• 作为战略合作伙伴我们客户合作面对世界挑战人类健康问题

    As a strategic partner, we collaborate with customers to confront the world's challenging human health issues.


  • 朋友所有只要轻松;我世界挑战,只要你自由自在

    Friends, I would like to take up all your pain, as long as you relaxed; I wish and world challenge, as long as you free.


  • 使用巨蟒格利特荒诞绘画刺激想法,就卡夫卡短篇故事一样为了他们解决对解决世界挑战看法

    The idea of using absurdist stimuli like Monty Python and the Magritte painting is that, like Kafka's short story, they challenge our settled perceptions of the world.


  • 最近一次进入决赛去年十二月雪佛龙世界挑战里对阵美国公开赛冠军格雷姆·麦克道尔失利。

    The closest he has come to taking a title was a playoff loss to defending U.S. Open Graeme McDowell at the Chevron World Challenge last December.


  • 世界新闻报》报道目的不是为了促进读者理解,不是为了追求公正的报道,不是挑战普遍人性

    The purpose of editing the New of the World was not to promote reader understanding, to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity.


  • 昨晚这位世界冠军战胜了挑战者。

    The world champion conquered yet another challenger last night.


  • 这个重量级拳击冠军将要挑战霍利菲尔德世界冠军头衔

    The heavyweight champion will be given a shot at Holyfield's world title.


  • 世界顶级选手发起挑战展示过去几年里它取得了多大进步

    It challenged the world's top players to show how much progress it had made over the past few years.


  • 移动技术意味着我们可以世界掌握自己手中然而涉及技术和医疗保健机遇挑战同时出现

    Mobile technology means we can hold the world in our hands. However, when it comes to technology and health care, opportunities and challenges come together.


  • 次疫情不仅是对中国的挑战,也是对世界挑战

    The pandemic (大疫情) is a challenge not only to China but also to the world.


  • 人父母无疑是世界上最具挑战性的工作之一。

    Being a parent is without doubt among the most challenging jobs in the world.


  • 二战以来,世界从未面临过如此大的挑战

    The world hasn't faced such a big challenge since World War II.


  • 文提出的问题是对世界领导人们的一个挑战——为什么掌管世界的成年人不更加关心世界和生活在世界上的人们。

    Severn's questions were a challenge to the world's leaders—questions about why the grown-ups who run the world don't take more care of it and of the people who live in it.


  • 他所有伟大的科学成就背后,是他永不停止努力的精神、总是挑战自己的精神、以及他对祖国和全世界人民的爱。

    Behind all his great scientific achievements are his spirits of never stopping trying his best, always challenging himself and his love for his country and the people all over the world.


  • 现在直面阿拉伯世界巨大机遇挑战一个突出时刻

    This is a singular moment of great opportunity and challenge in the Arab world.


  • 公约认为残疾一个医学慈善受抚养问题而向世界人民挑战把残疾问题作为人权问题来对待。

    Rather than considering disability as an issue of medicine, charity or dependency, the Convention challenges people worldwide to understand disability as a human rights issue.


  • 这个星期这位法网冠军开始草地赛场挑战世界最强选手——俱乐部在那里希望继续本赛季辉煌

    This week the French Open Champion gets to challenge the world's best on Grass - at the All England Club - where she hopes to continue her season's success.


  • 所受教育真的将方面准备好,使你面对今日世界挑战吗?

    I challenge the idea that your education prepares you in any way to meet the challenges of the modern world.


  • 生物技术确实具有潜力帮助应对供养日益增多世界人口挑战

    Biotechnology has real potential to help meet the challenges of feeding a growing world population.


  • 关注改变自身成为希望变成样子——不久我们可以宏观上看到变化并解决世界挑战

    Focus on changing yourself and being the change you wish - and soon we can begin to look at the bigger picture and solve the world's challenges.


  • 我们主流媒体责任成为这个令人激动又充满挑战世界的积极参与者和——协调员

    But we in the mainstream media have a responsibility to be enthusiastic participants in-and moderators of-this exciting and challenging world.


  • 未来岁月中,无论你们从事什么职业你们中国国际形象,你们选择决定中国面对自己世界挑战采取什么样的步骤

    Whatever your careers, in the years ahead, you will be the international face of China, and your choices will determine the steps China takes in confronting its own -and the world's -challenges.


  • 王传福盖茨挑战世界首富之位,恐怕还有很长的

    Wang of BYD may have a ways to go before he challenges Gates for the title of world's wealthiest.


  • 戴上“眼镜看待周遭世界人生挑战生活更加美好

    If you view the world around you and life's challenges through the lens of goodness, then you will find life much more enjoyable.


  • 戴上“眼镜看待周遭世界人生挑战生活更加美好

    If you view the world around you and life's challenges through the lens of goodness, then you will find life much more enjoyable.


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