• 约翰尼·德普则凭借着《加勒比海盗世界尽头《理发师陶德》梅开二度同时获得了最佳喜剧表演奖同最佳反面人物奖。

    Johnny Depp accepted trophies for best comedic performance for Pirates of the Caribbean: at World's End and for best villain for Sweeney Todd.


  • 电影亚瑟位主演拉塞尔·布兰德海伦·米伦把奥斯卡最佳外语片奖颁给丹麦电影《更好世界

    Russell Brand and Helen Mirren, who are co-starring in the remake of the Dudley Moore film Arthur, presented the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar to the Danish film In A Better World.


  • 2009柏林世界田径锦标赛上获得男子20公里竞走银牌王浩获得年度最佳新人奖

    Wang Hao, who won a silver medal at the men's 20 km walk in the 2009 World Championships in Berlin, was named "Best New Athlete."


  • 德国女将比尔·吉特获得了本年度国际足总最佳球员世界冠军巴西队第二次为最佳球队

    Birgit Prinz of Germany won the women's player of the year vote. World Cup champion Brazil won its second straight Team of the year award.


  • 穆勒在本届世界攻入进球包括对阵英格兰粒进球,因此斩获“金靴奖”最佳新秀奖”。

    Scored five goals, including a brace against England, to win the Golden Boot and was also named Young Player of the Tournament.


  • 难道恋人不该获得世界最佳恋人奖历吗?

    Doesn't your partner deserve a trophy for being the "World's Best Lover"?


  • 球王贝利都盛赞罗纳尔迪尼奥2002年世界杯上表现最佳球员,罗纳尔迪尼奥此次获奖也就不足为奇了,这个只是充分证明了天赋和才能而已。

    Ronaldinho was acclaimed by Pele himself as the best player at the 2002 World Cup and it is not surprising his talent has been finally recognised with this award.


  • 第83届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼——颁世界最佳电影(之相对的世界最糟电影酸莓奖),名流云集好莱坞地毯

    Celebrities parade along Hollywood's red carpet for the 83rd Academy awards-the Oscars won by the film world's best (as opposed to the Golden Raspberries won by the film world's worst).


  • 梅西国际足联2011金球奖第一此奖见证世界最佳球员

    Leo Messi has cast the first vote for the FIFPro 2011 Awards, which recognises the best player in the world.


  • 约翰尼·德普则凭借着《加勒比海盗世界尽头》跟《理发师陶德》梅开二度同时获得了最佳喜剧表演奖同最佳反面人物奖。

    Johnny Depp accepted trophies for best comedic performance for Pirates of the Caribbean: at World's End and for best villain for Sweeney Todd.


  • 这位年仅20德国足坛新星获选本届世界最佳新秀奖,南非足球场上取得辉煌战绩,5正收获5粒进球,弹无虚发。

    The 20 year-old German starlet was also named Young Player of the World Cup, capping an incredible tournament in South Africa, having scored five goals from his five shots on target.


  • 世界认为电影中饰演的角色认识你你当初可以说是以《非常嫌疑犯突然蹿红因此城得了奥斯卡最佳配角奖。

    The world does know you for your movie roles, and you just sort of burst onto the scene, really, with Usual Suspects, and you got a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for it.


  • 穆勒还同时获得最佳新秀西班牙队长伊戈尔‧卡西利亚斯世界冠军奖牌外,还获得手套奖”。

    Muller also picked up the Best Young Player award, while Spain captain Iker Casillas can add the Golden Glove award to his World Cup winners' medal.


  • 并不陌生奖励美国母亲图书奖故事世界浪漫时报最佳妇女小说

    He is no stranger to awards such as the American Mother Book award, Storytelling World awards and Romantic Times award for Best Women's Fiction.


  • 《异世奇人英国著名长寿科幻电视剧集,于2006年勇夺英国电影电视艺术学院电视最佳电视剧奖,并列入力士世界纪录大全最长寿科幻电视节目。

    Doctor Who is the winner of BAFTA Award for Best Drama Series 2006 and listed in Guinness world Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world.


  • 本片二零零四年蒙特里尔世界电影节中夺得最佳剧本奖。

    The movie has been awarded for Best Screenplay at the Montreal World film Festival in 2004.


  • 王军霞被评为第七届全运会最佳运动员时,保持双项世界纪录昨天又获得了另外一项

    Double world record holder Wang Junxia received another award yesterday when she was chosen as the best athlete at the 7th National Games.


  • 最佳新秀用来奖励世界杯赛中21以下的最佳球员

    The award is given to the best player in the tournament who is at most 21 years old.


  • 世界最佳射手将获得金靴奖,于1930年世界杯首次颁发

    The Golden Boot award goes to the top goalscorer of the FIFA World Cup. The award was introduced at the 1930 World Cup.


  • 手套世界比赛中表现最佳守门员

    The Golden Glove award is awarded to the best goalkeeper of the tournament.


  • 第八十八届奥斯卡一次让世界欣喜若狂包括中国人他们莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥奖获得最佳主角奖而激动不已。

    The 88th Academy Awards, once again thrilled people around the world, including the Chinese, who were excited about Leonardo DiCaprio winning the Best Actor award.


  • 阿迪达斯金靴奖授予世界最佳射手一个奖项。

    The adidas Golden Shoe is awarded to the top scorer at the FIFA World Cup.


  • 欧洲现金杂志命名桑坦德世界最佳银行”。第一西班牙银行赢取该项称号。西班牙葡萄牙智利阿根廷赢取了最佳银行

    Euromoney magazine names Santander "Best bank in the World". This was the first time a Spanish bank won this. It also won the prizes for Best bank in Spain, Portugal, Chile and Argentina.


  • 穆勒同时获得最佳新秀,西班牙队长伊戈尔·卡西利亚斯除世界杯冠军奖牌外,还获得手套奖”。

    Muller also picked up the Best Young Player award, while Spaincaptain Iker Casillas can add the Golden Glove award to his WorldCup winners medal.


  • 该片第41幕为陈彬睿绘制,2011年5月世界动画协会组织美国东部分会动画获得最佳试验”。

    Perry created scene 41 in the film which won the "Best Experimental Film Award" at the ASIFA-EAST Animation Festival in May 2011.


  • 裘德·洛获最佳男演员, 奇迹世界私服,艾米·沃恩豪斯则最佳英国音乐表演奖

    The best actor award went to Jude Law and Amy Winehouse won best British music act.


  • 裘德·洛获最佳男演员, 奇迹世界私服,艾米·沃恩豪斯则最佳英国音乐表演奖

    The best actor award went to Jude Law and Amy Winehouse won best British music act.


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