• 世界联赛什么时候

    When is the world series ?


  • 世界上最优秀32名职业电脑游戏选手登上了新的舞台,参加韩国首尔举行星际争霸2世界联赛

    Are through to the next stage of the Global Starcraft 2 League being played in Seoul?


  • 知道吗那里有一些美国篮球赛其实只是美国国内与州之间比赛,他们竟然管世界联赛”。

    You know there is the America basketball, it's actually competitions between inner states in America but they call it "World Series".


  • 一轮比赛硝烟落定,世界优秀32名职业电脑游戏选手登上新的舞台参加韩国首尔举行的星际争霸2世界联赛

    The first round is over and 32 of the world's best professional computer-game players are through to the next stage of the Global Starcraft 2 League being played in Seoul, South Korea.


  • 如果研究一下为世界职业联赛输送人才欧洲国家青年队,你发现这种奇怪的现象更加明显

    If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.


  • 然美国的美国职业篮球联赛比赛是世界上最著名的,但中国男子职业篮球联赛在中国也越来越受欢迎。

    Although America's NBA games are the most famous in the world, the CBA games are becoming more popular in China.


  • 别忘了我们当时只有12岁我们世界局限于西甲足球联赛范围之内。

    Remember, we were 12 and our world was framed on the geography of the football league table.


  • 英超联赛世界最好联赛之一渴望曼城带来成功赢取锦标

    The league here is one of the best in the world and I desperately want to bring success to City and win trophies.


  • 如果2010年世界亚太球队的表现仍是这样,而非洲球队取得成功,人们就会更加呼吁亚洲球队学习非洲榜样更多球员送到欧洲顶级联赛去参与激烈对抗

    A similar showing in 2010 along with African success will strengthen calls that Asia needs to follow Africa's example and send more players to the intense competition of Europe's top leagues.


  • 他们这样也是认识英格兰联赛水平并非世界顶尖

    They can do so in the knowledge that the best in England is some -distance below the best in the world.


  • 世界90年代初以来随着体育场的扩建,以及一系列利润丰厚的电视转播交易达成英超联赛成了架印钞机

    Since the early 1990s, when stadiums were upgraded and lucrative broadcasting deals agreed upon, the league has become a money-spinner.


  • 不过一次,近日子由于印度经济繁荣世界对印度的兴趣大为增加,超级联赛似乎肯定成为辉煌象征

    Then again, the world is getting more interested in India these days because of its economic boom, and the IPL seems sure to remain a resplendent symbol of that.


  • 足球世界总会遇到起伏所以现在能否成为英格兰联赛的球员,都取决于我本人

    You get these ups and down in football so it's up to me to get back on the ladder in English football.


  • 如果查看一下世界职业联赛输送人才欧洲各国的国家青年队,你发现这种奇怪的现象更加明显

    If you then examine the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.


  • 年内曼城能够每个赛季都获得冠军联赛资格,所以希望我们达到高水平,挑战世界最好俱乐部

    Within two or three years it will be normal for City to be playing in the Champions League every year, so I hope we can be on a par and challenge the best clubs around the world.


  • 英格兰超级联赛之都,或许拥有着世界最为激烈的俱乐部竞争但是周末在绿茵场上角逐球员中,一半不来自英国本土或者爱尔兰

    England may be home to the Premier League, perhaps the best club competition in the world, but half of the players fielded onany given weekend are neither British nor Irish.


  • 但是你必须承认冠军联赛竞争非常激烈,水平非常算得世界最高级别的比赛了。

    You must accept the competition is of a very high level, maybe the best level in the world.


  • 国际足联技术指导奥希耶克德国赢得1990年世界弗朗茨贝肯鲍尔助手作为红宝石队教练赢得了2007年联赛冠军。

    Former FIFA technical director Osieck was also Franz Beckenbauer's assistant when Germany lifted the 1990 FIFA World Cup and won the 2007 AFC Champions League as coach of Japan's Urawa Red Diamonds.


  • 所以指英超是世界最好的联赛吗?

    So does this make England's top flight the world's league?


  • 拥有世界最高水平职业足球联赛众多耀眼的超级球星,过去18世界杯的冠军半数落入欧洲国家队伍手中。

    Home to the best professional leagues and the biggest superstars, half of the 18 World Cups have been won by European countries.


  • 虽然曾贵世界富有竞技联赛以及杰出天才高薪球星们走秀场,但英格兰足球正在颤抖。

    For English soccer, the richest game in the world and a giddy carousel of the world's most richly talented and richly rewarded stars, is stuttering.


  • 世界全球看点冠军联赛

    This is the most watched ballgame championship on the planet.


  • 奥运会NBA橄榄球职业联赛充满那些没有父亲孩子们世界

    The Olympics, the NBA, the NFL, all filled up with children who didn't have fathers.


  • 现如今,汇聚世界来自32国家顶尖高手大多数每周都要欧洲职业联赛上你来我往,擦枪走火一番——如此一来,世界简直就可称得上两赛季一个标点符号。

    Today, most of the elite players from all 32 countries at the World Cup play each other every week in European pro leagues — for which the tournament is simply a punctuation mark between seasons.


  • 今天体育世界里,英超联赛关乎伟大定义

    Right now, in sports, the English Premier League is just about the definition of a great thing.


  • 各国联赛开赛之初,想方设法世界顶尖球员招致麾下,世人目光更是聚集所谓的“银河战舰(galácticos)”——群星云集的西班牙联赛LaLiga)之上。

    As national league seasons open across a continent that still manages to attract the world’s top talent, eyes are turning to the so-called galácticos– the superstars joining Spain’s La Liga.


  • 上赛季英格兰顶级联赛球队收入达到25亿美元,大约年前三倍,这使成为世界最富有足球联赛

    Teams in English football's top flight notched up around $2.5 billion in revenue last season, almost triple the level of a decade ago, making it the world's richest football league by a country mile.


  • 上周日对阵锡耶纳的比赛中上演帽子戏法;过去联赛中打进一切都表示,曾两度荣膺世界足球先生小罗正在米兰找回自己的巅峰状态。 人们纷纷预测,巴西队主帅加会将召回国家队

    Ronaldinho has scored five goals in his last two games going into this Sunday's Derby della Madonnina and many expect Dunga to call him back up for the Brazil squad.


  • 上周日对阵锡耶纳的比赛中上演帽子戏法;过去联赛中打进一切都表示,曾两度荣膺世界足球先生小罗正在米兰找回自己的巅峰状态。 人们纷纷预测,巴西队主帅加会将召回国家队

    Ronaldinho has scored five goals in his last two games going into this Sunday's Derby della Madonnina and many expect Dunga to call him back up for the Brazil squad.


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