• 达翡丽迄今生产复杂世界夜空第一次显示整个

    This table for the Patek Philippe has so far produced the most complicated watches, the world first in the table back to the night sky map shows the entire table.


  • 罗马模仿了这个想法现在世界各地都使用罗马字母

    The Romans copied the idea, and the Roman alphabet is now used all over the world.


  • 2015年发在《自然》杂志上的一项研究预测,与没有变暖的世界相比,最贫穷国家的平均收入到2100年将减少25%,而一些最富有的国家——比如美国——收入可能会增加。

    A 2015 study in the journal Nature predicted that the average income in the poorest countries will be 25% lower by 2100 compared to a world without warming, while some of the richest countries—like the USA—could experience an increase in income.


  • 现实世界并非整齐划一地被组织

    The real world is not neatly organized into tables, rows, and columns.


  • 可以包括电子数据市场份额分析以及任何需要知道关于这个商业世界运作的内容。

    It can include spreadsheets, market share analysis and anything I need to know about how the world works.


  • 既然理解维度事实处理就让我们真实世界例子探索如何业务需求识别维度和测度。

    Now that you understand the process for both the dimension and fact tables, let's look at a real world example to explore how to identify the dimension and measures from the business requirements.


  • 英国世界识字率水平的位置一再降。

    Britain is sliding down the world’s literacy league tables (it does better at maths, which thankfully remains ringfenced).


  • 能源气候变化影子大臣格雷格·卡拉克:“世界其他国家正在推广智能。”

    The shadow energy and climate change secretary, Greg Clark, said: "in other countries around the world, smart meters are being rolled out now."


  • XML文档XSLT样式构建工具另一个引人之处可以使我们世界展示 XML 和 XSLT 在今天可以做到有用工作

    One attraction of building tools from XML documents and XSLT style sheets was that it would enable us to show the world that XML and XSLT can do useful work today.


  • 1939年前,纽约体育比赛广播节目没有正式开通,但是1936年世界职业棒球大赛倒是广播了的,发明了自已方法来记录队员们的个人成绩

    Although regular game radio broadcasts did not arrive in New York until 1939, the 1936 World Series was broadcast, and I developed my own technique of keeping box scores.


  • 查看世界最大网络攻击事件

    View a list of the world's biggest cyber attacks., Lefteris Pitarakis / AP


  • 签署登记只需要分钟但是家庭以一个不同世界

    Signing the register takes three minutes but has made the world of difference to me and my family.


  • 不止那样我们列出一个,关于来自世界各地看起来食物建筑

    Not only that, but we've compiled a list of buildings from around the world that resemble food.


  • 如果所在的组织希望大家分享正在策划举办纪念活动方面的有关信息,建议填写后附的《列入2005年世界卫生日网站申请》。

    If your organization wishes to share information about the events you are planning, you are encouraged to complete the form to request a listing on the World Health Day 2005 web site.


  • 结构化世界中,使用创作工具xml样式处理格式

    In the structure world, your authoring tools or XML stylesheets handle the formatting.


  • 美国利用计算通信技术方面继续滞后于其他国家根据世界经济论坛星期二年度研究发现。

    The United States continues to lag other nations in its use of computing and communications technology, according to an annual study issued Tuesday by the World Economic Forum.


  • 所有迹象马拉·卡纳将作为2014年世界决赛使用场地,但是日程起还不确定,预算失去控制急剧上涨,差不多占据预算的四分之一

    There are all signs for the Maracana being used in the 2014 World Cup final, but the schedule is looking shaky and the budget is spiralling way out of control, taking almost a quarter of the budget.


  • 世界卫生组织2001年控制抗菌素耐药性全球战略强调过度使用滥用抗菌素造成耐药性的主要原因

    Q: the World Health Organization (WHO) released a global strategy to contain antimicrobial resistance in 2001, highlighting antimicrobial overuse and misuse as the chief causes of drug resistance.


  • 能源气候变化 (DECC) 召开了一次商谈如何推广智能会议并宣称计划世界最大的智能计划

    Launching a consultation on how the smart meters should be rolled out, the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) claimed the scheme will be the biggest smart meter project in the world.


  • 19世纪法国世界其它地方做了很多这样的面上显示标准时间的112,还显示十进制时间的1到10。

    Numerous clocks were made in France and elsewhere during the 19th century with faces showing both the Numbers 1-12 for standard time and 1-10 for decimal time.


  • 斯蒂芬在 1986年发小说《小丑回魂》后,人们对世界恐怖大师的名号更加赞同。

    That Stephen is the king of horror has never been more obvious than after reading his 1986 novel “It”.


  • 保罗游历了世界然后回到耶路撒冷时做了什么虔诚

    When Paul goes off around the world, and then he comes back to Jerusalem, what does he do to show his piety?


  • 小说于1939年震撼英语阅读世界

    The novel was published in 1939 and delivered a shock to the English reading world.


  • 个捍卫媒体权益的组织星期一的一份报告,2010年,世界上有105名新闻记者工作遇害

    A media watchdog says in a report released Monday that 105 journalists were killed while working in 2010.


  • 是否世界隐瞒了什么东西?

    Do you hide anything from the outside world?


  • 可以使用后附2005年世界卫生日材料预定世界卫生组织地区办事处获得相关材料。 具体的联系人详见“世界卫生组织联系人”列

    The form to order the World Health Day 2005 package may be used to obtain the relevant materials from WHO regional offices.


  • 真实感知到,其他世界其他时间正在发生的事可以某些时候清楚的真实看到而且在这里可以非常容易心灵上感知这些事。

    Actual scenes, ongoing events from other worlds and other timeframes can be visibly seen at certain times, and psychically perceived quite easily here.


  • 这家非营利性健康影响研究机构周三报告,对世界各地有关机动车排放健康问题所做700份专家研究文件进行分析,结果找到了“因果关系的证据”,而且证据不止一个。

    The report, to be issued on Wednesday by the nonprofit health Effects Institute, analyzed 700 peer-reviewed studies conducted around the world on varying aspects of motor vehicle emissions and health.


  • 这块提供世界20个主要国家首都当地时间还有另一个世界的当地时间,在哪里似乎只有一种时间,就是:太晚了。

    This watch gave the time in twenty world capitals and in a capital city in Another Place, where it was always one time, and that was Too late.


  • 代码能够任何UDDI注册交互从而使应用可以全面访问Web服务世界

    With this code, you can interact with any UDDI registry, giving your applications complete access to the world of Web services.


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