• 确定无疑此举不仅改变谷歌业务,更将改变激战正酣硅谷专利之争的战局。

    The move is sure to change Google's (GOOG) business, not to mention alter the dynamics of Silicon Valley's raging patent disputes.


  • 据悉由于柯达公司传统胶卷照片洗印业务销售量及盈利率逐年走低,公司的数字业务专利资产便变得尤为重要。

    Falling sales and profits from Kodak's traditional film and photo-finishing business have made its digital businesses and patent portfolio more important.


  • 这些专利中的大部分都关于(极少关联)核心业务

    The majority of a typical firm’s patents are of little or no use to its core businesses.


  • 专利整个市场营销之初,包装邮寄伴随着任何业务手工艺同时也必须关注一些法律因素获得专利和销售许可。

    Patents : On top of the general marketing, packaging and mailing that go along with any business, crafters should also focus on legal concerns such as obtaining patents and a seller's license.


  • 专利系谱逻辑应用业务逻辑生成专利XML从属关系

    Patent Family Tree logic applies the business logic to generate an XML dependency graph for the patent.


  • 摩托罗拉移动业务大多数消费者熟知,世界范围内拥有17000项专利同时还有7500项未决专利

    Motorola Mobility, the part of the business most consumers are familiar with, held on to the 17, 000 patents the company has been issued worldwide. It also has 7, 500 patents pending approval.


  • 摩托罗拉移动业务大多数消费者熟知,世界范围内拥有17000项专利同时还有7500项未决专利

    Motorola Mobility, the part of the business most consumers are familiar with, held on to the 17,000 patents the company has been issued worldwide. It also has 7,500 patents pending approval.


  • 那些希望业务流程的专利压制力度宽的人失望。

    Those hoping for a broader crackdown on business-process patents will also be disappointed.


  • 如果佩奇如意算盘不是仅仅保留专利宝贵的技术,同时迅速切除其他业务的话,他将面临压力,分手机制造业务,待其累积优势,重创辉煌。

    If Page's plan isn't to keep the patents and valuable technology and quickly cut the rest, expect pressure for a spin-off to build up momentum over time.


  • 为了完成这项艰巨任务TheraSense公司决定所有关键业务全都外包出去,除了项:销售专利条带制造

    To accomplish this formidable undertaking, TheraSense made the decision to outsource all of its key activities but two: the sales force and the manufacturing of the proprietary strip.


  • 尽管拥有大量资金专利以及技术巨头业已开展LED业务仍然注定要面对市场里的激烈竞争。

    Yet despite having the capital, patents and know-how the big three are set to face hot competition from firms for which LEDs are already part of their business.


  • 这样主要从事海外业务的阿尔卡特-朗讯公司要求15亿美元的专利侵权赔偿时,微软就有话说

    This will help Microsoft in another infringement case in which it was ordered to pay $1.5 billion to Alcatel-Lucent, a telecoms-equipment firm, largely on the basis of sales outside America.


  • 第九专利代理机构接受委托,承办业务应当委托人具名书面委托书,写明委托事项委托权限

    Article 9. When patent agencies accept consignments and handle business, they shall have a consignor's letter of commitment clearly stating commissioned items and powers.


  • 因己专利业务增少对于我们来说非常重要的。

    And so the growth of the royalty business is very important to us.


  • 开办专利电子申请代理业务专利代理机构应当专利代理机构名义国家知识产权局签订用户协议

    A patent agency which provides agency services for electronic patent application shall enter into a User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the agency's name.


  • 发行人业务技术是否依赖外国股东,是否存在商标专利专有技术使用方面的限制。

    Whether the business and technology of the issuer depend on the foreign stockholders, and whether there are some limitations on the use of trademark, patent, and expertise.


  • 律师事务所申请开办专利代理业务的,律师事务所执业专职律师应当3名以上具有专利代理人资格

    Where a law firm applies to run the patent agency services, there shall be at least 3 full-time lawyers in this law firm, each of whom has the patent agent qualification.


  • 开办电子专利申请代理业务专利代理机构,应当专利代理机构名义国家知识产权局签订用户协议

    A patent agency that opens agency business for electronic patent application shall sign the User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the name of the patent agency.


  • 公司主要业务是为国内、外的客户提供商标申请注册专利申请、版权登记相关服务

    Our service focus on applying for registration of brands, patent apply, copyright apply and other related services.


  • 第九专利代理机构接受委托,承办业务应当委托人具名书面委托书,写明委托事项委托权限

    Article 9 When patent agencies accept consignments and handle business, they shall have a consignor's letter of commitment clearly stating commissioned items and powers.


  • 专利商标版权商业秘密反不正当竞争生物新品种其他知识产权诉讼仲裁非诉讼业务

    Patent, Trademark, Corpyright, Trade Secret, Anti-Unfair Competition, New Biological Species, and other Litigation, Arbitration and Non - Litigation of IP Field.


  • 专利申请量不但当年主营业务利润显著相关而且随后主营业务利润存在1-2滞后效应

    Patent application not only has a positive relation with the current year's gross profit, but also has the lag effect of 1-2 years on gross profit.


  • 多元化业务包括节目发行广告代理、人偶剧制作专利授权的经营。

    Business includes program distribution, advertisement, mascot production and performance, and licensing and Copyrights.


  • 专利技术还有利于降低IP基础设施运营成本能保证重要业务更快融合且具有更少停机时间。

    The portfolio will help in reducing operational expenses in IP infrastructure, and in faster convergence and lower downtime for all business critical multicast services.


  • 律师事务所开办专利代理业务必须前款第四规定专职人员。

    Law firms engaged in patent commissioning must have special staff for the business stated in item (4) of the previous paragraph.


  • 第二十一条专利代理人依法从事专利代理业务国家法律的保护,任何单位个人干涉

    Article 21 patent agents lawfully handling patent commissions shall be protected by State laws and their work shall not be interfered with by any unit or individual.


  • 瑞士一家公司将逝者骨灰做成钻石人们留下亲人永久纪念。这项业务并非富人专利,价格低于5000欧元。

    Swiss company uses the ashes of dead people to make diamonds as a permanent memento for the deceased's nearest and dearest.


  • 瑞士一家公司将逝者骨灰做成钻石人们留下亲人永久纪念。这项业务并非富人专利,价格低于5000欧元。

    Swiss company uses the ashes of dead people to make diamonds as a permanent memento for the deceased's nearest and dearest.


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