• 几年20世纪福克斯公司的一名电影剪辑师

    A few years earlier, she had worked at 20th Century Fox as a film editor.


  • 这部电影再现了20世纪40年代好莱坞辉煌。

    The movie recreates the glamour of 1940s Hollywood.


  • 20世纪先是电影然后收音机,再然后是电视机似乎都给书面世界带来了灭顶之灾。

    In the 20th century, first it was the movies, then radio, then television that seemed to spell doom for the written world.


  • 由于电影的出现,未来20世纪了解比对以往任何时期的了解都更加深入

    Thanks to film, future generations will know the 20th century more intimately than any other period.


  • 20世纪福克斯打造音乐剧大量声望传记环球则专注经典恐怖电影

    20th Century Fox forged the musical and a great deal of prestige biographies, while Universal specialized in classic horror movies.


  • 半个世纪过去了,邵国华从未忘记儿时老师温暖心灵电影票。

    Although half a century has passed, Shao Guohua never forgot the film ticket his teacher gave him that warmed his heart when he was a boy.


  • 20世纪80年代开始,金融技能变得越来越重要正如新闻媒体电影描述那样,金融技能成为一种有吸引力收入来源

    Starting in the 1980s, skill in finance grew in importance, and, as depicted in the news media and the movies, became a more appealing source of income.


  • 我们一直讨论20世纪二三十年代电影以及当时还未形成的、而如今已被我们熟知电影类别

    We've been discussing films in the 1920s and 30s, and how back then film categories, as we know them today, had not yet been established.


  • 20世纪60年代电影颇有名望。

    She made her mark in the film industry in the 1960s.


  • 世纪只有7大白鲨——也就是电影所谓食人鲨——杀死蜜蜂的人还少

    Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the moviesless than those killed by bee stings.


  • 我们需要培养电影声音电影空间认识,以便真正欣赏种在二十世纪蓬勃发展起来艺术形式——现代电影

    We need to foster an awareness of film sound as well as film space so as to truly appreciate an art form that sprang to life during the twentieth century — the modern film.


  • 这种背景下今天我们谈论的是一位电影制作人在20世纪20年代开创了独具一格的电影

    In that context, today we are going to talk about a film-maker who began making very unique films in the late 1920s.


  • 加上20世纪50年代电视出现严重损害电影公司影响力利润

    This, coupled with the advent of television in the 1950s, seriously compromised the studio system's influence and profits.


  • 20世纪20年代无声电影有声电影转变标志迄今为止电影史上重要转变

    The shift from silent to sound film at the end of the 1920s marks, so far, the most important transformation in motion picture history.


  • 电影默片”向其他方向转变始于世纪20年代后期

    The shift of the industry away from 'silent' films began during the late 1920s.


  • 种技术被称为语音控制或语音识别,从20世纪60年代起就已经在电影和电视剧中出现。

    This type of technology, known as voice control or voice recognition, has been shown in films and TV shows since the 1960s.


  • 仔已经在美国西部和西南部生活和工作了三个多世纪,他们是美国著名的象征,所以你看那些五六十年代的好莱坞牛仔电影时,你看到的是一份工作。

    Cowboys have lived and worked in the west and southwest of the United States for over three centuries and they are a famous symbol of the US. When you watch those old Hollywood cowboy films from the fifties and sixties, you see a job.


  • 主演了两部20世纪90年代最喜欢香港电影:《神偷影》特种部队》。

    He starred in two of my favourite Hong Kong movies from the 1990s: DOWNTOWN TORPEDOES and TASK FORCE.


  • 电影《超世纪杀案》描绘的未来里,人类木材一样被堆放一起。

    Soylent Green dramatized a future in which people would be stacked like cordwood.


  • 对于大多数20世纪人来说,恐怖电影惯用伎俩象征孤立无援预兆着不祥。

    For most of the 20th century, this was a horror film cliche, a symbol of isolation and doom foretold.


  • 新的世纪里,正如美国电影别塔》揭示的那样,沟通理解信任至关重要

    As the American movie "Babel" has shown, communication, mutual understanding and trust are of utmost importance in the new century.


  • 这部20世纪受欢迎电影中,条裙子代表孩童时期的魔力精华

    "This dress represents the quintessential magic of childhood in the most beloved film of the 20th century," said Jon Baddeley, group head of Bonhams' collectors department.


  • 二十世纪福克斯弗里德曼所持电影拷贝被盗的,不完整早期版本”,此外,弗里德曼的评论文章周五网站移除

    20th Century Fox described the Friedman copy of the movie as a "stolen, incomplete and early version," and Friedman's review was removed from the site on Friday.


  • 1950年电影制作人相中,并二十世纪福克斯长期电影合同

    She was noticed by movie executives and was signed to a long term film contract with 20th Century Fox in 1950.


  • 作为有史以来昂贵电影制作之一,这个问题二十世纪福克斯3d科幻电影化身》笼罩上一层阴影

    That question looms large for 20th Century Fox and its 3-d science-fiction film "Avatar," among the most expensive movies ever.


  • 今天,《阿凡达》的发行公司20世纪福克斯英国电影分销商就此事也三缄其口

    There was no comment today from 20th Century Fox, the UK distributors.


  • 对于我来说一类泰国电影有着20世纪90年代约翰·休斯所导演青春爱情喜剧某种健康活力红粉佳人十六支蜡烛》。

    To me, this type of Thai film has some of the exuberance and energy of the John Hughes teenage romantic comedies of the 1990s, such as Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles.


  • 对于我来说一类泰国电影有着20世纪90年代约翰·休斯所导演青春爱情喜剧某种健康活力红粉佳人十六支蜡烛》。

    To me, this type of Thai film has some of the exuberance and energy of the John Hughes teenage romantic comedies of the 1990s, such as Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles.


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