• 10.IBM全球化视野用户可以世界各地访问服务利用或者自己所选择语言客户程序

    Figure 10. IBM's globalization vision: Users can access a server from anywhere in the world, using a client in the language of his or her choice.


  • 今天,包括美国电话电报公司维珍公司在内世界各地运营商,都他们的客户提供任意宽带接入式的语音网络技术服务

    Operators around the world, including AT&T and Verizon in America, also offer VoIP services which customers can use over any broadband connection.


  • 因此我们提供产品服务来自世界各地客户只要可能

    Hence, we provide products and services from across the globe to the customer, wherever he or she may be.


  • IBM的全球化视野:用户可以世界各地访问服务,利用他或者她自己所选择语言的客户程序。

    Figure shows how users can access a server from anywhere in the world.


  • 为迎合女性客户世界各地银行纷纷推出各种女性设计的产品服务。而这种香味信用卡就是其中种手段

    The scented CARDS are part of wave of ways Banks are targeting female customers, offering products and services geared specifically toward women.


  • 客户供应优质产品的同时,我们进一步世界各地一级大厂提供专业的技术与服务

    While supplying qualified products to our customers, We will further provide professional services for top ranking large factories all over the world.


  • 我们一个在线批发商致力于提供优质产品服务客户世界各地

    We are an online wholesaler dedicated to providing quality products and services to the customers all around the world.


  • 本着积极进取诚信经营”,世界各地客户提供优质产品服务客户携手合作,共创美好未来

    The spirit of "aggressive, integrity management" to customers around the world to provide quality products and services, customer work together to create a bright future!


  • 我们最近建立了我国现代新高装备沙迦阿联酋为了服务我们客户中东世界各地

    We recently established our new, modern and highly equipped factory in Sharjah, UAE in order to serve our customers in the Middle East and all over the world.


  • 此外罗韦世界各地的子公司这项服务更加贴近客户预计利用整个集团技术将产生额外的协同效应。

    Moreover ROVEMA's worldwide subsidiaries will bring this service even closer to the customer. Additional synergy effects are expected from leveraging technologies across the group.


  • 我们提供优质服务出口世界各地满足客户的特定需求

    We providing quality export service world-wide to meet customers specific needs.


  • 轴承质量竞争力价格,交货快捷良好售后服务”的想法我们欢迎广大客户来自世界各地来访

    Bearing "good quality, competitive prices, fast delivery, and good after-sales service" in mind, we welcome customers from all over the world to visit us.


  • 世界各地客户高度评价BBTLED产品专业服务

    Customers all over the world speak highly of BBT LED products and professional service.


  • 我们期望服务我们客户社会,我们欢迎世界各地的业务伙伴我司参观、合作,共创美好未来

    We are looking forward to service our customers, our community. We welcome all business partners to come to visit us and jointly develop the good future.


  • 瑞银全球规模金融服务机构之一服务世界各地要求严谨的客户业务遍及全球注重增长

    UBS is one of the world's leading financial firms, serving a discerning international client base. Its business, global in scale, is focused on growth.


  • 我们世界各地经营产品服务满足当地市场客户客户需求

    We in the world of the products and services to meet the market customers and customer demand.


  • 公司服务遍布世界各地公司所有员工共同努力之下逐步迈向世界品牌行列客户提供更好服务

    Company's services are found all over the world. With the joint efforts of the whole staff, we are gradually moving towards the ranks of the world's brands to provide customers with better service.


  • 长期以来公司客户遍布世界各地,精良质量优良服务赢得了广大的客户和同行的信任认可

    Since the foundation, our customers came from all over the world. Good quality and good service won the trust and approval of the customers and the suppliers of the same trade.


  • 类型证明了公务员外国军事客户青睐成为2014年许多留在服务世界各地一些国家

    The type also proved popular in civil service and with foreign military customers, as of 2014 many remain in service in a number of nations around the world.


  • 每时我们本着尽心尽力成就”的经营宗旨世界各地客户提供卓越服务希望与奥瑞迪的每一次喜出望外

    Every moment, we have the spirit of "best, I am your success," business purposes. To provide quality services to customers around the world, and I hope you can make your ALL READY every overjoyed.


  • 雅纳一家集设计工程规划商业咨询为一体全球性公司世界各地客户提供多样化专业服务

    Arup is a global firm of designers, engineers, planners and business consultants, providing a diverse range of professional services to clients around the world.


  • 客户要求我们全球提供一致产品服务特别是现在有很多跨国公司同时世界各地聘请我们贝恩的员工

    Clients demand a consistent global product and approach, especially as many multinational companies engage Bain staff in multiple countries simultaneously.


  • 每天我们世界各地的2265名专业员工客户提供安全准时服务

    We deliver the client's product safely and on time by more than 2265 professional employee everyday globally.


  • 我们产品远销世界各地始终坚持客户提供最好的产品服务

    Our products are sold all over the world, always adhere to provide customers with best products and services.


  • 专业服务可靠的信用,得到遍布世界各地众多客户信赖

    Our competitive price offering, experience, and reliability have won confidence and goodwill among our clients across world.


  • 我们理念运用世界一流技术铁路轨道提供维修设计制造服务因此我们世界各地拥有了基于超过125条铁路全球客户群。

    Our philosophy of applying world class technology to railway track maintenance design, manufacturing, and service has led to a global customer base of more than 125 railways throughout the world.


  • 上海世源广告有限公司致力于中国客户以及世界各地外国朋友提供优质的服务

    Shanghai Boshiyuan Advertising is devoted to providing the best services to clients inside China and to our foreign partners around the world.


  • 作为世界国际性公司之一,英杰华集团全球范围内共有60,000名员工世界各地3,000万个客户提供优质金融保险服务

    As the world's most international companies, Aviva Group, a global total of 60,000 employees around the world about 30 million customers to provide quality financial and insurance services.


  • 作为世界国际性公司之一,英杰华集团全球范围内共有60,000名员工世界各地3,000万个客户提供优质金融保险服务

    As the world's most international companies, Aviva Group, a global total of 60,000 employees around the world about 30 million customers to provide quality financial and insurance services.


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