• 美国世界货币基金组织提出大额的借贷要求借以缓解贫穷国家压力

    The United States has also proposed greater lending by the International Monetary Fund to relieve stresses on poorer countries.


  • 世界货币基金组织世界银行某种程度上目前金融危机缔造者

    The IMF and the World Bank are to some extent architects of the current financial crisis.


  • 世界货币基金组织世界银行警告预防潜在危机,并且理由充分。

    Both the IMF and the World Bank are issuing warnings by the bucket load about the need to address the crisis they see loomingand with good reason.


  • 包括世界货币基金组织在内的观望认为今年达到5%已经算是幸运的。

    Most observers, including the IMF, think it will be lucky to reach 5% this year.


  • 去年抢购40多名博士世界货币基金组织今年应该少的人数上徘徊。

    The IMF, which snapped up over 40 new PhDs last year, is likely to hover up far fewer this year.


  • 世界货币基金组织预计德国今年GDP缩水幅度法国意大利西班牙都更为显著。

    The IMF forecasts that GDP will shrink more this year in Germany than in France, Italy or Spain.


  • 很多预测就算获得欧盟世界货币基金组织的救助计划,希腊无法按时足额的偿付借款

    Many people are forecasting that Greece, despite its bail-out package from the EU and the IMF, will be unable to repay its debts in full and on time.


  • 根据世界货币基金组织世界银行的信息,几十亿美元已经Sonangol账户消失

    According to the IMF and the World Bank, billions of dollars have disappeared from Sonangol's accounts.


  • 另一篇文章中周先生提出建立取代美元世界货币基金组织管理新的国际储存货币

    In another article, Mr Zhou suggested the creation of a new international reserve currency, managed by the IMF, to replace the dollar.


  • 世界货币基金组织规定不同党派支持任何应急援助措施实施前提,而不是希腊现在国会生命

    The International Monetary Fund stipulates that cross-party support is a precondition for any bail-out programme running beyond the life of Greece's current parliament.


  • 像当初我们世界银行以及世界货币基金组织,像我们马歇尔计划,和之后进步联盟,再看看拉美

    It's exactly what we did with the World Bank and the IMF, with the Mashall Plan, with then the Alliance for Progress later, looking at Latin America.


  • 按照世界货币基金组织数据,瑞典此次危机最严重时候,其不良贷款规模达到该国gdp的13%。

    According to the IMF, non-performing loans in Sweden reached 13% of GDP at the peak of the crisis.


  • 去年世界货币基金组织寇斯、弗吉尼亚大学的奥戳可康奈尔大学的普拉萨德的研究支持观点

    A study last year by Ayhan Kose of the IMF, Christopher Otrok of the University of Virginia and Eswar Prasad of Cornell University gave some support to this idea.


  • 世界货币基金组织表示这种货币必须个“任何一个国家经济问题都没有联系的”国际货币机构发行

    The fund argues that this would have to be issued by a new international monetary institutiondisconnected from the economic problems of any individual country”.


  • 如今各国央行行长财务部长们又聚首华盛顿,参加世界货币基金组织年会,讨论如何于经济动荡之时力挽狂澜

    Finance ministers and central bank governors gather in Washington for the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund against a backdrop of weakening growth and tumbling financial markets.


  • 按照世界货币基金组织说法,60%的银行业危机中,资产管理公司存在,但是这些公司通常没有效”。

    According to the IMF, asset-management companies were set up in 60% of banking crises, but were generally "ineffective".


  • 世界货币基金组织表示,这种货币必须由一个“和任何一个国家经济问题没有联系的”新国际货币机构发行。

    This global bank would issue its own currency, called the bancor, in which all trade accounts would be settled. In the absence of such a bank the world will have to make do with the current system.


  • 人们容易忘记世界货币基金组织世界银行这样的世界机构。其创立者,仅仅是以美国为首少数几个国家

    It's easy to forget that big international bodies like the IMF and the World Bank were created by just a few nations, led by the United States.


  • 上诉一切问题都急需一个多边解决方案,以便世界货币基金组织20集团这样机构可以大型经济体促成一致

    All this cries out for a multilateral approach, in which institutions such as the IMF and the G20 forge consensus among the big economies.


  • 一个公民平均工资高达83000美元,世界货币基金组织评为世界人均收入最高国家小时只能得到0.6元报酬。

    And in a country where the average wage for citizens is $83, 000 per year, the world's highest, according to the International Monetary Fund, he is paid about 60 cents an hour.


  • 世界货币基金组织单方面提出扩大欧盟清还债务基金应对可能出现的对西班牙进行援助提议,受到了各国财长的冷遇。

    A separate proposal from the IMF to expand the size of the euro area's bail-out fund to cope with a possible rescue of Spain, was shot down by the finance ministers. See article.


  • 的确世界货币基金组织最新预测表明中国GDP增速8.5%,这也意味着中国占据明年世界总产量增幅半壁江山。

    Indeed, the IMF's latest forecast of 8.5% GDP growth implies that China will account for almost half of all the increase in world output next year.


  • 除非局面改变而且不止现在采取这些变动,那么能够从新贷款中获益国家仍旧不会情愿世界货币基金组织求救。

    Unless this changes, and by more than the small reforms that are in the works now, the countries that could benefit from new loans will continue to be reluctant to turn to the fund.


  • 现在第19号大街”一侧谋得高职,并不奇怪世界银行与世界货币基金组织姐妹俩总部正是位于这条大街的两侧。

    No surprise then that he will now take up a big job on one side of19th street”, which separates the headquarters of the two siblings.


  • 金砖四国中还有俄罗斯,它被远远地了后面,排第四位,2009年的贸易额只有35亿美元。 以上数据来源世界货币基金组织

    Rounding out the BRIC economies, Russia trails a distant fourth, with just $3.5 billion in 2009, according to IMF data.


  • “2008年的危机表明主要经济体并不他们认为那样具有统治力,”世界货币基金组织总裁、法国人卡恩(Dominique Strauss - Kahn)

    "The 2008 crisis shows that the dominant economies were not as dominant as they thought," says Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the French former head of the IMF.


  • 恸哭着避免回到世纪七、八十年代,葡萄牙倍受世界货币基金组织强加的各种刁难的悲惨状况,一首抗议歌曲的歌词仍然保留着那时的回忆:“没有什么力量世界货币基金组织屈服”。

    He is keen to avoid a return to the IMF-imposed strictures in the 1970s and 1980s, still remembered in a famous protest song. “There is no power that can bend the IMF,” it goes.


  • 恸哭着避免回到世纪七、八十年代,葡萄牙倍受世界货币基金组织强加的各种刁难的悲惨状况,一首抗议歌曲的歌词仍然保留着那时的回忆:“没有什么力量世界货币基金组织屈服”。

    He is keen to avoid a return to the IMF-imposed strictures in the 1970s and 1980s, still remembered in a famous protest song. “There is no power that can bend the IMF,” it goes.


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