• 街角星巴克7-11,它们现在遍布世界各地国际品牌

    On the corner, there's a Starbucks and a 7-Eleven—all of the international brands that you see all over the world nowadays.


  • TrueSave邮购公司,将电子产品仓库运送世界各地客户手中。

    TrueSave is a mail-order company that ships electronic products from its warehouses to customers worldwide.


  • 会发现许多来自世界各地的艺术为你免费演奏音乐的视频!

    You'll find many videos of artists from around the world playing music for you for free!


  • 庭寄宿正变得越来越受欢迎,世界各地都有人把自己的作为旅馆。

    Homestays are becoming more and more popular, and people around the world are offering their homes as hotels.


  • 对于世界各地董事会改革来说,他的“接受解释”是个不赖的冲锋号

    “Comply or explain” would not be a bad battle-cry for boardroom reformers the world over.


  • 中国来说,下一步关键培养更多中国世界各地销售高附加值高科技产品本土企业

    The next critical step is for China to develop more homegrown entrepreneurs that sell high-value and high-tech products here in China and around the world.


  • 在这方面,相互进行比较十分有益今天会议提供了一个机会,使来自世界各地富有经验实践理论可以进行这样交流

    Here, comparative practice can be quite helpful, and today's conference is an opportunity for just this sort of exchange of views among practitioners and thinkers from a world of experience.


  • 布朗克斯博物馆本身参与几个社区有关项目,我们的艺术能够和社区以及世界各地艺术紧密合作

    The Bronx Museum itself has done quite a few projects related to community engagement and [having artists] work closely with the community, as well as international artists all over the world.


  • 希腊世界各地活动意在制造一个巨大浪潮强制实施气候变化条约

    Campaigners in Greece and across the world aim to create a huge wave of public pressure to force a new climate change treaty.


  • 周以来,世界各地观察J - 20重要性众说纷纭。

    For weeks, observers from all over the world have debated the J-20's significance.


  • 世界各地天才艺术设计的独特富含创意鞋子

    Unique and creative shoes designed by talented artists from around the world.


  • "开源"方式意谓世界各地企业可以下载该款汽车设计方案免费使用在本地制造双座原型汽车。

    The open-source approach means entrepreneurs around the world could download the designs and manufacture the two-seater prototype locally for free.


  • 一月开始为期个月的的冰雪节期间,哈尔滨用艺术设计配有彩灯的美丽冰雕喜迎来自世界各地游客。

    Artists create ice sculptures and combine them with coloured lights to make a beautiful display that people come from all over the world to see.


  • 汉斯-海尔先生创建于1949年利勃海尔公司已成为一拥有100余子公司的集团性企业, 子公司遍布世界各地拥有30,000多名员工集团公司的营业额达到100亿欧元

    LIEBHERR was founded in 1949 by Mr. Hans Liebherr and is today a whole group of more than 100 companies across the world with over 30, 000 employees. The Group's turnover reached 10 billion Euros.


  • 巴巴。万加以卓越的预言而著名,尽管并不预言诺查丹马斯著名,然而作为一个谦逊的、目不识丁保加利亚盲人成了世界各地头条新闻。

    Baba Vangas's prophecies made her famous; probably not as famous as Nostradamus, but still, for a humble, illiterate, blind Bulgarian she made headlines all over the world.


  • 其他25名来自世界各地艺术界娱乐界小组成员包括有大提琴演奏马友友慈善雷沙·海因茨,建筑索姆·摩尔以及芭蕾舞蹈达米恩·沃策尔。

    The 25 panel members from the world of arts and entertainment also include the cellist Yo-yo Ma, the philanthropist Teresa Heinz, Thom Moore, the architect and Damian Woetzel, a ballet dancer.


  • 近日英国威尔特郡,艺术布鲁斯·一百万张世界各地搜集的废弃光盘创作副巨大作品。整个作品看起来就像一个内陆海洋,闪闪发光。

    Recently, at Wiltshire, Britain, artist Bruce Munro used nearly one million unwanted Compact Discs from around the world to create a shimmering inland sea.


  • Eisteddfods国际音乐节期间,来自世界各地音乐文学艺术国际音乐艺术节上载歌载舞,尽兴发挥。

    In the International Eisteddfods, musicians, writers and guests from all over the world dance and sing in Llangollen.


  • 报告里,Finjan指出研究员发现某个伺服藏有巨大量40来自世界各地公司偷来商业个人资料

    In its report, Finjan said its researchers found a single server that housed a hefty pile of business and personal information stolen from 40 companies around the world.


  • 苏黎世会展中心约有70电视台进行实况报道在那里大约1000名来自世界各地记者此次盛会进行了报道

    Some 70 TV stations reported live from the official announcement at Zurich Exhibition Centre, where around 1,000 reporters from all over the world also covered the event.


  • Pride乐队好几音乐后来成了伴奏乐队成员,共同地,他们采用自己名字——沙黛(Sade);沙黛的读法一直困扰着世界各地电台DJ们。

    Several musicians in Pride became her backing band, and together they went by the name she used for herselfSade, pronounced “sha-DAY, ” to the consternation of radio d.j.s across the world.


  • 摄影师凯瑟琳•纽贝晶(Katherine Newbegin)就是这样一位艺术。她游历各国,捕捉世界各地闲置建筑物影像

    One such artist is Katherine Newbegin, a photographer who travels the world capturing images of empty buildings.


  • 不过麦克安德鲁女士在调查4000拍卖行5000名世界各地交易者后,发现一些细节,为我们呈现幅略微不同图景

    However, Ms MacAndrew who polled some 4,000 auction houses and 5,000 dealers worldwide as part of her research, has uncovered some details that present a slightly different picture.


  • 不过麦克安德鲁女士在调查4000拍卖行5000名世界各地交易者后,发现一些细节,为我们呈现幅略微不同图景

    However, Ms MacAndrew who polled some 4, 000 auction houses and 5, 000 dealers worldwide as part of her research, has uncovered some details that present a slightly different picture.


  • 为期3天英国发明展” 18顺利闭幕,来自世界各地的200多位发明展示自己创意

    More than 200 inventors worldwide displayed their ideas at the 3-day British invention Show that ended Sunday. Many of the inventions are those you never knew you needed.


  • 这个创意将影响世界各地城市规划者活动组织者狡猾企业无疑受此影响,这个主题进行一番变奏

    This one should inspire urban planners and event organizers worldwide, as well as artful entrepreneurs who can no doubt come up with variations on this theme.


  • 德国房地产调查机构数据显示,金融危机重创建筑业,迄今世界各地142座摩天楼停建,约占在建1324座摩天楼11%。

    Work has halted on 142, or 11%, of 1324 global skyscraper projects as the economic downturn impacts on construction, according to Emporis GmbH, a German real estate data mining company.


  • 德国房地产调查机构数据显示,金融危机重创建筑业,迄今世界各地142座摩天楼停建,约占在建1324座摩天楼11%。

    Work has halted on 142, or 11%, of 1324 global skyscraper projects as the economic downturn impacts on construction, according to Emporis GmbH, a German real estate data mining company.


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