• 媒体可以世界焦点引向灾难情况发挥宝贵作用

    Media can play an invaluable role in bringing world focus to the situation.


  • 媒体远见人们已经捕捉到了世界焦点他们呼吁美国世界的人民展开新的神圣的保卫战,不惜一切代价保卫自由

    The media and the people of foresight have captured the attention of the world. They have rallied America and the world to a New War, a Great Crusade, to protect freedom at any cost.


  • 玩家角色应该尽可能成为焦点而且可以通过提供选择决定来对这个虚拟世界造成有意义冲击

    Player characters should be the focus as much as possible, and be offered choices and decisions that meaningfully impact the world around them.


  • 随着新兴世界钢铁产出预期达到全球需求的72%,钢铁行业已经逐渐转移焦点

    With the emerging world expected to account for 72% of global steel demand, the steel industry has shifted focus too.


  • 这个世界焦点商品上。

    The world is focused on products.


  • 随着2008临近北京成为世界瞩目的焦点

    With the year of 2008 approaching, Beijing becomes a new focus of the world.


  • 这样一个信心逐渐耗尽世界人们不再迷信认为谈论未雨绸缪计划会让他们成为炙手可热的焦点

    And in a world already drained of confidence, one doesn't have to be superstitious to think that talking about contingency plans makes them more likely to be needed.


  • 年前这里世界瞩目焦点

    Six years ago the attention of the world was focused here.


  • 昆士兰州旅游局首席执行官安东尼·份声明中称:“来自台湾克莱尔在申请‘世界最好工作’时做得非常一夜之间成为媒体关注的焦点。”

    "Clare has done a remarkable job of promoting her quest for the Best job in the World in Taiwan and has become an overnight media celebrity," Tourism Queensland CEO Anthony Hayes said in a statement.


  • 维持欧亚大陆世界权力平衡恰恰正是博弈始终焦点所在。

    And keeping the powers of the Eurasian world island off balance is precisely what the Great Game has always been about.


  • 正如今年世界卫生日我们焦点集中抵御抗菌素耐药性需求上一样,当今世界正面临着这个严峻现实

    This is the stark reality the world faces as we focus this year’s World Health Day on the need to combat antimicrobial resistance.


  • 我们发现现在开始很多人焦点放在真实世界问题,不再消费者应用当成主要焦点

    But even so we may see more of a focus on 'real world' problems from now on and a move away from consumer apps as the primary focus.


  • 事实上,我并不是这个世界焦点不是

    The truth is, though, I’m not the centre of the world – and neither are you!


  • 中国目前世界最大排放,也是公众的焦点,并已经承诺至2020年将排放浓度削减40- 45%。

    China, now the world's biggest emitter, and so the country in the spotlight, has committed itself to cut the carbon-intensity of its economy by 40-45% by 2020.


  • 最近疫情大爆发:世界焦点转向墨西哥流感时一场严重登革热传染感染了玻利维亚的50000人和阿根廷的20000

    Current outbreak: While the world's attention has been focused on Mexico's swine flu, a severe dengue outbreak infected 50,000 people in Bolivia and more than 20,000 in Argentina.


  • 最近疫情大爆发世界焦点转向墨西哥流感时一场严重登革热传染感染玻利维亚的50000人和阿根廷的20000人。

    Current outbreak: While the world's attention has been focused on Mexico's swine flu, a severe dengue outbreak infected 50, 000 people in Bolivia and more than 20, 000 in Argentina.


  • 10之后亚洲金融市场再次繁荣起来这个地区再度成为世界羡慕焦点

    Ten years later, Asia's financial markets are booming again and the region is once more the envy of the world.


  • 年前澳大利亚RSVP.COM的网站发了一个描述小岛的帖子,格拉森先生一下子成了媒体报道的焦点,他的帖子被世界各大报纸纷纷转载。

    Several years ago, Mr. Glasheen became something of a media sensation after a dating profile he had posted on the Australian site RSVP.com was picked up by newspapers around the world.


  • 年来Facebook一直媒体焦点但是不能统领整个世界

    Q | Facebook has enjoyed the media spotlight for over a year now, but it is still far from ruling the world.


  • 帮助我们提醒世界吗?提醒他们关注焦点应该头数应保护其免受折磨

    Will you help us remind the world that the argument should not be about kill quotas, but protecting whales from suffering?


  • 会议焦点计算机游戏科技虚拟环境应用现实世界商业带来的问题

    The focus of the conference was the application of computer-game technologies and virtual environments to real-world business problems.


  • 今年特别明确我们今年《世界卫生报告》世界卫生日焦点母亲、新生儿和儿童卫生。

    That is especially clear this year with our focus in the World health Report and World health Day on the health of mothers, the newborn and children.


  • 2003年,伦敦成为新加坡后世界第二个驶入城市中心司机收取费用的城市,这一行动使之成为世界其它地区关注焦点

    In 2003, London became the second big city after Singapore to make drivers pay to enter the city centre, an example closely watched in many other parts of the world.


  • 插曲不仅UNAMID推至焦点,并且向全世界显示达尔富尔和平进程紧张局势。

    As well as putting UNAMID on the spot, the episode has shown up tensions within the Darfur peace process.


  • 当中主要焦点阿拉卡提,一个受保护海滩小镇去年职业帆板障碍赛世界赛事的举办地。

    The main draw is Alacati, a sheltered beach town that last summer was the site of the Professional Windsurfers Association Slalom World Cup.


  • 与会经济学关注焦点是,目前世界各地人口持续增长能源需求不断扩大情况下能够采取哪些措施能够减少气候变化带来的影响。

    Economists at the conference focused on what steps could be taken to lessen the impact of climate change as the population expands and energy needs rise around the world.


  • 问题的焦点目前聚集到了中国。中国计划建造世界最大核电站之一。

    The spotlight has now fallen on China, which has one of the biggest nuclear-power-plant building plans in the world.


  • 亲爱朋友们古老北京年轻钓鱼台国宾馆已成为世界万众瞩目焦点

    Dear friends, the young Diaoyutai State Guest Hotel in the ancient city of Beijing is the focus of the whole world tonight.


  • 亲爱朋友们古老北京年轻钓鱼台国宾馆已成为世界万众瞩目焦点

    Dear friends, the young Diaoyutai State Guest Hotel in the ancient city of Beijing is the focus of the whole world tonight.


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