• 如果自问一生价值所在,我世纪百年的背景中衡量自己然后必定会说是的有点意义。

    If I ask the value of my life, I can only measure myself against the centuries and then I must say, Yes, it means something.


  • 在这位以弗所百年之后历经了多少世纪苏格拉底面临处死威胁之时,承认自己唯有一个高人一等之处:的东西绝不装懂。

    And, many centuries after the man of Ephesus, Socrates, facing the threat of being condemned to death, acknowledged only this one superiority in himself: what he did not know he did not claim to know.


  • 百年时间尺度上,涉及全球以及整个大陆范围战争发生率,以及不同世纪平均每年战争比率已经统计出来

    At the century timescale, war frequencies and the ratio of wars per year in different centuries have been calculated at global and continental geographic scales.


  • 已经要求科技部举办一个国家级庆典庆祝我们20世纪卓越科学家钱德拉·塞卡教授百年诞辰

    I have asked our the Ministry of Science and Technology to undertake a national celebration of the birth centenary of Professor S.Chandrasekhar, one of the outstanding scientists of the 20th century.


  • 那个时候英国煤炭确实已经所剩无几一个半世纪今天,全世界开发的煤炭可用

    Britain's coal has indeed been depleted, but a century and a half later, there are still hundreds of years worth of coal yet untapped worldwide.


  • 伦敦,因臭名昭著烟雾极其严重污染闻名百年今天有着世纪以来干净的空气

    London, renowned for centuries for its infamous smog and severe pollution, today has the cleanest air that it has had since the Middle Ages.


  • 该桥以两侧鳞次栉比店铺闻名,几,它接纳了从中世纪商人屠夫纪念品摊档艺术品经销商等各色商贩

    These was famous for its lining of shops, the bridge has housed everybody from Medieval merchants and butchers to souvenir stalls and art dealers.


  • 尽管万圣节前夜乞求或是索要食物习俗已经有不给糖就捣蛋”的说辞是从20世纪30年代才出现

    While the practice of begging for, or demanding, food on Hallows Eve was centuries old, the words "trick or treat" apparently came into use in the 1930s.


  • 尽管万圣节前夜乞求或是索要食物习俗已经有,但“不给糖就捣蛋”的说辞是从20世纪30年代才出现

    While the practice of begging for or demanding food on Hallows Eve was centuries old the words "trick or treat" apparently came into use in the 1930s.


  • 修建始于公元前7世纪,历经之久。

    Construction took place over hundreds of years, beginning in the seventh century B.C..


  • 这样绘画表明澳大利亚土著居民他们邻居广泛联系可能英国开始定居澳洲18世纪

    Such paintings indicate that Aborigines had extensive relationships with their neighbors, possibly hundreds of years before the British began settling Australia in the late 1700s.


  • Clark长岛居民捕杀鲸鱼来提取鲸油;十九世纪时,还有鲸鱼后来修建华盛顿[注1]那里水下巡游。

    Centuries ago, Long Islanders hunted whales for oil, Clark said, and in the 19th century, they swam underneath what's now the George Washington Bridge.


  • 世纪80年代日本实现了长达百年赶上西方”的目标

    In the 1980s Japan accomplished its century-long goal of "catching up with the west".


  • 之中正好囊括20世纪中国文化递者代人的韶华岁月

    In the hundred years of 20th century Chinese just include bearing the cultural recursive three generations may years.


  • 尽管这个故事已经过去了对于处于二十世纪我们来说,仍然非常重要

    Although this story dates back hundreds of years, it is especially important for us now, at the end of the twentieth century.


  • 实际上百年以来毛里塔尼亚东部阿拉伯国家称为“辛格提之地”,尽管一称号并没有出现任何一个权威性阿拉伯世纪地理著作当中。

    In fact, for many centuries, all of Mauritania was known in the Arab East as bilad shinqit, "the land of Chinguetti, " although the term did not appear in any of the great medieval Arab geographies.


  • 20世纪,是中国现代小说学走向成熟百年

    The 20th century witnessed the maturity of modern Chinese novel science.


  • 21世纪在下一个随着墨西哥直接对抗挑战美国美国世界统治告终,要在北美取得此结果将相当艰难。

    And in the 21st century, in the next hundred years, it will end with America ruling the world but very much uneasy in North America as Mexico faces it and challenges it.


  • 老凤祥银楼国内唯一一个半世纪相传至今的百年老店。

    Lao Fengxiang Jewelry store is the only hundred-years-old store handed down from half a century ago in China.


  • 这些象形文字可以追溯到世纪玛雅刻本历法提早了。 玛雅刻本于公元1300年1521年记载树皮纸做的书上

    The hieroglyphs date back to the ninth century, making them hundreds of years older than the calendars in the Maya Codices, which were recorded in bark-paper books from 1300 to 1521.


  • 虽然空心圆柱滚动轴承开发可以追溯以前,但空心滚动体高速轴承中的作用在上个世纪60年代受到广泛的重视

    Although the exploitation of hollow cylindrical roller bearing could retrospect to a hundred years ago, the effect of hollow roller was widely recognized till the 60s of last century.


  • 这个疑问就已经开始了定期地突然出现新闻报道里,包括20世纪21世纪出现例如诺亚方舟宣教事工引发2010的吵闹

    This quest began hundreds of years ago and pops up in the news periodically, including several times in the 20th and 21st centuries, such as with the Noah's Ark Ministries brouhaha of 2010.


  • 称为人类最好朋友已经有数百年之久了。十六世纪中期乃至更早的时候,犬就已经开始被用于帮助残障人士。

    The phrase 'man's best friend' goes back for centuries, and guide dogs have been used to aid the blind since at least the mid-16th century.


  • 百年红学若干个案考察与反思,有利于对世纪红学突破契机、发展前景进行期待视野中的前瞻展望。

    It also predicts the breakthroughs and development prospects of the study in the new century in expect horizon.


  • 二十世纪百年历程中。

    In the course of the 20th century.


  • 二十世纪百年历程中。

    In the course of the 20th century.


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