• 然而20伟大冒险故事之一角色在国外几乎无人知晓甚至其他探险家也不知道。

    However, his part in one of the greatest adventure stories of the 20th century is hardly known outside his own country, even by fellow explorers.


  • 甚至不可一成龙(本片成龙拍摄的第100部电影)也看起来也有些黯然失色。

    Even the irrepressible Mr. Chan (this is his 100th film) seems subdued.


  • 1718丝绸生产简单化标准化方面开始取得进步还有许多的进展也接二三地取得了。

    In the 17th century and 18th centuries progress began to be made in the simplification and standardization of silk manufacture, with many advances following one after another.


  • 18早期,这个国家欧洲其他很多地区都发生关于王位的争夺。

    Controversy over succession to the throne occupied the country and much of Europe during the first years of the 18th century.


  • 布莱叶点读法发明时是19”,盲人没有其他阅读方式,甚至广播没有

    When Braille was invented, in the 19th century, we had nothing else. We didn't even have radio.


  • 然而19变化他们本就困窘的境地变得更加糟糕:森林急剧退化使他们无法捕猎很多人经营盐业生意因为盐税受影响。

    Yet their plight was made worse by a series of 19th-century changes, including rapid deforestation, which stopped them from hunting, and the imposition of a tax on salt, which many had traded.


  • 球王贝利都盛赞罗纳尔迪尼奥2002年界杯上表现最佳球员,罗纳尔迪尼奥此次获奖也就不足为奇了,这个只是充分证明了天赋和才能而已。

    Ronaldinho was acclaimed by Pele himself as the best player at the 2002 World Cup and it is not surprising his talent has been finally recognised with this award.


  • 但是20纪50年代间小镇一部分——最少8开始就有人居住甚至可能更早——地震中毁坏

    But in the 1950s, portions of the town - which had been inhabited since at least the 8th century, and possibly earlier - were damaged by a series of earthquakes.


  • 实际上,19纪30年代时就此类事件发生。倒闭银行大多数相对来说较小的,美联储他们破产无伤大雅”。

    In fact, that's precisely what happened in the 1930s, when most of the Banks that collapsed were relatively small - small enough that the Federal Reserve believed that it was O.K. to let them fail.


  • 整个20纪80年代90年代早期儿童被虐事件使美国陷入恐慌

    Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, a rash of child abuse cases horrified America.


  • 缺少一个权威且被广泛接受的评价体系的背景下,“21亚洲银行竞争力排名”2006、2007进行了相关研究。

    Although without a fully recognized assess system, Asian Banks competitive ranking in 21 century were carried on in 2006 and 2007 two years in a row.


  • 吕贝隆地区林木繁茂境内的山脉得名,并以其景致壮丽村庄闻名于

    Mountainous and wooded, the Luberon region is named for its mountain range and known for its string of spectacular villages.


  • 保罗最近南非界杯期间正确预测赛事声名大噪。

    Paul I shot to fame by correctly predicting eight successive games during the recent World Cup in South Africa.


  • 盆地海西期褶皱基底发育起来的,为白垩断陷

    Erlian basin is the Early Cretaceous rift group formed and developed on the Hecynian folded belt.


  • 2007年飞行伤亡人数历史最低的。仅仅只有23事故且只有597人丧生1998年相比一半都不到

    Worldwide figures for casualties in 2007 were the lowest ever: a mere 23 fatal accidents and 597 deaths, less than half the total for 1998.


  • 他表示,可口可乐公司不仅过去推广21纪杯”,在未来继续支持比赛

    Coca Cola has been promoting the 21st Century National English Competition in the past four years and will continue to support the competition, Brooks added.


  • 2003年黄金处于供大于求状态,而2004年2005年续两年,出现供不应求现象

    The world gold is in the state supply exceeds demand in 2003, the phenomenon in short supply appears in 2004 and 2005.


  • 技术称为21前沿铸技术。

    The twin-roll cast strip technology was considered as the newest one in the 21st century.


  • 19中期以后,这个词变得越来越少见英国各岛都开始逐渐拒绝使用这种拼写方式

    'Ever since the middle of the 19th century it has been fading into obscurity as even the British Isles slowly rejected the old spelling.'


  • 起源实在过于久远了公元前一学者们无法确认

    Faun the origin of the festival is far too long, and even the first century BC Scholars are unable to confirm.


  • 19中期以后,这个词变得越来越少见英国各岛都开始逐渐拒绝使用这种拼写方式

    Ever since the middle of the 19th century it has been fading into obscurity as even the British Isles slowly rejected the old spelling.


  • 由于CSP技术经济效益2 1技术强化替代传统工艺的趋向。

    It is pointed out that CSP technology is probably to be improved further replace the conventional casting process at the beginning of 21 st century by its high profitability.


  • 由于CSP技术经济效益2 1技术强化替代传统工艺的趋向。

    It is pointed out that CSP technology is probably to be improved further replace the conventional casting process at the beginning of 21 st century by its high profitability.


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