• GMACLLC表示今年关闭美国加拿大大部分汽车信贷业务网点相应裁减1,000个职位

    GMAC LLC has said it will close the majority of its auto-financing offices in the U.S. and Canada this year and cut nearly 1,000 jobs.


  • GMACLLC表示今年关闭美国加拿大大部分汽车信贷业务网点相应裁减1,000个职位

    GMAC LLC has said it will close the majority of its auto-financing offices in the U.S. and Canada this year and cut nearly 1, 000 jobs.


  • GMACLLC表示今年关闭美国加拿大大部分汽车信贷业务网点相应裁减1,000个职位

    GMAC LLC has said it will close the majority of its auto-financing offices in the U. s. and Canada this year and cut nearly 1,000 jobs.


  • 现在银行其它金融机构可能发现穷人提供网点银行业务简单。

    Banks and other financial institutions may also now find it easier to provide branchless banking for the poor.


  • CEDES安全和自动化业务部门的总部设在瑞士的Landquart销售网点遍及欧洲

    The CEDES Safety and Automation business is headquartered in Landquart, Switzerland, with sales offices primarily across Europe.


  • 汇丰银行正在考虑卖出美国信用卡业务以及网点,并重新聚焦该地区的公司银行业务

    The bank is exploring a sell-off of its branches and credit-card business in America, to refocus on corporate banking there.


  • 巴黎银行美国一个下属零售银行网点但是没有深陷于次贷业务之中。

    It owns a subscale retail operation in America but did not go on a subprime bender.


  • 德国铁路运输巨头DeutscheBahn(德国国家铁路公司)引领国内汽车租赁业,火车站网点为据,发散开展业务

    In Germany the market leader in car-sharing is a company owned by Deutsche Bahn, a railway giant, based around railway stations.


  • 对于注重成本控制的银行来说,更廉价的小型分行替代传统分行网点为是不是一种选择。 这种小型分行配有23名雇员经过培训之后可以提供建议贷款服务以及负责银行柜台方面的业务

    One option for the cost-conscious bank is to replace traditional branches with cheaper mini-branches, staffed by two or three employees trained to give advice and loans as well as man the counters.


  • 过去左右时间里,银行高级经理为了降低银行网点成本已经将一些业务收回总行。

    In the last ten years or so, Banks' senior managers have taken operations out of branches in order to reduce the cost of their networks.


  • 这些业务银行网点柜台上进行

    These transactions are carried out at the counter of the bank branch.


  • 营业网点商业银行业务经营管理重要阵地,其柜面服务更是商业对外服务重要渠道之一。

    Business outlets are important venues where commercial Banks carry out business operation and management. Counter service is still more an important channel of service to the public.


  • 报道,一些国有商业银行网点开始收取钱费”,也就是零钞清点业务收取一定手续费。

    It is reported that some state-owned commercial bank branches started to charge fees for counting changes, which means that clients should pay for the service of checking changes.


  • 一旦数据中央发生灾害则将导致所有分支机构营业网点全体业务处置停顿造成客户主要数据的丢失,其后果不堪设想。

    Once the data center disaster to occur, would lead to all branches, business outlets and all of the processing standstill, or cause the loss of customer data, the consequences would be unthinkable.


  • 海信广场会员卡会员交通银行网点办理业务享受网点贵宾休息室提供服务设施

    When members of member CARDS of Hisense Plaza go to working spot of Communication Bank to transact business, they can enjoy service facilities provided in honored guests lobby of this spot.


  • 种种迹象显示外资银行加速中国业务网点布局人民币零售业务成为中外资银行最大的竞争目标

    All sorts of evidences indicate that foreign Banks are speeding up the lay-out of business and net in China and Renminbi retail business will become the biggest target of domestic and foreign Banks.


  • 计算机网络作为分布式系统每个网点指定执行某一具体业务

    The computer network becomes a distributed system, and each node is designated to perform a specific function.


  • 北京富伟康辰餐饮有限公司一家实力雄厚的外商独资公司, 其主要业务为餐饮类的零售网点的设立及经营。

    Beijing Fruitworks Food and Beverage Ltd Co. is a fully foreign invested company. Fruitworks has been focus on food and beverage retail business development.


  • 安利业务革新纲要明确营销代表网点负责人职责范围。

    Clear outline of Amway's business innovation network marketing representatives and responsible persons of reference.


  • 公司长期经营火车票飞机票预定出售业务目前已在珠江三角洲地区设有20多个售票营业网点,并向全社会开展代办团体订票业务

    Our company operates booking business including: train tickets air tickets and ferry tickets. now we have more than20outlets to sell or book tickets and meanwhile operate group tickets booking.


  • 银行排长队,似乎成了“家常便饭”,一些人气网点有时甚至要两个小时才能办理业务

    It seems to have long been the case with waiting in a long queue in the bank. As for some "popular" points, it takes one or two hours to deal with one specific service.


  • 具体涉及营业网点地理位置确定、营业网点规模、营业网点人力资源管理产品整合业务分流。

    Specifically related to: business outlets geographically defined, business outlets scale, business outlets human resources management, product integration and segregation in business.


  • 公司长期经营火车票飞机票预定出售业务目前已在珠江三角洲地区设有20多个售票营业网点全社会开展代办团体订票业务

    Our company operates booking business including: train tickets, air tickets, and ferry tickets. Now we have more than 20 outlets to sell or book tickets, and meanwhile, operate group tickets booking.


  • 公司长期经营火车票飞机票预定出售业务目前已在珠江三角洲地区设有20多个售票营业网点全社会开展代办团体订票业务

    Our company operates booking business including: train tickets, air tickets, and ferry tickets. Now we have more than 20 outlets to sell or book tickets, and meanwhile, operate group tickets booking.


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