘韵味且带有丰富的音乐性哲理

    As a lover of literature and music, he created his works with strong cultural and poetic atmosphere, mysterious oriental charm, melodious and philosophical beauty.


  • 然而,我们中国有着几千年历史文化沉淀这样东方文明古国,对于世界许多来说还是看作一个比较神秘国度

    China has a long history based on deep cultural deposit, however, not everyone has shaped a well-rounded knowledge of the unique old eastern country, which is still viewed as a mysterious state.


  • 东方神秘主义针刺疗法中,详细脉轮系统及其相互关联的子午线和路径已经使用数千之久。

    Detailed maps of the chakra system and their connecting meridians and pathways, have been used for thousands of years in Eastern mysticism and medicine, i. e., acupuncture.


  • 上海殖民地的历史可以追溯到100多年一特定历史背景赋予了这座大都市神秘东方面纱下却有多元化的文化基底。

    Shanghai got its own colonial history which can be traced back to 100 years ago. This particular historical background gives the metropolitan a multi-culture basis under the mysterious Eastern veil.


  • 神奇魔方- - -富有古老神秘色彩东方印记再次印证了独特的文化气质高低起伏构造凝重变幻莫测的空间效果

    Magic cube-the Oriental imprint full of old and mysterious flavor proves the unique cultural ethos again, and the ups and downs constructs the dignified and varied space effect.


  • 涵盖的课题经常包括瑜珈东方精神西方神秘主义整体医学机构工作武术冥想

    Topics covered regularly include yoga, Eastern spirituality, Western mysticism, holistic medicine, body work, martial arts and meditation.


  • 好了,上路我们一起去朝拜东方这个神秘圣地

    Now, let's get start with us together, worships Eastern into this mystical Holy Land.


  • 中国东方神秘主义特有形式通过复杂多变艺术造型蕴涵着中国人、中国文化中特有的基本观念

    Chinese dragons in eastern mysticism special form, through the complex and changeable artistic, contains Chinese, Chinese culture in some basic ideas.


  • 中国东方神秘主义特有形式通过复杂多变艺术造型蕴涵着中国人、中国文化中特有的基本观念

    Chinese dragons in eastern mysticism special form, through the complex and changeable artistic, contains Chinese, Chinese culture in some basic ideas.


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