• 世界癌症研究基金会估计,如果人们减掉他们超额体重的话,英国每年预防1.9万例癌症越来越多证据表明,过多身体脂肪会增加各种癌症的风险

    The WCRF has estimated that 19,000 cancers a year in Britain could be prevented if people lost their excess weight with growing evidence that excess body fat increases the risk of various cancers.


  • 希望明年世界锦标赛再度举行身体健康

    I hope to be fit when the World Championship comes around next year.


  • 每个男性生活中一个永远讲不话题:这个话题是关于身体,还有你周围世界的。

    In every man's life there is one conversation that never ends: the one between you, your body, and the world around you.


  • 是的可以想象一个世界里,心灵存在身体存在。

    Yeah, I can imagine a world in which my mind exists but my body doesn't.


  • 唯一区别如今他们世界没有情感身体虐待发生

    The only difference may be there is no physical or emotional abuse happening in their worlds.


  • 并不意味着现实世界中,心灵,和我的身体一样

    But that doesn't mean that in this world the mind is not identical to my body.


  • 世界卫生组织在其组织法提及人类福祉中身体精神社会三个密切相关方面

    The constitution of the World Health Organization refers to the physical, mental and social aspects of our wellbeing, which are closely linked.


  • 并不表示真正可能的,在逻辑上可能一个世界其中心灵存在身体存在。

    But that doesn't show that it's really possible, logically possible to have a world in which my mind exists and my body doesn't.


  • 虚拟世界进行训练的减肥除了睡眠时间以外饮食健康身体活动方面均有正面改善

    The virtual world participants reported positive changes in all the healthy eating and physical activity measures except the number of hours slept.


  • 开始意识自己身体,你正在宁静内心观察世界

    You become aware of your body, you are observing the world from a place of inner stillness.


  • 缺乏身体活动造成全球所有死亡第四高危因素31%世界人口不能积极参与身体活动。

    Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for all global deaths, with 31% of the world's population not physically active.


  • 因此缺乏身体活动相关的非传染病世界各地多数国家最大公共卫生问题

    Therefore, noncommunicable diseases associated with physical inactivity are a significant public health problem in most countries around the world.


  • 这项研究参与者选择身体没有两者都看,当然现实世界我们提供更为完整画面

    While participants in the study had the option of looking only at either head or body-but not both-the real world offers us a more complete picture of people, of course.


  • 现代世界正在萌芽之中,要亲身体那个时代

    The modern world is starting, and I want to be there.


  • 试图想象一个世界某人微笑存在身体存在。

    Try to imagine a world in which somebody's smile exists but their body doesn't.


  • 作为基督信徒我们应当注意如何对待上帝赐予自己身体,和如何与身边的世界互动。

    As followers of Christ, we are called to be mindful of how we treat the bodies we've been given and how we engage in the world around us.


  • 首先,工作人员奔赴世界各地家庭,用特殊设备记录人们身体动作

    First, reps went into homes around the world and recorded people moving in front of a specially built rig.


  • 上次那个故事,我认为描述个,心灵存在身体存在的世界,而不是真的想象出那样一个世界

    That little story I told last time, I thought I was describing a world in which my mind exists and my body doesn't, but it wasn't really imagining a world like that.


  • 一个人的内心世界身体所创造气场他/她的外在的吸引力同等重要或者重要。

    The atmosphere created by physical and mental presence is as important as surface attraction, if not more so.


  • 我们可以这样理解布鲁克斯提出机制——的话来说就是,“大脑个体通过外部世界进行沟通竞争机器人身体资源。”

    One could think of Brooks's scheme as having, in his words, "multiple agents within one brain communicating through the world to compete for the resources of the robot's body."


  • 拉丁美洲旨在促进身体活动的“Ciclovias”倡议正在世界各地复制

    The Latin American “Cicloviasinitiative for promoting physical activity is being copied around the world.


  • 尽管如此,已77岁高龄叔父,尚且不顾罹患糖尿病身体,仍然装出一副世界太平样子寒暄:“哈比比,西亚提!

    Still, my 77-year-old diabetic uncle greets me like the world is full of roses: "Habibi hiyati!


  • 通过它们特殊身体结构力量每年能够消耗世界上10%的食物吗?

    With their special body structure and power of senses.


  • 但是世界各国青少年身体活动水平正在下降尤其是贫穷城市地区。据估计,不足三分之一的青少年有足够的活动促进其当前和未来的健康与福祉。

    However, physical activity levels are decreasing among young people in countries around the world, especially in poor urban areas.


  • 这个世界正常发挥机能,人们需要一个良好感知身体空间什么地方姿势如何

    To function well in the world, people need a good sense of where their body is in space and how it's postured.


  • 假如正在注视台电脑或者移动设备屏幕思想正处在网络世界中,但是你的身体却是现实环境中的。

    You’re reading a computer or mobile device screen, so your mind is in the world of the Internetbut your body is in the physical world.


  • 假如正在注视台电脑或者移动设备屏幕思想正处在网络世界中,但是你的身体却是现实环境中的。

    You're reading a computer or mobile device screen, so your mind is in the world of the Internetbut your body is in the physical world.


  • 此外可能也是这个世界好心的但是如果你不注意自己身体外貌,“就像那些女孩”,你可能不会轻易找到理想伴侣

    Additionally, you can also be the nicest person in the world, but if you don't take care of your body and your appearance, "like those girls," you may have trouble attracting your ideal mate.


  • 但是角度我们习惯于眼睛身体上方”,眼睛身体中间我们的现实世界抵触的。

    But as human beings, we are used to have our eyes on top of the body, with which we collide with our world, not in the middle of it.


  • 但是角度我们习惯于眼睛身体上方”,眼睛身体中间我们的现实世界抵触的。

    But as human beings, we are used to have our eyes on top of the body, with which we collide with our world, not in the middle of it.


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